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Everything posted by zhrooms

  1. zhrooms

    Day Z Videos

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's been 36 Hours + 5 Hours, Vipeax was last seen online 7 Hours ago, and Rocket logged in first time today 1 hour ago, and the 36 Hours ETA happened 5 Hours ago.. that means Rocket logged in 4 Hours after the 36 Hour ETA.. and he didn't even post anything, just logged again I'm loosing my fucking mind.
  3. You didn't miss anything, rocket just came online tho, he was last online on the forums 14:00 (14:18 now), before that he hadn't been online for like 12 hours. So hopefully he's gonna post soon.
  4. Been 37.5 Hours now, sitting here ready with my G940 Flight System and TrackIR 5, soon I'm gonna:
  5. Rocket Last Active Today, (8 Hours ago) Vipeax Last Active Today, (3.5 Hours ago) Waiting for an new post by any of them
  6. Nope. Helicopters are not online yet. Also the servers have to restart for the changes to take effect. At this second I can find hundreds of servers online with (Old) If I got this right, they won't work when the fix goes live. That means either we won't find any old servers, or find them without players.. then they have updated the Database/Hive. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. Turn on Anti Aliasing and it's fixed. GTX580 SLI, v1.7.2.4, OA BETA 95417 and Nvidia Beta Driver 304.79 Anti-Aliasing: Disabled = Graphical Glitches in Towns Anti-Aliasing: Low/Normal/High/Very High = No Graphical Glitches
  8. I get graphical glitches when using Anti Aliasing: Disabled, every other setting removes the glitching completely. L2 not play at lowest noob settings
  9. Edit: Helicopters are getting enabled in ~36 Hours from now, there will be a new statement tomorrow. Official Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/
  10. zhrooms

    Helicopter Status? (v1.7.2.4)

    Ye thanks for the link.
  11. zhrooms

    Helicopter Status? (v1.7.2.4)

    Nowhere, talked to admins about it.
  12. I tried the patch now on an swedish server, worked perfectly, new loading screen, faster loading (maybe) and no graphical glitches (GTX580 SLI) in Chernogorsk Just waiting for the damn choppers! Got an Rotor, Engine, Fuel Tank, 3x Scrap Metal, Windscreen and a Jerry Can on me, it just have to spawn!!1 *rage*
  13. Helicopters are NOT enabled.. yet
  14. zhrooms

    has the L85 been removed from the game properly?

    Have they officially removed it? I've missed the news in that case.
  15. zhrooms

    DayZ - Video *Removed*

    "Starting a fresh life".. you haven't even finished watching the video, at the end it's showing me having 58 Murders and 6 Bandit Kills Nope, I thought the second flashlight was just bugged from the first person. And when I first saw the flashlight my first thought was that it most likely would be an unarmed coast player running north without a weapon. Why would I need a sidearm when I have an M4A1 CCO SD equipped with 7 Mags and an M107 with 3 Mags in my backpack? GPS is the only thing you need in your toolbelt. (GPS = Map + Compass + GPS) I carry only what I need, nothing more. Yes, obviously I got the Ghillie from a tent. And I didn't "raid" any tents, I have my own.
  16. zhrooms

    [VIDEO] Close Quarters Cherno PvP | Bizon PP-19 SD

    Dude he said they had the _SAME_ gear, which could easily be explained by duping a tent, one guy has all the gear.. puts it into a tent, then his friend picks up the _same_ things. "Most likely" they duped it.
  17. zhrooms

    DayZ - Video *Removed*

    Did you even watch it? Easy to get my items.. The way I entered combat was exactly as you should do, I didn't even know there was a second guy, that's why you see me zooming in on the second guy since I had no clue he was there, I thought it was his flashlight that bugged when he died. Unarmed? First guy had an M16 and second guy NVG's and a M24. I would hardly call that "Unarmed" coast newbs.
  18. zhrooms

    [VIDEO] Close Quarters Cherno PvP | Bizon PP-19 SD

    I'm getting tired of these stupid hacker accusations all the time, you are a bad player, really. You don't use third person in close combat when you know WHERE they are, only when you don't know where they are. And you don't run out like an idiot for no reason.. you were so lucky that they were bad players as well The gear they had wasn't even impressive.
  19. zhrooms

    DayZ - Video *Removed*

    M107 in Backpack with 3 Mags, 2 more M4 SD Mags and another Cooked Meat/Water Bottle "Carry only what you need" Also maybe interesting, it was 500 meters outside Chernogorsk, when I ran towards the city I noticed the flashlight in the forest.
  20. They didn't cheat, you failed.