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About MercenaryScar

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. MercenaryScar

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Replace it with VSS, C'mon we all <3 the VSS. we need a supressed automatic sniper rifle...effective range of 400m.
  2. Looking for a small to medium clan or group to play with, finding it boring to play as a lonewolf.
  3. MercenaryScar

    Ideas for DAYZ

    I think Dayz is a great game, and i know it's in Alpha stage but here is some of my suggestions. PVE Servers - PVE Servers would be great for beginners, or players that love Co-Op Mode. You can still PVP in a PVE Server but you need to be flagged for PVP. This would work like so. PVP FLAGGING IN PVE SERVERS You turn it on yourself. Looting a dead player for his loot would turn on the PVP Flag, because your grave digging and he could have higher tier gear. Stealing from a other players tent. Stealing a other players vehicle. Shooting, or attacking another flagged player. The PVP Flag would stay active for 15-20 minutes until its turns off. FORTRESSES A Fortress would be a, Castle/Farm/Army Base/ or any other building that already has a fence or wall completely around it offering a good clan base for anyone. The wall would be strong nearly impenetrable, except for Satchels, or maybe the Ural. There would be a small amount of entrances to the Fortress. These Fortresses could be contested, raided or attacked to take over by other clans. You can only disconnect in a fortress if your clan owns it. Fortresses have a constant water supply and animal pens with re-spawning animals (You might think OP, but then it would be highly contested) Garages for Vehicles Locker Rooms for item storage These would bring new siege, and highly contested PVP to the game. ARMED VEHICLES NOT TANKS!!!! I'm talking about a Technical it's a type of improvised fighting vehicle, typically a civilian or military non-combat vehicle, modified to provide an offensive capability similar to a militarygun truck. It is usually an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting a machine gun, light anti-aircraft gun, recoilless rifle, or other support weapon. These would have great FIREPOWER, but the Gunner is also very Venerable to incoming fire. I'm going to add more to this article, just wanted to see what you think.
  4. MercenaryScar

    DCing in a fire fight

    Most people do this anyway, just gotta wait for a fix.
  5. MercenaryScar

    Favorite weapons/loadout

    Saw is a beast!
  6. I'm interested in joining the Trading Co, if your recruiting, if not, how much for a M4A1 Camo SD? Message me please, thanks.