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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Thanks, I'll start stashing my stuff before going someplace dangerous from now on. Too many people who have twitchy trigger fingers out there. Alright..I dropped my stuff but my body's duration outlasted my equipment that I placed on the ground. Lucky I only had a compass, watch, Enfield, 50 rounds of ammunition, an M1911 and 30 5 clips, and survival gear..so it's not a massive loss, but it still sucks..D:
  2. What a terrible team of snipers, they had every advantage and they got owned so badly.
  3. I'm in the same boat. There is just no way to let people know you are not hostile without getting to 50m or less in range, which is quite rare and very dangerous. Even worse are the murders who claim friendly because they are in a disadvantageous position or without a weapon or ammo. Once they overcome this they are all too happy to betray you and kill you with your back turned.
  4. 90% of these so called "bandits" are just killers out to ruin someone else's day and don't care about it.
  5. Name: Barack Obama In game name: Cheeseburger (Friendly) Age: 24 Skills: Loyalty, sharing, patience for positioning, and reasonable accuracy with a firearm. I can nail a target with 1 hit accuracy at 650m with an Enfield, and can reach out to 850m with 1-4 attempts. I'm not too good when it comes to infiltrating a city or village that is heavily infested with zombies though, but i'd be great at overlooking the situation to make sure no bandits stumble upon someone who sweeps the village for loot. Awesomeness: 5. I'm not much of a bragger, I have good situational awareness and reasonable accuracy. I'm not good in a conversation, but a rifle, and ammunition is enough to keep me happy. When it comes to DayZ I'm still a noob, but not a total noob at this point. I know to hunt for food, take the paths least used, and not to siloet myself on a hilltop. I've played for 3 days now an I've only died once in PvP which in my defence shouldn't count. I came across an afk player at night and after searching the nearby piles for loot I went back on my way, only to get shot on my way down a ladder by him. My average life should be around 6 hours long of continuous play. (about a day and a half of non-continuous) I've never fired first and go to great lengths to avoid unnecessary engagements, although at this point I'm not to sure what to think of the world.
  6. I'd love to team up, I'm really new too but I managed to learn quite a bit in my first two days.
  7. While making my way to the airfield I came across a village that was being looted by a survivor with an axe. He was 200m away and I held the high ground with my Lee Enfield and binoculars. I was contemplating moving up to him and asking if he was friendly since I didn't think he had more than a melee weapon and I was pretty tired of being alone. I got within 100m before a gunshot was fired, but not at me as there was no snap. I decided to back up because the risk was too great that they might be hostile, and it was far better to just let them plunder the village and keep going it alone. After a bit of time I got back to 200m, but they apparently noticed me because just as i was crawling back into the woods I saw not one, but two at 47m to my front coming up the hill which came as a shock. I called out "friendly"? for no reply, I held my ground and waited. The silence was broken by one of them shooting me with an Enfield that missed. I returned fire with four Enfield shots killing one and incapacitating the other. I looted their bodies and they seemed pretty well organized considering their gear, but I always wondered if i handled myself properly. They did shoot first, and I did call out friendly- but why take the time to crawl up to my position if they where just going to be hostile? It's only my 2nd day playing, and i'm trying not to contribute to the mass killings taking place against other players.
  8. I think it adds to the atmosphere, If i ran into someone in every village I'd never make it to the other side of the map.
  9. No other engine can produce what the Arma engine can. You would sacrifice the size of the map and bullet physics in exchange for more precise AI and more particles.
  10. yankee_1776@live.com


    Well the Lee Enfield gets 700m pretty well, although 850m is just out of my range (just as well, it's virtually impossible to see at that range.) Snipers around the city are normal, but by the airfield is just a dick move, it takes a good 3 hours at least to reach it and to be picked off in the final stretch is just terrible. Always follow the three rules for entering any settlement: 1. Zombie spawn. Zombies don't spawn until a player comes near the area, as stay a good 500m away and look for zombies. If there are zombies get a good vantage point and just sit tight and watch for people. Not all people are bandits, but when you have a lot invested into a character people tend to be twitchy to shoot at anything they perceive as a possible threat. 2. Scout. always scout the perimeter around the big loot locations. Not only does this put you in an advantageous position should anything happen, but you may discover that the village has no indoor places for loot and thus save you the trouble of going down.Always check out the hills around town, ask yourself where a good sniping position would be for a bandit who wants to get a shot off at someone and stay covered against possible return fire. 3. Never use the roads. The roads are the primary location bandits will watch. Always come from an area that isn't expected, such as a Vally or hill. Approach places from the flank and for Gods sake assume you will be in a firefight at all times. Stay away from silhouetted areas and move from cover to cover, but prioritise constant concealment. Use treelines to get as close as you can before the last stretch. There are only a few really dangerous locations that are constant, high loot areas, particularly the coast. People already spawn there so it allows bandits to have a higher density of targets to shoot at and death is not very consequential given the short period it takes to get back to the city. The airfield is another hazard zone, but given the distance it's not nearly as constant as the coastal cities. Remember to never let your guard down, avoid traveling on roads but keeping them in sight will help prevent you from getting lost. I travel on the hills around the roads and avoid open ground. Assume hostility from everyone, but that doesn't mean they are. Avoid fights if you can, you don't need to be a bandit, but it's far safer to just let someone else be than try to contact them.