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Everything posted by manglips

  1. manglips

    M4A1 CCO SD For trade.

    Might be willing to trade my M14 AIM for it if you have interest.... won't be at computer for a few hours tho and I'm on the fence about parting with it since it is such a great PVP gun and I just found an M9 SD to do my looting >_< I really do love the M4 SD tho!!
  2. I am just curious how many people out there are able to play and enjoy this game while keeping it in moderation... as I am having trouble doing so. I am sure that everyone's definition of moderation is different, for example mine would be 1 hour per day on weekdays and 2 hours per day on weekends, as I have a full time job and am recently married. Maybe someone who is in school and not married could get away with 2-3 hours on weekdays and still consider it moderation. In any case, I am just curious about everyone's playing habits and roughly how many hours they put in per day/week and how it affects their relationships, social life, work habits, etc. Beans will go to anyone who gives an honest answer without any silly flaming. Thanks for your feedback!
  3. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Correction.. this should read "women are ALWAYS more complicated than us ...." lol
  4. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Haha is it sad that the part in red above sounded to me like a list of equipment or loadout? I have GPS, NVG, Hatchet, Matches, Hunting Knife... all the stuff required. In all seriousness, glad to hear that you can enjoy the game the amount you want without it negatively affecting your relationship. Just be careful.... sometimes women are more complicated than us in the way they process things and she might hold off on telling you her complete true feelings about it. Just watch for the signs and as long as she seems happy and fulfilled, play away!
  5. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    haha at least you are getting paid to do it! what company are you with and what exactly is your function, if you dont mind me asking?
  6. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Isn't that the worst? Leaving the game before you accomplish your task.... ouch! :)
  7. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Sounds like a model of moderation, cheers and beans to you :)
  8. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    lmao. well at the rate kids are going these days, videogames will be a bonding tool by the time he is 3 and a half!
  9. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Thanks for your response, have some beans :) How far does she have to drive?
  10. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Beans to you sir :) I am curious, when you are not playing (at work/school, with friends or gf) how much do you think about the game? Can you put it totally out of your mind or does it linger there?
  11. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Beans for honesty and insight. I assume you've never told her you'd rather play videogames than hang out! lol. In the long term just make sure you find a girl who has similar needs for personal time and space and you'll be fine. :)
  12. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Thanks for the insight, have some beans :) How old is your girlfriends son? Old enough that your interest in videogames affects your ability to bond with him in a good way or bad?
  13. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Double beans for extra insight :) My wife does not game so I am not expecting to ever get over the hour a day hump, but it is probably for the best because I too have an addictive personality and two hours can become 3, which can become 4, which can suddenly become 5am lol. She is going out of town for a week with her sister starting in 2 days and I have a pretty good feeling about how nearly all of my time is going to be spent during that week.
  14. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Love the honesty - you are not at all in denial and that is admirable. The worst type of compulsive gamer is one who can't come to terms with the fact. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend - guess you just need to find one who has similar interests like the guy who posted above about he and his wife. Beans to you sir.
  15. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Thanks for your response, sorry to hear about your shoulder but some time off and pain meds aren't the worst thing in the world! As long as it is paid time off that is.... I can be fine with playing an hour a day, but my problem is whenever I am not playing I am thinking about it! Luckily it hasn't haunted my dreams yet, but it has a hold of a lot of my waking thoughts anyways lol. Here's some beans :)
  16. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Being a single person do you notice the game affecting your dating life at all? What age group are you in, if you don't mind me asking? Thanks for your response, have some beans :)
  17. manglips

    Playing Reasonably?

    Beans for your response and honesty :) That is pretty cool that you both enjoy playing the game together. How do you feel on your holiday without the game? Having urges to play or pretty much not thinking about it? Obviously there is at least a bit of a tug from it as you are on the DayZ Forum reading this. hehe. I find myself on the DayZ forums myself throughout the day when I can't be playing... so there's a sign of addiction right there I suppose.
  18. manglips

    Guy logged before he died.

    I believe that it is too early to remove the ability to Alt+F4/disconnect and to do so would cause much more fury than the current setup. Case in point: I've been alive for a few days with pretty good gear, and yesterday I was running through a field when I suddenly got the all-too-familiar "Thunderdome" words popping up on my screen. Needless to say disconnecting most likely saved my life. If I was unable to do so then it would have been a wasted life unless I out-deathmatched every other person on the server. I think that Rocket made a great adjustment by adding the feature of logging in and going immediately unconscious if you previously logged out while in shock. As a result, the reward for disconnecting after getting shot is virtually eliminated.... unless you are such a troll that you consider it a reward to simply prevent your killer from gaining your loot when you inevitably bleed to death. At this point if you get shot you are much better off just trying to fight your way out of it rather than logging out and accepting near certain death just to stop someone else from getting your loot. Thoughts?
  19. manglips

    Guy logged before he died.

    You are a horrible person. I hope nobody ever gives you their beans and you starve to death from lack of beans/attention.
  20. manglips

    Should i become a hunter of men?

    Just keep your distance from the newbies you save.... they would love to hatchet/makarov you to death and take your awesome gear. Just because you rescue a dog doesn't mean he won't bite you.
  21. manglips

    Guy logged before he died.

    It is quite unfortunate that you don't get his great loot, but take some solace in the fact that with the new update he will now almost surely bleed to death when he logs back in and goes unconscious, so he won't get his great loot either! :)
  22. manglips

    Favourite Weapon in DayZ?

    for engaging zombies: M4A1 CCO SD for engaging players: M14 AIM
  23. Beans for your knowledge sir. Please maintain your sanity throughout the remainder of your life so that arsenal doesn't become part of a news story :)