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Everything posted by rancor1223

  1. Close spawn kill prevention - Invincibility would be efficient but doesnt it is not lore friendly at all. First of all, I would make zones, where you simply cannot disconnect, definitly all buildings, maybe even whole cities. It would at least lower the possibility of spawning near each other. Of course, you cannot prevent players from turning the game off, but if you would do so in the building or city it would simply teleport you out of there to borders of the city, possibly unconscious for few minutes. Warning that someone just spawned near is wrong. What would you do? You would very likely go kill him. The same would have to apply for the person who just spawned. What would he do? He would very likely do kill you. P.S. If writing this will not improve my English, then nothing ever will :D
  2. Yeah, but that is something completely different. Of course it would be great if we could eat this kind of plants which are all over the map. I disagree with possibility of growing them, it seems completely pointless to me.I would be also nice if there would be some kind of canalisation in cities. You could move safely trought it, unless you meet other players down there. Alse getting out of it would be dangerous, because you cannot see what is around you. It could be accessible for the sea/river and spead under whole city. What about the map? Where would you want it to take a place? How I said, fictional-ex-Russian country seems the best to me. Or northern part fo Greece. EDIT: Gun Maintanance - It might sound cool, but it actually wouldnt be realistic at all. Normal weapons like M4A1 should be cleaned every 20k rounds shot. I am playing DayZ for over two months and I belive I havent shot more then 1000 bullets from all weapons. Most of it probably from AK-74. Just like gardening, seems a bit pointless. On the other side, you could find military grade weapon, which was thrown somewhere in the dirt for few weeks (possibly next to dead soldier) and be able to repair it and clean it. That would be much more realistic and it would add to rarity of military grade weapons.
  3. Gardening - I understand that it is part of actual survival. But this is still just tactical realistic shooter. First of all, growning plants would have to be much faster, for example 1 week. Let say, you have a farm which is secured from zombies. You succesfully planted something. And what now? You cant have security online 24/7 to protect your farm. So someone might see it is empty, loot and destroy it. And why would you even need potatos, tomatos and others. You can hunt, right now it is very easy and I dont think it will magnificently changed. in-game voice comunication - Right now there is only public VoiP, isnt it? If you wouldnt have some kind of radio, you could normaly speak, but only people who are near to you would hear you. Just like when you speak with someone in the real life. And there could be two kys for that. One for long range comunication, shouting. Player in 200m radius could hear it, just like zombes. Another key would be used for close range comunication, when you get close to each other. Of course, this would only be used when you need to talk to strangers. If you are playing in group, you are probably using TS, Skype or something similiar.
  4. Still wrong. They are not ordinary zombies. Dead walking people. They are ill. Infected. Just like Rocket said. And if they are not dead "ordinary" zombies, than there is no reason why shoot then in the head (it should be more effective like now, but not the only option). Otherwise, I mostly agree. Some stuff is a bit over the top useless. For example planting food - this is NOT Minecraft :). And btw, do you know how long does it take to grow a plant? And why should it take place in America? Everything is in America... If you really need more ordinary country, than for example Scotland would be very interesting. Or maybe France. I still think that some kind of fictional-ex-Russian country would be best.
  5. Exactly, I already asked this question in the forum. I got mostly negative answer.http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58194-more-characters/#entry555672 I feel I have to write this again. I already edited my previous post, but it makes me feel better when I post it again so everybody will see it. Engine of Arma II which DayZ should use in the future support underground structures. I belive that train tunnes and mines are awesome idea and lore friendly (for example metro wouldnt make much sence). But those places are dark without lighting. And you have no lighting without electric power. So, you could investiga those building by using flares, chemlights and flashlights or you could repair the generator and get fuel for it and turn on the lighting. It sounds so awesome in my head :D
  6. I belive this is not going to happen. Ever. I personaly dont want t. Sniping in BF3 is exactly the same os in Arma 2 with one small diference. In BF3, you dont have zeroing. But I think, including wind would be great. NO! No! No freakin mines and claymores! This is NOT Battlefield! And btw, do you think that any sane person would put mines just for fun? Why? NO! Please! Problem in your logic is, that they are not dead. Thay are infected. Theoreticly, they could be cured.They are not rotting or mutating or anything like it. That is also the reason why they arent slow as normal zombie.
  7. What about zombie disguise? You could move in cities without being noticed if you walk slowly and dont get to close to zombies. But when other player gets in the city and aggro zombies, he would see that you are not zombie if you wouldnt act like them. You know what am I talking about if you have seen 1st season of The Walking Dead series.
  8. Big changes in zombies behaviour. First of all, they have to stop moving like Neo! They should be as fast as player. Much more zombies (not sure if servers can take it). Zombies breaking trough door - that would be awesome, but then door should be less dangerous too player (I am actually scared more, when opening/closing doors in barracks, that fighting zombies...). If those will become true, I have no problem with normally (fast) moving zombies in houses. But right now, it is madness. Less scoped weapons! More ways of camouflaging our vehicles. Hidding a truck elswhere the borders of the map is plain madness. Possibly some kind of camuflage net you could put on the car. Slightly more vehicles, but really slightly. And faster respawn! New map! But, similiar to Chernarus. Sights should use cyrilic (or other unusual language; Greek would be awesome); it is incredibly funny listening to people on YT who cannot read it :D. It also improves the atmosphere! Bigger map! Bigger cities with more variety of buildings! More enterable buildings (I think that it was promised already)! Underground stuff (metro would be awesome, but there probably wont be that big map for some kind of metro. But underground mine would make sense and would be super awesome! Train tunnels! Arma III engine should allow underground structures. EDIT: Just idea about underground structures. Since in the apocalypse is no electric power, you have to make some. By some kind of power generator. Someone already mentioned that. But when you have underground structure, there is always dark. So, you could use your flashlight, flares and chemlights or you could repair the generator and get some fuel for it and make the lighting work for some time! Repairable train! Can you imagine how awesome would that be? Ability to move around the map in train? That would be epic! Improved heli crash sites. You could actually see heli flying and falling. Zombies wouldnt spawn around, but thay would spawn in 100m radium and they would be coming to the crash site becaus of the noise it made. Military airplanes flying rarely above you. Just for fun. I would look awesome. Possibly could become another kind of "heli crash site". What about crashed cargo airplane with repairable HUMWEE in it? P.S. Sorry for my English, it is not my native language.
  9. rancor1223

    More characters

    Hi, I was wondering whether we could have more then one character at one point. For example, when I have started playing DayZ, I used to be lone wolf because non of my friends had the DayZ. But now, some of them started playing and we play as a group. And as a group we always stay together. So, basically I cannot play as lonewols anymore because I would have to leave the group. So, the idea is to have to two characters (or more, but it seems unnecessary). One for playing in group and the other one for lonewolfing. Or for playing with other group, it doesnt matter. But I would have another character to play without leaving my group of friends. Of course, there would be no connection between them. They would have separate inventory. Is there any possibility of this happening in the future? P.S. Sorry for my english, it is not my native language.
  10. rancor1223

    Only one weapon for you!

    M249, awesome gun!
  11. rancor1223

    Damn: Loading screen again!

    I am having the same problem. I played once right after the patch and today I got infinite loading again.
  12. My friend, hidden in the woods, then killed one of them (at least we think they were two) and minute ago got killed by another sniper.
  13. I logged in at NW airfields barracks, checked 2 rooms when another player spawned behind me and killed me. I had M24 and M249...
  14. rancor1223

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Same issue. I need 3-4 shots to body with 1911 and revolver. It nearly killed me today. 10 zombies behind me and I was in hall without exit. Without my friend, I would be dead.
  15. I still had to download v1.11 / v1.60 / v1.61.94876 and replace files located in arma 2 oa folder and the one in app data folder. It didnt worked withou it (but I am not sure whether I was getting "Waiting for Host",crashing or something else. Oh, my damn memory...)EDIT: I joined one game, played for a while. Get back ti it now and I was getting infinite Loading. Reinstaling BattleEye via Steam solved this problem. Interesting...
  16. First I couldnt join any server because of "Bad Player name" (no reason for it) - 94945 "Solved" by downgrading to 94876. Instead, game started crashing. And this didnt work for me. EDIT: I also did that: And that worked. I can play again! Thanks!
  17. rancor1223

    Arma crashes after downgrading to beta 94876

    Same problem here. I wasnt getting "Waiting for host". I couldnt connect because of "Bad played name" (I dont have cyrillic letters in my nick, so I have no idea why I was getting this error). I was told to downgrade to 94876, so I did it just like @flint and since then I am getting the same crash.
  18. rancor1223

    Bad Player Name

    Hi, since the last patch and OA beta patch 94945 I cannot join any server. I am getting this error everywhere: I have manually installed the BattleEye for 1.61. That did not help. I have read that it could be caused by cyrillic letters in the nick. But my nick looks like that "rancor1223" = no cyrillic. Any solution for that? P.S. When I tried searching the forum for "bad player name" it was looking for "player name". WTF? P.P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
  19. rancor1223

    Bad Player Name

    So, I downgraded to 94876 (deleted "beta" folder and instaled 94876) and game started crashing. I connect to the server, get to the lobby, press OK, wait a sec and crash to the desktop. Just like these guys: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33603-arma-crashes-after-downgrading-to-beta-94876/ so I am moving with my problem there.
  20. rancor1223

    Bad Player Name

    @Bludy Yeah, but there are servers running 94945. But ok, how do I downgrade to 94876? I suppose only installing older patch is not a solution. I hope I wont have to reinstall the game.