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Everything posted by drewmaw

  1. drewmaw

    1.5.7 update

    If there was a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't respawn at a beach with a pistol, a can of beans, water, and flares. If there was a zombie apocalypse, zombies wouldn't die with one shot of a revolver to the chest. This isn't a zombie apocalypse. It's a game. I say game because, for it to be a simulator, we need parameters taken from reality in order to base the simulator off of (it is simulating, and thus immitating) and we CANNOT accurately simulate a zombie apocalypse BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED. So stop trying to sell iterations of game design Rocket is improving on by stating "if this was a zombie apocalypse" or "it's a simulator" or "it's hardcore noob" Point is, as it stands, it's just not fun. P.S I love stealth, I love taking 20 mins sneaking around a town at night with little ammo, I love the fact that you can die anytime and I was one of the ones who wanted more zombies. However, this is game breaking. I totally agree. Bottom line is: Rocket has to play to the strengths of the engine. It really comes down to different directions: 1.) slow style zombies but lots of them, or 2.) fast style (glitchy) zombies, but fewer of them. Of course adding more loot to zombie bodies would help aid the killing of said increased zombies. But, as I said elsewhere, this may be a point in the mod's development where it has the potential to become two different mods. I've seen many mods branch into two due to die hard constituents of either extreme.
  2. drewmaw

    1.5.7 update

    I just want to say that regardless of where this mod goes, I played 1.5.6 with my wife today, over 8 hours, and yes we bought Arma to play the mod, but today's experience playing 1.5.6 is one of the greatest moments I've had playing a game, ever. Up there with my previous best: Shadow of the Collosus. What a spectacular time. I will never forget it. Hunting for zomb's, stalking humans, collecting awesome gear, a perfect balance for me. The most fun I've ever had. It reminds me of when I first played Prince of Persia with my brother on our new Super Nintendo. We couldnt put it down! So, thank you for this! I just wanted to share our initial reactions to the new update. I see people are getting defensive in this, especially the hard-working developer becoming frustrated toward user reactions (which i was disappointed to see). But for what its worth, here's my lowly, undesired opinion that no one wants to read: We logged in after 1.5.7, and we didn't much care for it. We were sitting North of Povlovo, and based on what we saw, we didn't even want to play because we wouldn't have a hope clearing these zeds or sneaking past them (since Arma was clearly never Splinter Cell ;) so, we just logged off. We hope it's not indefinitely, but we're plenty happy with our experience today! :) keep up the good work! The eyes of the entire video game industry are paying attention to you Rocket - stay focused and don't become defensive. You have a great community, and they appreciate your unsung hard-work. Cheers mate.