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Everything posted by manglips

  1. manglips

    stuck in the ocean can't respawn

    Cruel hacker is cruel
  2. manglips

    my tent got crushed by nothing?

    the universe can sometimes be the biggest troll of all...
  3. manglips

    Sweet Revenge

    Be careful... just like players, doors are prone to sudden changes in loyalty patterns.
  4. manglips

    Quit Playing Alone!

    Just how newb is the "you" in question?
  5. On my way back down there now to find a ghillie suit and brutally murder anyone who tries to waylay me. Friendlies need not fear :)
  6. manglips

    Is there a way around this or not.

    Have you updated to the most recent version of arma 2 beta? That fixed it for me....
  7. manglips

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    Beans for a good observation. lol
  8. Absolutely! Just be careful crawling down those steps.... you might break a leg.
  9. Welcome to the dark side :) lol
  10. manglips

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    The issue with the miltary tents and firehouse in Cherno is not "being there" - its "getting there". You more likely to encounter hostile resistance (snipers, campers and regular players) when trying to get into cherno from your spawn point and make it to these loot spawns as opposed to spawning in Komarovo, Kamenka, Balota or Airstrip and getting over to the airstrip loot spawns. Am I wrong?
  11. manglips

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    To elaborate, the MP5, AK74 and M14 AIM were all found in the control tower, while the m1014 was found in one of the hangars. Also I found an m4a1 and a glock 17 in the military deer stands just nearby recently. The number of military loot spots between the deer stands and hangars and control tower are very competitive with the number of military loot spots in Cherno between the firehouse and military tents, but with considerably less risk of the dreaded "You are dead" screen. lol
  12. manglips

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    I always have great luck at this airstrip. The last 4 times I visited there I found a M1014, an AK74, an MP5SD6, and a M14 AIM respectively. Maybe just a string of good luck, but never left there empty handed in the last 4 visits as a fresh spawn.
  13. Would really like to get a ghillie without risking going into town :\
  14. Let me know if interested... I am near Bashnya (north of NW Airfield). Thanks :)
  15. manglips


  16. I am looking to pick up an m4a1 camo sd, my best tradeable asset is an M14 AIM. Anyone out there willing and able to make this trade?
  17. AMD 64 dualcore 3ghz 3gb ram Geforce 9600 GT Windows 7 pro Let me know, thanks!
  18. This was my final run in DayZ as I have found it to be simply too addicting. I decided to go out in style so I headed to the Northwest airfield. Found an M4A1 and 4 clips of SD ammo to keep zombies off at the barracks on Southwest side of the airfield. I was heading cautiously in the direction of the main tarmac when I heard shots fired from what sounded like an AK in the vicinity of the fire station. I pulled out my binoculars and sure enough I saw three of you making your way towards the control tower with a small horde chasing you. You all climbed to the top and stood shooting down as the zombies climbed up behind you. How unfortunate for me that I dropped my AS50 just moments ago to pick up the m4... it would have made things a lot easier. I shot about half a clip at one of you as you all fired down at the zombies, but to no avail as the range was too far. Since you were all three looking in the opposite direction of me, I decided to make a run for the building. I nearly made it undetected but one of you knuckleheads turned around and looked just in time. We exchanged fire with no hits, but the damage had be done - you knew you weren't alone at this point. Still hellbent on going out of my DayZ career on a high note, I creeped around to the front of the control tower and came inside. The zombies were about gone and I knew that I couldn't come to the top and have a prayer at killing you, so I hid under the stairs.... obvious much? lol. After 2 minutes of waiting the first one of you came down... He had an AKM in hand, came around the corner and took hot lead to the facial region, going down like a sack of bricks. I risked a quick loot and found that you had nothing of interest. I waited a bit longer, knowing that your comprades knew exactly where I was but not having much choice to move without getting shot in the rear. After 30-40 seconds (seemed like hours) one of you tried to come at me through the front door... but third-person-view betrayed your position and I dropped your poor arse with little difficulty. No chance to loot this time however, as I suddenly both heard and saw a bus going by the front of the building! Great. Not sure if it was just one of you in there or a few, but I knew it wasn't a good omen. I thought about coming out to greet you with guns blazing, but as I started to move I saw it - the barrel of an AK-74 mini glitching through the stairs above me. Maybe you were looking at me in third person, maybe you weren't... but either way I wasn't having it. I crouch-strafed out quickly and dispatched you as well - and much to my surprise you were a female character... I've never killed one of those before. I then went back to my hiding place under the stairs, drooling about the possibility of living through this whole ordeal (I had started it with 7900 blood and at 7900 blood I remained after the third kill). I even began to think about writing this triumphant story on the forum as I am right now... Unfortunately my daydreaming proved to be my downfall as I suddenly realized I wasn't pulled back behind the stairs far enough and took fire from your fourth and perhaps final team member (the bus driver?). His enfield dropped me quickly and finally - there was no getting up this time. And as I sit now poised to uninstall this amazingly addictive game, I reflect on all of the time I spent on it and smile knowing that this was easily the best and most exciting encounter I've ever had on this game. Truth be told, I'm glad you killed me... had I lived, there is no way I would have found another equally heart-pounding situation to ultimately meet my end. I just wish I knew how many more of you there were, and whether there was a nice bus sitting outside with my name on it, had I kept my focus and dropped your last man. I know for a fact I won't see you again in game, but should you happen to be readers of the forum, I would love to hear your perspective on this encounter. Either way, sorry for ruining your party and sending three of you back to the coast. At least you have a bus to come and pick you back up! Cheers, Manglips Like This Edit
  19. manglips

    DayZ Stories

    Dear Group of 4+ that I (almost) busted up a few minutes ago, This was my final run in DayZ as I have found it to be simply too addicting. I decided to go out in style so I headed to the Northwest airfield. Found an M4A1 and 4 clips of SD ammo to keep zombies off at the barracks on Southwest side of the airfield. I was heading cautiously in the direction of the main tarmac when I heard shots fired from what sounded like an AK in the vicinity of the fire station. I pulled out my binoculars and sure enough I saw three of you making your way towards the control tower with a small horde chasing you. You all climbed to the top and stood shooting down as the zombies climbed up behind you. How unfortunate for me that I dropped my AS50 just moments ago to pick up the m4... it would have made things a lot easier. I shot about half a clip at one of you as you all fired down at the zombies, but to no avail as the range was too far. Since you were all three looking in the opposite direction of me, I decided to make a run for the building. I nearly made it undetected but one of you knuckleheads turned around and looked just in time. We exchanged fire with no hits, but the damage had be done - you knew you weren't alone at this point. Still hellbent on going out of my DayZ career on a high note, I creeped around to the front of the control tower and came inside. The zombies were about gone and I knew that I couldn't come to the top and have a prayer at killing you, so I hid under the stairs.... obvious much? lol. After 2 minutes of waiting the first one of you came down... He had an AKM in hand, came around the corner and took hot lead to the facial region, going down like a sack of bricks. I risked a quick loot and found that you had nothing of interest. I waited a bit longer, knowing that your comprades knew exactly where I was but not having much choice to move without getting shot in the rear. After 30-40 seconds (seemed like hours) one of you tried to come at me through the front door... but third-person-view betrayed your position and I dropped your poor arse with little difficulty. No chance to loot this time however, as I suddenly both heard and saw a bus going by the front of the building! Great. Not sure if it was just one of you in there or a few, but I knew it wasn't a good omen. I thought about coming out to greet you with guns blazing, but as I started to move I saw it - the barrel of an AK-74 mini glitching through the stairs above me. Maybe you were looking at me in third person, maybe you weren't... but either way I wasn't having it. I crouch-strafed out quickly and dispatched you as well - and much to my surprise you were a female character... I've never killed one of those before. I then went back to my hiding place under the stairs, drooling about the possibility of living through this whole ordeal (I had started it with 7900 blood and at 7900 blood I remained after the third kill). I even began to think about writing this triumphant story on the forum as I am right now... Unfortunately my daydreaming proved to be my downfall as I suddenly realized I wasn't pulled back behind the stairs far enough and took fire from your fourth and perhaps final team member (the bus driver?). His enfield dropped me quickly and finally - there was no getting up this time. And as I sit now poised to uninstall this amazingly addictive game, I reflect on all of the time I spent on it and smile knowing that this was easily the best and most exciting encounter I've ever had on this game. Truth be told, I'm glad you killed me... had I lived, there is no way I would have found another equally heart-pounding situation to ultimately meet my end. I just wish I knew how many more of you there were, and whether there was a nice bus sitting outside with my name on it, had I kept my focus and dropped your last man. I know for a fact I won't see you again in game, but should you happen to be readers of the forum, I would love to hear your perspective on this encounter. Either way, sorry for ruining your party and sending three of you back to the coast. At least you have a bus to come and pick you back up! Cheers, Manglips