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About phrakture

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. phrakture


    I PM'd this charming fellow and asked him for help near NWAF. My buddy and I both broke our legs getting attacked by zombies and he gave us two morphine and we gave him a can of food. Really classy for him to do that, much respect to you sir.
  2. phrakture

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a medic near NWAF, got a broken leg whilst fighting off 30 zombies and have been crawling east from the deer stand. Need morphine and food/water if possible. If anyone can help I have an antibiotic that I don't need, it's yours if you want. steam name: proxx24 skype: phrakture24
  3. Sent. Idk why you weren't able to add me though, odd..
  4. I'm 21 and looking for mature players to play with (18+ please). I'm easy going and have plenty of gaming experience, even some ArmA 2 experience, so I should pick the mod up fairly quickly. Just want some good company to go scouring the game with. My skype is phrakture24 and my steam is proxx24, just shoot me a tell if you're interested.