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Everything posted by drewmaw

  1. I've seen other forum posts about this, but I believe I have found the source of the new bug. If you connect, and eat/drink food/water, then disconnect/reconnect, you'll be empty again. It doesn't matter how much time passes. Could be a less than a minute, or 8 hours, the result is still the same - food/water blinking red. Happens every time. Anyone else discover this?
  2. drewmaw

    Being a clever bandit

    They deserve what they get!
  3. drewmaw

    Server Status?

    We all agree that it's Alpha, but a Dev should have communicated the problems we're experiencing, and what they're doing to fix it? Otherwise, we're sitting here twiddling our thumbs.
  4. drewmaw

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Isn't STmovement mod a client side mod?? You can't use it with DayZ already? I would like the game to be playable!!! I tried 5 servers last night, and each is a glorified chat room with no one playing the game because of the broken hive.
  5. This is an ALPHA. A game yet released. They are having server issues right now. So, that being said... a moderator needs to lock this pointless and reckless thread.
  6. drewmaw

    Server Status?

    Database server is down it appears. Everyone is stuk at server response screen...
  7. drewmaw

    Database down?

    Everyone is waiting at Server Response... And rumor is that there's been a security breach???
  8. Can't connect now, been fine before today...
  9. Upon living for a certain number of days, or meeting a certain number of requirements to "become elite", it would nice if there's a 2nd skin available to Survivalists and a 2nd skin for Bandits. It would just be nice to have the added benefit of being able to recognize those characters who are grizzled and have seen many days of hard-fought survival, or in the case of bandits, serial killings. For Survivalists, the key to an elite survivalist skin is that it needs to increase camo benefits, but while maintaining an uncovered face. An outfit that a survivalist might throw together based on all the dead military personel he's come across: For Bandits, the ghillie suit is an obvious choice: or even:
  10. drewmaw

    Elite Skins (Survivors and Bandits)

    Gotcha, that's true. I wonder how long after ARMA III will DayZ be released?
  11. drewmaw

    Humanity should reset on death...

    I like it! It's like the bibilical passage: "The sins of the father will be passed on 7 generations." You got to earn the right to be a good person again. There are ways to do it!!!
  12. drewmaw

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    That's not true. Some people love playing at night, but they're in the minority. I personally don't like playing at night. For night to work, I think that the moon should always be full, and Rocket need to LOCK BRIGHTNESS AND GAMMA.
  13. Flashlights need a longer throw at night, outside. If you've ever used a flashlight outside, you can get about a minimum of 40-50 feet of throw. In this mod, currently, flashlights throw like 10 feet, then just END! Flashlights just need to be more realistic.
  14. The route would have to be completely randomized.
  15. drewmaw

    Elite Skins (Survivors and Bandits)

    Exactly! I'm willing to bet that since Rocket has already figured out how to do this, it would be easier to replicate with further modification.
  16. No factions. Just a list of open tasks. multiple players can take it. That's when things get interesting ;)
  17. drewmaw

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    u mad? my words to big for you? Nah, you just look like a retard. I bet you play a lot of CO-OP, you strike me as that type of person. why u mad?
  18. drewmaw

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    u mad? my words to big for you?
  19. drewmaw

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    I like this, however, with the persistence idea, there needs to be a stamina bar for human players. There should be a stamina bar anyway, regardless, as it's unrealistic for human players to sprint forever, but that being said, if zombies will eventually give-up, then players need to manage when/how to use their existing stamina, which could or could not be tied to water, food, or merely a time-based cooldown. Speaking of cooldowns, it would certainly be nice if human players regenerated blood over time. It would also be nice if the desaturated filter doesn't take over the screen until critical blood loss, say below 4k or something. The game is so pretty in color! But once you're below 7500, it already looks so bland, which isn't realistic whatsoever. I say do away with the black and white indication.
  20. drewmaw

    1.5.7 update

    Not for me
  21. drewmaw

    roll back to 1.5.6

    I'm uploading 1.5.6 files to my dropbox, i'll link them here soon. Many servers have rolled back already.
  22. drewmaw

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    From what I'm reading, there are a lot of DayZ veterans and Arma II veterans that prefer it both ways. Blaming it on "Nubs" is a sign of your cognitive dissonance; it's also fallacious reasoning.