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Everything posted by rancor1223

  1. rancor1223

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Well, tell me. I have never played WarZ, I never really cared about it because I knew it is the scam since the announcement. I can imagine only one problem wih that, but it seems absurd.
  2. rancor1223

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Wait?! What? Why not? I really missed this feature in the mod (for example, one char for lonewolfing and another for teamplay with friends). Well, then the private servers came and solved the problem, but that will not happen with SA (at least not in the beginning).
  3. Skis would be awesome on maps like Namalsk! Or maybe if there was a snowy Chernarus map.
  4. Oh, I completely forgot about that. I hate durability. I hope they didnt make it annoying... Yeah, I am really curious how are they going to manage all this data...
  5. rancor1223

    weapon durability

    I think they said, there will be more "civilian" weapons. So, I suppose we can expect soem hunting rifles and so on... I dont mind finding damaged weapon.My point is this. Once I repair and clean a weapon, it should not jam or break. Because weapons dont do that (usualy). It would just annoy everyone (just like Far Cry 2 did).
  6. rancor1223

    weapon durability

    I dislike this idea for the most part. But if its done correctly, it might work. For example, some old wepons you can find in a barns might have higher chance of jamming. But it would be extremely rare with military weapons. As "Terminal boy" said, weapons are very durable, it can fire thousands rounds without breaking or even jamming.
  7. There is a problem with that. I belive it was said, that debug monotor is gone because it caused the servers to crash. It was too much data to work with. Now, imagine every single player on server having 10 skills on lvls and the HIVE has to remember all those skills and lvls. I think, they might have a similiar problem with all those diseases. It is a lot of data. I think this will not happen. And I dont really think, it would be useful for gameplay. Do you need bandage skills? Go to hospital, sit on a medical box and bandage yourself for 10 minutes. I now you have lvl10 Bandaging. It sounds good, but it woudnt work.
  8. Hide it. That easy to say, but very hard to do. Chernarus is still quite small (as well as other maps) for this purpose. The only places where you could effectively hide it, is probably side of the map. But from who would you defend it then? Nobody goes there. And then, once you spend 20+ hours building your settelement, random noob finds it, loots it and destroys it while you are offline. And you coudnt do anything about it. I dont think this would work even though it sounds awesome...
  9. I agree that military weapons should stay. Even though, gun like AS50 (one-hit-kill) should be more limited. Greater lack of ammo is my idea of limiting them (having one mag should be great success). But about those bases. How would that work? Building and expanding base, defending it, populating it. I discussed this with several people in different topic and I belive this is not possible in game like DayZ. It would be hard in game big as Planetside 2 with 2000 player per server. How on earth would it work in game with 50 player per server? To defend a base you need people. How would you stop them from looting/destroying your base while no member of your group is online. I would really like to see such a thing in co-op style of game. That would be EPIC! But DayZ is not build for that... P.S. Sorry for my English. It is not my native language.
  10. rancor1223

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    But desktop with same performance would cost you around 800$ (not sure about American/British prices, I am counting with Czech prices, which should be a bit higher) + monitor (same size as notebook would cost around 100$) + mouse (20$) + keyboard (30$) + headset (40$). Thats nearly 1000$. You could buy more expensive stuff, but for this you could have average gaming gear.In the end, you paid 200$ for ability to carry it around from one socket to another (because the battery is simply incapable of running games for longer than one or two hours) and it is still terribly heavy. And dont forget overheating. So, yeah, notebooks are pretty bad for gaming. P.S. Sorry for OT
  11. rancor1223

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Replace the Thermal vision variant. Leave L85 itself ingame with different optics (SUSAT would be awesome!). As long as there is item dumping, there should be no thermal optics and even weapons like AS50 and M107. EDIT: And if Thermal stays, players wearing Ghillie should be much less visible.
  12. rancor1223

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I just remembered that Arma 3 engine will support underground structures I was so exited about. I am buying full DayZ anyway, but it is still a bit (actually a lot) disappointing.
  13. rancor1223

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What does the "Arma 2.5 engine" mean? So, DayZ will never be ported to Amra 3 engine? That is disappointing. I was really looking forward to bigger maps and new lighting system.
  14. Yeah, there are many things that have to be changed in loot spawning. This is one of more important.
  15. I think all of it is already in OP. Only that idea about cutting fence with knife is new. But, cutting it using toolbox makes more.Inventory - That is very interesting topic. I belive current state is not going to final game. There will be inventory based on Weight or Volume. Volume is used in another Arma 2 mod, not sure which, I read it somewhere in the forum. I think that combination could work well. Basic capacity would be limited by volume, but you would be also limited by weight. The lighter/less stuff you carry, your hunger would be getting lower slowly. But if you fill your backpack as possible, you would be overweight and slow and the hunger would be getting lower very fast. Stamina would work like, you would be getting slower as you would be getting more hungry. But your hunger would be lowering faster when you are overweighted = slower. So you would overweight yourself only when there is a friend who will carry food for you, so you can carry for example very heavy car parts. Also, weapons slot should work as same as in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. You can carry two pistols or pistol and regular rifle, of two rifles. It wouldnt matter, but it would add to your weight = slower. But carrying two rifles wouldnt make you overweight, that would be too limiting.On scale form 0 to 10 (when 10 is "cannot even walk"), you would be on 4 when carrying two rifles. I think that amount of stuff you can take should be similiar to current state. Only possibility to overweight yourself would be added. Ok, that is probably all for now. Originaly, I intended to write about amount of loot and its spawn chance, but "mech" reminded me the inventory... I will write something about loot on Sunday. Now, let the discussion about inventory begin! I am just wondering if someone from DayZ staff read this topic and whether he is now completely scared of all that pointless stuff we want implemented :D. EDIT: Thank you. :thumbsup:
  16. Imagine those groups which found your hidden car, steal all your tires :D and ran away! I like it. If you find better car than you have, you can use parts of the old one. Handheld stungun? But what would it do? Real stungun stuns you and gets you on your knees. But it doesnt put you unconscious. At least it shouldnt. And it works only at very limited range, I mean, only at few meters which makes it nearly useless.
  17. There should be servers which support this (they would work only in this "invisible" mod). I understand your reasons. And lonewolfs would love it.But all servers working like that? No way. I dont want to play with strangers (at least, not all the time). I want to team up with my friends and go kill somone, loot something. It is also part of the fun. EDIT: What about tranquilizer guns? Short range pistols and long range rifles. Just as another way of silent neutralization of zombies or players for a few minutes. Of course, you could kill them silently when they are unconscious. Or only steal their stuff and left them sleeping :D. People, who never wanted to kill people, but do it now for own safety, would like it. P.S. Change the color of tl;dr text. It is really hard to read a blue text on a black background. I wrote this a page ago, but for some reason, the text was black (nearly invisible).
  18. A realistic ammo system - That could work. I like it. So, we could carry empty mags and rounds in ammo box. I suppose, we could put any kind of ammo in that ammo box. Maybe we could be able to find empty mags or only rounds and combine them. But how many rounds would fit in that ammo box? It cannot be too many (100+), because players would misuse it to carry more ammo. Also, if you would have weapon and rounds only, you might be able to fire it like bolt-action sniper. Putting round to the chamber after each shot. It is probably pointless, but it sounds interesting ;)
  19. Imagine FOX TV headlines - "Save your kids! Ban DayZ!" or "Children are playing cannibalism sim video game!" Society is just not ready for such a realistic (and in my opinion also pointless) function in video games. I would like to know your opinion abou amount of loot. Many of you are suggesting big grocery stores with tons of supplies. That would be surely awesome, but it has to be done well. Now, it is very easy to get basic equip. ALICE, food, tools and even good weapons (AKM, Winchester) are everywhere. If there will ever be those biog grocery stores, they need to have something you cannot find anywhere else. Or some kind of superior kind of regular items. Or massively lower the amount of loot in small shops and houses. But I dont want everything to be rare. I belive that looting is one of the mose enjoyable things about the game. Also grocery stores should be filled with zombies (50+). And we are back where we were - what should be so exceptional about grocery stores, that you would risk that.
  20. Yeah, I went there twice, always in the daylight. Always it felt weird. Lonely. Silent. Scary. Never gonna go there ever again.I should definitely be in the new DayZ map.
  21. I love this idea! :beans: Eating people - Really? I know that realism is interesting and can be fun, but with moderation! Seriously, I cannot imagine what would made me to eat someone, especially in game. Why would you even need that in DayZ?! Food Cans are everywhere! Plants around the map are be very probably eatable. There is still hunting. You can even eat worms and other insect. Why do you need to eat people? Classes, perks - I still dont know. It really sounds nice, but I dont think it would work. If you could choose one, it would gave you/your group an advantage, but that is limiting for lonewolfs. I like the idea of random bonus items at start. It would give you advantage, but only for few hours at the beginning. You cannot give players big but random advantages (permanent bonus), they would keep suiciding until they get what they want. And the same apply for choosable classes. There would be one, which everyone who understands the game would use (for example rifleman - faster reloading, steadier aim,...). You simply dont need to be vet (for example he could get more meat from animals). You do not care whether you get 3 meats of 4 meats, The difference is too small. It would be very hard to make them equal. So, I would rather not have them, than have some kind of suiciding players (someone mentioned it before), all player playing same class or disadvantaged lonewolfes. EDIT: A realistic ammo system - I am not sure if I get it right. It almost seems to me that you are saying there is an option to combine mags already. If there is, I dont know about it. Or maybe, I just dont correctly understand yours statement. I will write my idea anyway. If you have 2 mags (30 rounds capacity), both with 15 bullets. You could combine them in one full mag. If there would be some spare bullets (1911 > Revolver), they would act like now - one mag in inventory - and you could combie them farther. P.S. Change the color of text in tl;dr. It is really hard to read blue text on black background.
  22. Damn, I wanted to mention that all day, but always forgot it.Whatever map is going to be used in standalone DayZ; Green Mountain has to be there!
  23. Wait. *processing* What? Awesome! Link!Back to the topic. I dont really like the digit locks idea. It would took very long time, possibly for nothing. I think that buildings and cars might be spawned locked, randomly and rarely. But I have no idea how to make unlocking lore friendly = hard. Minigame from Fallout3/Skyrim, is nice, but it is not hard. And I also dont like the perks and classes stuff. I agree with getting random stuff at the begining, but you should specialise yourself. The easies way to do that would be limiting the lowest inventory (knife, toolbox, flashlight,...). For example only 4 spaces. You could take medical equipment (for healing broken legs for example) - that would make you Medic. You could take toolbox - that would make you Engineer/Support. But you could change that by picking another equipment. But it would massively limit lonewolfing and I still think lonewolfing has its own place in this mod/game. Btw, sugestions about having map at the beginning - do you use it if you have one? I dont. It is actually faster to ALT+Tab to browser and check dayzdb.com. Only better solution for me would be map in mobile phone, but I have Windows Phone (which is totaly awesome), where are no DayZ map apps. Or may be, I could also print it :D. Everything is better and faster than in-game map.
  24. Safe zones - How would this work? It couldnt be simply a building. Can you imagine the amount of bandits around it? I think that "safe zones" are one of the things players should create themselves. Just like trading. But how? Once you disconnected in the city, how would you reconnect? The point of making disconnecting dangerous (by spawning you in open area) is to prevent people from doing it as "fast and safe travel" out of the city. Of course, people loosing connection would have a problem. If server restarts would be reported few minites before, you would have time to leave.
  25. Exactly, every loot spawn should be banned from player spawn location. And disconnecting on loot spawn should have some kind of penality. How I already said, you should get unconscious for few minutes. You should be spawned in some open area (field, middle of airfield), where it would be super easy to kill you. That would make you want to leave loot spawn zones (in this case - city), because disconnecting would get you in serious danger when you connect back.