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Everything posted by manglips

  1. manglips

    Free Stuff

    Sick of this game. Giving away my DMR, Glock17, NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS, and Motorcycle to the first person to have the balls to come meet me despite the fact that it could very well be a tarp. PM me for server and location.
  2. manglips

    Free Stuff

    US 1808. I dropped everything on the floor of the church in Elektro. I am the unarmed guy standing at the pulpit.
  3. manglips

    Free Stuff

    bump..... seriously no newbs want a free kit?
  4. Hey All, To watch the hilarity that ensues, I have hidden my red motorcycle (full fuel) somewhere in Cherno on US 1808. Finders Keepers!
  5. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Right, except you are talking about Chernaurus as a whole. I said that the motorcycle was in Cherno, which is just one city :)
  6. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    For your consideration http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/25/Half-Life_2_cover.jpg/256px-Half-Life_2_cover.jpg
  7. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Anybody else think that the actor from Breaking Bad in Hockey Guy's avatar above totally looks like Gordon Freeman? He should star in Half Life: The Movie. lol
  8. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Upon consulting the DayZDB map, I discovered that you are right.... sorry for doubting you. In any case, that is not where I hid it. lol
  9. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Didnt realize that the ocean was IN CHERNO. If I wanted to troll people, I wouldn't put MY motorcycle in the ocean!! Who the f*ck is that trolling except myself? lol
  10. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Within the city limits? Where...?
  11. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Know of many lakes in Cherno? I don't...
  12. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Wow I had no idea that Cherno was 223km square! It seems a lot smaller :0
  13. manglips

    Red Motorcycle Scavenger Hunt :)

    Yeah that was a total bust.... oh well. For the record it wasn't a trap, and the motorcycle was by the firestation :( Maybe I'll do it again later.
  14. I need a motorcycle on any US server and am willing to trade an SVD Camo for one. PM plz. Will have overwatch, have no problem with you doing the same.
  15. manglips

    Hitch a ride?

    Anybody heading up north from cherno/elektro area by car or chopper who would be willing to give me a lift? Happy to drop all guns to make you comfortable, just dont wanna run all the way back to my tent........
  16. manglips

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Any more rides today? :)
  17. manglips

    Trading a ghille suit

    Jffr ill do m107 for ghillie. Pm me
  18. Need NVG for night ops and have an extra M107. PM me if interested, thx :)
  19. There is a very simple way to avoid this... purchase your own server and you control the restarts. If that is not feasible then an equally effective measure would be to simply keep your helicopter parked on the ground.
  20. manglips

    Is it safe to take a ghillie suit now?

    No, you should absolutely not do that. In fact, give it to me and I'll properly dispose of it for you so that no one gets hurt.
  21. manglips

    It's a trap!

    how fun!
  22. I actually believe it is more shameful that there are people (mostly older people) who don't even know how to use a GPS and still depend on maps.... how friggin hard is it to learn how to use a GPS if you spend 30 minutes reading the directions or have someone show you? That being said I'll admit it is still silly to not know how to read maps as a backup in case your GPS battery dies or signal is lost or there is a zombie apocalypse. In which case most people under 40 would be screwed.
  23. No, they do not. Unless you are in Boy Scouts or ROTC, you will no longer learn that skill in American public schools.