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Rock (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Rock (DayZ)

  1. Rock (DayZ)

    Best day in DayZ

    My new favorite DayZ experience happend just a few days ago. Me and my friend Nate had decided to head up to the NWAF once again. This would be our second trip there, hoping to aquire some better weapons, or a pair of the fabled NVGs. Our last trip had resulted in being overrun by the dead, along with two friendly players we'd met along the way, and barely escaping with our lives. Since we'd used all our supplies in the escape, Nate and the other two died from a wandering group after I volunteered to find supplies. Being the sole survivor is kind of depressing. Having enough food to make it to the AF, but not back, we stopped in Zelenogorsk to raid the suermarket and make sure we had enough supplies for a round trip. We had done the same about 30 minutes earlier in Balota, where we'd encountered a player name Buddy (not exact, but I can't remember his actual name) in the control tower. I fired on him, and gotten him pretty good, but he alt-f4'd before he actually died. We took stock of our ammo, and headed into the Zeleno supermarket for our food. I checked the player list. Perhaps 4-5 other players were on, including Buddy. Aparently he'd logged back in when he felt safe. It was the dead of night upon entering. I tossed a flare out into the parking lot, not on our exact position, but enough to give us light to see by. Our first mistake. We had been virtually undetected by the dead on our way in, and were cleaning the store of all its essential supplies when Nate complained about not being able to see in the back. Without waiting, he threw a flare of his own directly on to our position, inside the store. "Goddamnit Nate, we're still in here!" I swore at him, moving into the back along with him. Telling him to take what he needed fast, so we could get out soon, he followed me into the small room at the back of the supermarket. I had my Glock 17 trained on the outside, when the muzzle of a silenced M4 poked through the doorway leading back into the store. The assailant was wearing a bandit skin and had a bead on Nate, pulling the trigger and sending hot lead into my friend at close range. I opened up on him, emptying half of my magazine into his chest before he turned and ran. During the initial moments of his ambush, he'd also hit me with a few rounds. Giving chase, I saw him again and put another 5-6 rounds into him before he escaped into the front of the store. Shit, is he still alive? I didn't see him die. I screamed "We got company!" as Nate jacked another shell into his Remington. Then the bandit's friends opened fire. From outside the store it seemed as if every player on the server was out to get us. I yanked out my AKM as zombies began to pour in through all entrances, with the aditional hazard of hot lead coming from all directions. No sense in stealth now, I told myself. I went full auto on the deadheads filing through the doors, seeing no other option to keep us from being trapped. The back of the store was small and cramped even when it was empty, so having legions of the undead fill it would make movement impossible. Nate and I fought our way to the other side of the store, still holding out in back. Nate was far more wounded that I was, so he covered me with his shotgun as I bandaged him. Then, from outside, another of the bandits took aim on us. Going prone and shooting into the store through the slit windows in back, the bandit took Nate across the chest with a long burst from his Kobra. I stood, taking a hit or two myself as I returned fire. Bullets pinged into the wall around me, as more zombies shuffled in to finish us off. Nate fell unconcious, just as the last of my rounds slammed through the bandit's skull and left him bleeding and dead in the dirt as the zombies finally swarmed him as well. Then the death message: Buddy has been killed. The sonofabitch and his friends must have followed us from Balota after I shot him up! I bandaged myself in the small room as 5-6 zombies came through the doors, Nate unconcious beside me. I dropped two, maybe three before I realized that the entire city was converging on our position. I looked to Nate, laying there, bleeding. Then to the zombies shuffling in. Then to the door leading back into the front of the store. Ok, I thought to myself. It's either be eaten alive trying to save Nate, or run for the door and take my chances with the bandits. I didn't have time to think. It's the hard choices like these that decide who makes it in the apocalypse. Oh, fuck me. "I'm sorry Nate. There's too many." I sprint for the momentarily clear door to the front of the supermarket, as the undead converge on Nate's unmoving form less than seconds after I flee. He begins screaming as dead teeth rip into him. The sounds of his crys were blocked out almost instantly by more gunfire. The dead, fast outside the building, had converged on the remaining bandits. I spyed one in the parking lot, crouched and bandaging with his back to me. I reloaded my empty Glock and let loose. The rounds tore into his back and, unable to finish his bandaging, he regained his senses and fled around the corner. Almost immediately, I heard him scream. He must have been surrounded by zombies, and taken down. Time to get the fuck out of here, I thought. Nate was dead. The store was swarming with deadheads. I'd been shot up good. I limped out the front, and prayed that the remaining bandits would be too busy dealing with the horde to worry about chasing me down. Beginning to sprint to the forest south of town, a lone zombie picked up my scent and followed me. Barely making it into the forest, I turned to face my lone pursuer. In the dead of night, I missed my first, and only, shot. The dead bastard hit me, and with my blood loss, my leg broke. On the ground he hit me again, sending me into unconciousness. As I lay there, the zombie beginning to eat me, I gave up. This is it, I told myself. A good run, but aparently not good enough. Then I heard a call. "Friendly!" the man screamed, silently dispatching the zombie attacking me. Coming back to conciousness a few seconds later, I was startled to find my saviour wearing a bandit skin. After assuring me he truly was friendly, I asked if he had bandages to stop my bleeding. He said no, but gave me a blood transfusion to keep me from dying on him. Taking me to the middle of the field I had just fled across, he revealed two bodies to me. Both were bandits, shot dead. "I saw these guys hauling as toward the forest I found you in," he informed me. "After that giant shootout I heard down there, I didn't wanna take any chances, so I took'em out." I realized that these two must have been the friends of the bandits that died down in Zeleno, as well as that my new friend had just saved my life twice in 5 minutes. When I asked him if he was hurt, he informed me he'd been shot a few times during the scuffle. I told him Nate and I had been ambushed, that I'd killed one and heard another die. He asked where Nate was, and told him that there had been no choice when I left him behind. We went back down to the supermarket to salvage items from the bodies. I told him to take everything he wanted. He could get first pick on all the bodies after saving my life. I took what I needed to get back down to the coast, maybe find a hospital and patch myself up the rest of the way. I was low on ammo and meds, but had plenty of food. Ironic, that the food we needed for our survival ended up being Nate's death. I told my saviour that I would be heading out now, preferably alone. I needed to get back down to the coast, find Nate, find more ammo...all the usual things. But before I left, he asked me one thing. "You got any STANAG mags, partner? I'm running a little low." I answered no, thinking nothing of it until my friend turned around. There, on his back, was his weapon. The weapon he'd used to save me, and kill the bandits who chased me to the forest. A silenced M4. I backed slowly out, keeping an eye on him and the supermarket as I vanished south toward the coast.
  2. Rock (DayZ)

    My first Heli crash site

    I remember my first heli crash site. Me and my friend were making our way from Elektro to NWAF, but had to clear out of Elektro before we could gather enough medical supplies. By the time we got halfway there we had one bandage between the two of us. Low on blood, and almsot everything else, we started to head back. running through the first field on our way back, we encountered a crashed heli. Clearing out the deadheads in the area, we proceeded to plunder one of its boxes for meds, finding enough to see us to our destination. Damn zombies nearly killed us as we were going through the boxes though. We didn't know they respawned so fast.
  3. Rock (DayZ)

    Your Final Words Before Death

  4. Rock (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Creepy stuff here. Don't think I can ever play on a night server again, even though I THOUGHT I had conquered that fear...
  5. Rock (DayZ)

    What makes you kill?

    Usually KOS, but I manage to avoid others most of the time. Just wish I didn't have to, because making friends in this game can be really fun. Me and my friend found a guy at NWAF, and we teamed up with him and had a good time. He never turned on us or anything after we began talking. Hell, I even saved his life by dragging him out of the fire station, through the zombie horde, and to shelter where i revived him and gave blood. We let him have a fair share of the loot, and he even got a Coyote Backpack when we found it. The three of us ran out of food and meds, fled north, and nearly starved. I even volunteered to go to Vybor for food, just to save him. Too bad he got killed, and my friend was severely injured when they went to scavenge Grishino after I left for Vybor.
  6. Rock (DayZ)

    The Kind of Hackers I Love

    Yeah, hacking is bad, but you can't stop everyone. If the people that do it woould do more fun things like THIS, though, instead of scripting themselves invisible/godhood/duped weapons etc, it'd be alot more bearable, and, hell, even amusing at times.
  7. Good job on taking that guy down Regulators. I'm friends with PandaPudding (a member of your clan) and he really enjoys being a part of it. When he and I aren't adventuring together, he's off in the cities helping new spawns and the like. Keep up the good work guys!
  8. Rock (DayZ)

    hacking + war z connection conspiracy

    I bet the WarZ developers are also the ones who assassinated Elvis from the Grassy Knoll at Pearl Harbor! We must delete this thread, they'll silence ALL of us once they learn that we know!
  9. Rock (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    If only all hackers were content to do scary things to us on night servers, we'd all like them a lot more! They'd be putting the horror into this zombie apocalypse!
  10. Very long, but interesting to read post. I agree wholeheartedly about your points on the so-called "perma death" that DayZ claims to have. The only true differences between lives are the cosmetics of the character that you now have on the coast, with the off-site storage providing them with everything they need again like they called in a military aridrop. Even I, as a player who DOESN'T use any form of offsite storage whatsoever, can run into one of the larger towns and re-gear in the span of an hour. Even when I die, or my gear gets glitched away, I don't care because of how easy it is to get myself ready again. Yes, I don't have the "top of the line" equipment from military bases, but I always get my basic rifle, food, water, map, and other tools very quickly. Just two days ago the serer claimedI was killed (Death message as soon as I logged in, but was teleported to the debug plains), took away all my gear, my map, hunting knife, hatchet, alice pack, winchester, revolver, quite literally EVERYTHING I had. I was essentially dead, just with my character's hundred-odd zombie kills and four days survived, and around the 4k blood I had last time I logged in, where as a new spawn would have had 12k. Even a new spawn had more gear than I did. Appeared in Otmel, said "fuck it", and was riding high in elektro in the next hour with gear that equated to or surpassed everything I had lost. Introduction of skill sets would really make the whole perma-death hit closer to home, making us truly care if our current character lives or dies in a firefight. It makes you care about others in your group as well, if they have skills you don't. Having other characters, not your own, that you care about can truly make a realistic group experience. What if the one person who can perform blood transfusions dies in a firefight? What happens when the two characters good at wilderness survival (eg, hunting animals, making fires, cooking meat for the group) are swarmed by deadheads when they went too close to a town? The group would change drastically without a medic to patch up wounds, or without hunters to bring in food. Truck breaks down outside of Vybor, but your mechanic gets killed in the factory looking for replacement parts? Suddenly you have no car, as the doctor, or the sharpshooter wouldn't be able to reassemble the engine block, or patch up the leaky fuel tank. Why would anyone care if the mechanic died if they could all do the exact same things right after spawning? While drastically changing he group's style of play with the death of one character can be a real turn-off to others, I would personally welcome actually having to watch my partner's back not because I like him, but because I need him. Sorry for the long post, just my thoughts on the "skill sets" mechanic you suggested.
  11. If you're reading this Joe, I'd like to say thanks again for running me those antibiotics, even though it was the dead of night in the middle of Cherno. Saved my life. And on a side note, don't trust PandaPudding. He wanted to kill you for your ghillie suit but I stopped him. Thanks again man, you can count on Rock anytime.
  12. Rock (DayZ)

    Shoutout to the Axeman!

    Because he saved my life! ...and it's lonely in Chernarus.
  13. Don't take the chance. Hot video game loving girls are more rare than that coyote pack you have, sir. *prepares to commit sepuku before female forum users read post*
  14. Rock (DayZ)

    Hmm, dearstands

    Anytime friend! But to be serious now, it might be a glitch? This has happened to me too, but with normal loot spawns in the towns instead of deerstands. Went to elektro and found almost nothing after searching the bar, office building, supermarket AND the church. Trekked all the way up to thee NWAF and found nothing but an assault pack in the barracks. I find it hard to believe that someone else got to ALL the spawns first and took EVERYTHING, as there were only two people on the server including myself. I share your pain.
  15. Depending on how far it is, you should be able to do it, because even if you do still lose your things while swimming, it isn't instantaneous. Now, i've only done it once, but it was more like a gradual leeching of my supplies, but I didn't swim for very long either so i might just me insane.
  16. Rock (DayZ)

    Hmm, dearstands

  17. Aparently you can't anymore. "Oh no, ammo doesn't refill on logout! Where'd all the realism go?!"
  18. Rock (DayZ)

    A novel idea, unique even.

    HIV ridden? I'll have you know I was checked last week and it came back clean. So fart on YOU, sir. Good day.
  19. Rock (DayZ)

    I hate everything

    You were a kid once too dude. Empathy for those of us who AREN'T dumbasses?
  20. Rock (DayZ)

    I hate everything

    They must be Cultists performing a ritual sacrifice in order to propogate the numbers of the infected and cleanse the land of those who don't believe. Best of luck friend!
  21. Rock (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Is Mountain Dew really cursed? I heard that it is and the only way to rid yourself of it is to go back to That Mountain Also, answer quick. The cursed soft drink in my Alice Pack is emitting a strange growling noise D:
  22. Rock (DayZ)

    Mountain Dew?

    Wait, Mountain Dew is cursed? Aw shit, I just picked up one in elektro less than an hour ago... Off to Green Mountain again I guess. Fuck me.
  23. I'd like to be able to become zombified. When low on blood, there can be a small chance for you to be infected with the virus when hit by a zombie. You could slowly lose blood until you hit zero, fall down, and zombify. Kind of a bitch, but this game of all games deserves to be one. It'd be interesting for other players to see a zombified player in the middle of a horde and have to ask themselves "Does he have any good loot on im? Is it worth taking out all those other deadheads?" Assuming of course that your zombified body would retain all/some of the gear you died with, it could add a new, if somewhat small, dynamic to looting/gearing up.
  24. Rock (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    My two buddies ran into some weird stuff two nights ago. It was Nate, who you may have read about when I went to Green Mountain with him, and Shawn, a relatively new player enjoying the mod greatly. After escaping from GM that night, I logged out in the forest on the hillside there while Nate went into Zelenogorsk for food and stuff. He went down south to find Shawn and bring him back up north so we could hit one of the airfields the next day and get some good gear, none of us having been farther north than Berezino before. The two of them were making their way up north, while I hadn't even logged in yet because they had a long way to go. Remember, they told me most of this so it might not be as accurate as if I had been there. Anyways, they meet this guy with nothing but a hatchet north of Cherno, and after a tense standoff they decided to team up. Plenty of loot for four people, right? Heading further north and west, night falls quickly and they begin to travel through the countryside as opposed to the roads, avoiding cties until they hit Zeleno. In the Zeleno supermarket, they ran into another player looking for food. They said that the guy begged for his life, and after going through his pack they found no weapons. Taking his supplies, Nate and Shawn turned to leave when they heard a thump behind them. The guy they had met, with the hatchet, had buried it into the poor robbed soul's head as soon as they turned their backs! He hacked and hacked, with Nate and Shawn trying to tell him to stop but it was no use. Even after the guy was dead, this hatchet guy kept hacking until BLAM! Shawn put one right in his head and he dropped to the ground like a sack of hammers chained to a cinderblock. They left before the deadheads could show up and made their way to the southern GM forest to meet up with me. By this time I was preparing to log on, but someone else found them first. A small group of guys, heavily armed, pulled up in atruck a dozen or so feet in front of them on the road heading to GM. If I remember right, they said there were about five. The men got out, with two walking slowly up to Nate and Shawn with their weapons raised while the others spread out and covered the sides. Shawn and Nate duced into a ditch a few feet back, minimal cover. I think the conversation went something like this: Leader: We heard some shots down in Zeleno. You guys run into trouble? Nate: uh...yeah. We had to waste this guy down in the supermarket when he murdered some other player. You cna have the stuff on the bodies if you like, we didn't take it. Leader: One of these dead guys was unarmed, right? Nate: Yeah...you know him? Leader: He was running into town for us. You kill him? (before Nate or Shawn can answer) Fuck you guys! Shawn: Take'em! They said both sides opened fire, with the leader being hit first due to his close proximity to my friends. Not dead, one of his guys ran out and dragged him back while Shawn and Nate tried to crawl away in the dark. Nate stood up to cover Shawn, but took a hit and fell down. As Shawn turnedto try and drag him out of there, he looked up into the face of a dark figure. The dark figure raised a hatchet and yelled something, I forget what they said. Shawn was scared shitless when he immediately recognized the hatchet guy from the supermarket he'd killed. Then, the guys shooting turned the car to illuminate the ditch my friends were hiding in, and when the headlights passed over him the hatchet man seemed to vanish. A second later, the truck exploded and killed the man closest to it. Nate had regained conciousness by this time and was firing back into the crowd of guys. He killed one, but got hit again. Shawn stood, picked him up an carried him across the road but got hit in the legs by something ow caliber, but painful. He made it to the northern side of the road, where he applied morphine and bandages to himself and Nate. That's when I logged in. Having no idea what was going, I looked south to see the burning wreck in the distance. I took out my binocs and surveyed the firefight, seeing the strangest thing. It looked like a man, cased in shadow, darted above what I later learned to be Shawn and Nate's position in the ditch. From their angle, they saw the shadowy figure dart straight to the guy closest to them and begin hacking him to death with a hatchet. Both of them started running to the trees, knowing I had logged in and needing help. I had no idea it was them at the time, so I sat back and watched the spectale unfold from a safe distance. From my angle, I saw two figures (them) run into the trees to my right, which would have been west. About 30 seconds or so later, I heard screaming like never before. I threw a flare on the road, then another up a little farther because I had no idea where the noise was coming from. As I slowly sank back in to the dark foliage, two armed men dashed into the red glow from my first falre on the road. One screamed "It won't die dude!" while the other turned around and fired a birst of automatic fire into the direction of a third player walking up toward them. The two armed men dashed up the road, occasionally screaming, up to the radio tower compund on top of GM. That's about when the screams stopped, replaced with a few seconds of frantic gunfire and then silence. In the dark, both literally and figuratively, I looked back down to the third man. I noticed he had a hatchet in his hands and was slowly walking up the road in a calm fashion, following the two men, still alive at this point. Passing from the light of my first flare, it extinguished instantly as he left the light. The other flare was firther up the road, near the gates of GM, leaving a dark patch about 10-15 meters long between the two lights. That's where I was. The hatchet man never reappeared in the light of the second flare, and the gunfire stopped as soon as my first flare had gone out. I grew uneasy. Where was this axe man? He had to be somewhere in the dark space in front of me...waiting... Then a shout from behind me nearly made me dirty my pants. "Rock! Shit dude, ready for that transfusion?" I swung my weapon around, only to be staring right into Nate's face illuminated in the glow of a blue chemlight. I swung back around to the road, seeing only darkness. My other flare went out too. I threw another, directly in front of me. Nothing. Nate asked again about the transfusion, and seemed to be getting angry when I said I had no idea what he was talking about. His answer startled me. "You promised me a blood transfusion, like, a minute ago! Remember, we were running through the forest? Hey, where's Shawn?" I informed him tht I had been laying in this small patch of bushes since logging in, and had no blood bags on me. He grew slightly angrier when I told him I had no idea where Shawn was. He informed me of the firefight, and that he and Shawn had been split up when they ran into the trees to look for me. "C'mon man, you promised. When I ran into you, you took me to that bush and said you'd be back when you found Shawn. I've got like 2k blood left man, please?" Again, I told him I never moved. The only place we could look for Shawn was further up the mountain. I left Nate there with the last of my cooked meat and went up to find Shawn. Just at the perimeter of the GM facility he found me. "You ok Shawn?" "We're leaving." What if those guys are still here? I saw them run up this way and-" "They're gone. Trust me. We will be too if we don't fucking move!" I asked him what he saw inside, but he didn't answer. He only said he saw "it" when he went inside and tooksome meds off the corpses of the two men I saw running away from that person on the road. He carried Nate while I covered them, and we found a safe place to log out in. Nate and Shawn went back to the truck, scavenged the bodies, and came back before they got off. Shawn never exactly told us what "it" was. I probably should have told him about Green Mountain beforehand. Seems like a real bitch to learn that on your own.
  25. Rock (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need a medic near NWAF, need a transfusion but I don't have any blood bags on me. Steam ID: militaryrock EDIT: Nevermind, i got killed