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About govnogaming

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    Ottawa, Ontario
  • Interests
    Fucking you, because you're worth it. And DayZ. Plus that eating, sleeping, and shitting thing.

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    17 y/o from Prince Edward Island, Canada. Been in Ottawa for 5 years now. Stalk me, baby.

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  1. I'd rather see the ability to create custom encampments (underground and buildings above, etc) and the ability to customize vehicles (upgrade your civilian offroad pickup truck white to one with a mounted m249 saw, etc) before adding in bullpup guns and all the work (reload anims, etc) that has to come with them.
  2. govnogaming

    [Contest] Mmm dat hackers!

    You get teleported to a hacker, killed, have all your shit blown up - and then, to put the icing on the cake, you get thunderdomed.
  3. govnogaming

    Respawning on the beach

    It's because you're connecting to servers that aren't using the same beta and/or version as you. Everyone should have BETA 95883 installed now (as no server that I know of can even install 95417 anymore). Whether or not you play on or is optional. We found that as long as you don't connect to a server with the wrong version of beta/mod, and you make sure you aren't desynced, you will respawn where you left off. No one on my server (US 2012) has had any problem with it.
  4. govnogaming

    Post your (real) desk!

    Give me your desktop and a camera so I can replicate that sexiness.. Please.. :(
  5. govnogaming

    DayZ - Engaging a group of people at the NW Airfield.

    Sweet, glad to have you as part of our community!
  6. govnogaming

    Proposed Trading Day

    http://freesidetrading.co/index.php?forums/freeside-trades.14/ << I'm pretty sure you're way behind the time, young one.
  7. govnogaming

    Best DayZ series Going

    He lied. He did die when he fell from the sky in the chopper. His murders went from 6 -> 1, lol.
  8. govnogaming

    My first Huey goes horribly wrong :'(

    If there's 1 thing red (including glass) the thing will leak. If you repair the majority of the glass, it won't leak very fast (about the same rate as fuel used per minute), but it will still weak. Also, I believe repairing the HitMissile will give more ammo - that's just my guess, we lost our helicopter before we could try.
  9. govnogaming

    "So you want hear a little story..."

    Great story, haha. Too bad it's true (especially the end).
  10. govnogaming

    Looking to trade rare loot, for a rangefinder

    I'll give you a rangefinder. I have all the gear I need, but I'm curious, what kind of weapons do you have to offer?
  11. govnogaming

    Battle on Sniper Hill - Video

    It is a DayZ item, however, it's not supposed to spawn yet. Chances are you killed several hackers there - M9SD with 5 SD mags spawning inside Elektro is so highly unlikely it makes me cringe, as well as finding range finders on regular people close by. Normally, only the snipers have rangefinders, gps, and nvgs in Elektro. Anyways, you did good and it was entertaining, so plus one to you. :)
  12. govnogaming

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    Apartments are residential - ghillie suits and camos can spawn in any residential spawn, whether it be the apartments, a school, or a simple brick house.
  13. govnogaming

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    Sure. I think you need to grow the fuck up and learn that pretty much everyone here is equal - anyone playing DayZ can get ghosted or found and ambushed at any time, that's life. I don't care about your MK48s and other shit gear, that's what happens when a partner and I go looking for maybe 20 minutes. You really need to learn some English and grammar too, by the way. Now do us all a favor and go back to whatever lame ass first person shooter you came from. No one around here needs a person who gets lucky to think they own the world.
  14. It just makes it harder for you to spot them. It's easier to spot the low-rez Ghillie suits than the survivor skins - just look for that darker green and the bush that shouldn't be there. This will just make your life a bit more hell. xD