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Guten Traum

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About Guten Traum

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    On the Coast
  1. Guten Traum

    Looking to trade 2 Antibiotics

    Antibiotics isn't rare, I can get them 1/3 times I go to the hospital.
  2. Guten Traum

    Pending Update: Build

    So, since there would be no way to server hope again how can we find a good server? Because there is an enormous number of servers that do not connect, and there is also those servers which specifies a time stamp on the title but are out of sync (e.g. Night when should be day). I'm constantly forced to jump from server to server at least 6~10 times when I want to play DayZ with my friends. The most logical thing would be to punish the players when they are disconnecting after get a hit or are on shock state... Also, what would be the punishment for players that abuse the disconnect (ALT+F4)?
  3. It will only show 6 servers, have already tried everything, fix this.
  4. Just happened on US 171. Got curious, you said that admins don't have the proper tools to investigate this cheaters. But what do you guys have as admins?