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About JesseB954

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thank you!! This works for me too, I really hope they manage to resolve this though. I'm glad I wasn't alone in my troubles.
  2. So I suppose no one really has a solution to this. :(
  3. Huh, I want to try that. Which loading screen?
  4. So I can't understand why this issue happens. I had installed DayZ at a friends house because the connection at my home was rather poor. (60kbs) But I never encountered a problem like this at his house. When I set up my computer at home, I was able to run and play DayZ normally on the first day. But then then the next day, in connecting to a specific server (the receiving mission data step), I lost connection completely, and my router had apparently lost access to the internet as well. It came back after five minutes, however this is now a trend. I can't connect to any DayZ servers because it temporarily stunts my internet connection. Yes I understand this is also technically a problem with the overarching Arma servers, but I just can't understand the problem. I can run any other game perfectly, and even if I did lose connection, it would be due to the poor quality of Internet I have, not because the game shorted my connection out. I've tried looking everywhere but this problem is so weird!! Help meee please!!!