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Everything posted by Kellexx

  1. Kellexx

    Got a question about nametags

    The nametags stay where you last see someone for a bit. This can make them very misleading at times. They don't show up through any objects or landscape. Sometimes you'll catch a glimpse of a tag through a tree, but that's it.
  2. Kellexx

    Should I just shoot everyone?

    You should react with the old fight-or-flight instinct. If you see / hear other people, either.. A. Sneak around and kill them or B. Stay away from them and do what you can to avoid being detected. If you see someone without a weapon, you don't have to worry much about them, but if they get close, they can take items out of your bag. Also, if you attack someone, expect other people to hear the shot(s) and come looking for you.
  3. Kellexx

    Non-threatening clothing

    Adding more clothing and customization options would be nice, but it wouldn't actually make you look less dangerous. You can kill people in any clothing you want.
  4. Kellexx

    A way to make "Humanity" Important

    So you'd just need friends to stand near you to stop you from getting the skin? Sounds useless.
  5. Kellexx

    Vending Machines / Regional Loot

    What you're describing sounds like you might as well be pitching a tent in the middle of a city to store goods in. Even with measures in place to make it more useful, this would just create a location for bandits to camp. EDIT: Twix, this really doesn't sound like a good idea. Overall, it doesn't add to the experience or particularly improve an aspect of the game. I'm just editing this post so as to avoid bumping the thread, letting it get buried.
  6. The ammo thing is a good idea. The blood bag thing doesn't seem useful. It's fairly easy to find blood bags and sharing your blood with a friend just makes both of you vulnerable to an attack. EDIT: As for non-lethal weapons, that's also a good idea.
  7. Kellexx

    The murderer problem

    Sandbox games don't need a purpose. Like Minecraft. There is no purpose or objective. You just do what you want to do. None of these ideas would work. Being unable to shoot another player is easily exploitable and punishing anyone for murdering doesn't help anyone who kills in self-defense.
  8. Kellexx

    Vending Machines / Regional Loot

    That.. that doesn't at all explain how the crate/vending machine idea you've posted would be useful. I wasn't saying it's weird because it's unrealistic. It's weird because it seems pointless.
  9. Kellexx

    How to discourage griefers

    This really wouldn't stop people from shooting other players. In almost every scenario, you have nothing to lose by killing another player and plenty to gain. This wouldn't discourage people from killing at all. All it would accomplish is punishing players who don't normally shoot on sight.
  10. Kellexx

    Vending Machines / Regional Loot

    The presence of vending machines in Fallout doesn't sound remotely similar to what you've described here. If vending machines were implemented in DayZ, they'd be like the ones in Fallout, where they have a couple sodas and that's it. This idea of stashing items in crates to create vending machines in a supermarket is weird and doesn't seem useful at all.
  11. I've only given this a minute or two to think on and here are problems that would happen which would require other regulations to mediate. Players would... 1. ...round up a bunch of zombies, then run into another survivor, training them onto the other person. 2. ...run up to other survivors and steal items out of their bag 3. ...blatantly run into valuable loot areas (Cherno, Elektro, NWAF, Starry, crash sites) to pick up items, then return to their friends or camp outside town 4. ...drop their weapons to become invincible when they see other players about to loot something they want 5. ...steal vehicles from other players, forcing them to damage/destroy their own vehicle I'm sure there are other ways it could be exploited. Overall, this is a bad idea. If you are unarmed, then everything you have should be easily obtainable. Don't QQ over a bandage and painkillers. If you have a hard time finding a weapon, then you're searching the wrong kind of buildings or something. Go to the military spawns in Cherno / Elektro (fire houses, military tents) or barns elsewhere. You can get by easily with just a hatchet and they're one of the easiest things to find.
  12. Kellexx

    Weekly Wipes

    Let me get this straight... you're concerned about people hacking and exploiting to get items, so you want to destroy everything that everyone has to stop this? That wouldn't help at all. Anyone with the script/hack tools can get their items instantly. If all the characters got wiped, they'd get geared out completely and then walk around shooting everyone that has a crappy shotgun or Makarov. If anything, wiping characters would benefit cheaters, not deter them. I agree that the hacked gear is a problem, but this wouldn't fix it at all.
  13. Kellexx

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Bohemia hasn't made any console games. So they'd have to hire a bunch of console developers or contract another company to port the game. They would also have to start hosting their own servers. They won't do any of that until they release the standalone copy of DayZ and determine if it would be worth the investment to port it to consoles. Also, the word "counsole" is not in American, Canadian, or British english. So where exactly are you from that spells it that way?