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  1. We're still not experiencing any further issues, everything's running great off same external port & IP, sorry
  2. 95208 continues to work for us without issues, seems to be resolved
  3. No, that's not how networking works. Even with a switch, all it's doing is assigning more internal IPs to your devices through your router (or whatever device is handing out IPs). Your ISP will only give you 1 external IP per line you have with them. The only other option is to VPN tunnel through another machine outside of your network.
  4. 95168 has fixed the issue for us: ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95168.zip You have to join a server running version 95170
  5. That wouldn't change your external IP as you're still connecting through the same gateway, it just sounds like you're on an older version, really lucky, or the server you're playing on is not enforcing duplicate IP rules.
  6. Yea, I created this thread right before seeing yours: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37535-wait-for-host-error/ We're in the same exact boat, whoever connects first can play, the second person just gets stuck on "Wait for host", even after leaving, it takes about 5mins before the second person can join the server. I just tried connecting to the same server as my roommate through my phone, and it worked fine albeit my ping was quite.. spectacular. I'm going to see about setting up a VPN until this gets resolved, I'll PM you details for it if the lag is not too bad
  7. Yea we did that earlier, still same issue, we're on 95099 and got the new battleye from the battleeye site. For kicks I connected through my phone and it all went well, confirming it's a same-external IP issue that's suddenly been introduced to ArmA2
  8. My roommate and I are having the same issue, started happening after we upgraded from patch 94876, but downgrading both the patch and battleeye has yet to fix it. Still trying to find a solution, we've never had any issue of the sort before and have been playing DayZ on the same setup for about a week prior to this cropping up.
  9. My roommate and I suddenly get stuck on "Wait for host" if we join a server after one of us gets in first. This has started happening since moving up from beta patch 94876 and the new battleeye client. We've tried re-downgrading to that patch and getting rid of battleeye and the cached version and joining older servers, but no go. Whoever joins first always gets in no problem and can play, and then the other one of us just gets stuck at "Wait for host". If they then leave, it takes about 5mins before the second person can join, after which, the first person will get stuck on "Wait for host". I'm assuming it's an issue to do with the fact we're connecting from the same IP, even though we have our own CD Keys we bought through Steam on different accounts. Any help would be appreciated