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About Stukov

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  1. I was just playing and happened to get out of my wilderness area looking for some specific items in Berinzo earlier today and saw 3 players with a "battle bus" who was running around in the dark killing zombies, looting the main areas. I watched them do 3 different spots from my vantage point, even had them all dead to rights during one of their excursions. Could have killed them all (or mowed down the zombie hoard chasing one of them), but I was afraid they would assume I was firing on them. I'm a friendly (hence why I didnt slaughter them all) but I was trying to find a way to get in contact with them. The server was Chaos Division US 3224 and their names again were SRG, FelanorFlurry, and LORD VADAR. Anyways, sorry if this is the wrong forum.
  2. I haven't played for a few weeks because of the glitches, but what I haven't seen around the forum if the pistol (like the .45), AK74, and shotgun damage is fixed after the Arma II beta patch that messed it up? I know it wasn't Rocket/Dayz but BI that did the change I was just curious if there has been a fix or change to address it for DayZ yet?
  3. Stukov

    M4A3 CCO(?)

    My M4A3 CCO disappeared from my backpack upon loading into a game :(
  4. Stukov

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    The problem I see with many of the systems is when people get dc by lag, server issues, battery force disconnects, etc. A system isn't a quick fix if it punishes people for legitimate issues. When is it ok to dc anyways? I've been shot at right as was logging for the night, had already stayed up for 2 hours when I had work really early in the morning. Am I required to stay there and fight and kill or die just to not be labels combat dc? 5 mins? 10? 30? Personally I also see a difference between people who PvP other players all the time and combat dc when tables are turned, than the lone wolf who could fight but chooses to run away and log. Especially considering the amount of sever jumping to spawn behind someone to kill them I've been exposed to when not logging out right away.
  5. Stukov

    SD ammo in non-SD weapons

    I can actually confirm, in the M16203 using SD ammo over regular stang ammo causes the gun to shoot way higher than the sights.
  6. Stukov

    SD ammo in non-SD weapons

    I'm reading that on the M4A1 203 version using SD ammo will cause the sights to be off (firing higher than the dot shows) was that why my iron sights on the M16 version was shooting way high? Is this a bug or intended?
  7. So I have 6 SD Stang magazines that I'm currently using in a regular M16, do the SD mags act as regular stang mags while in the M16 or do they do less damage/less noise?
  8. Stukov have L85A2-TWD?

    It is still glitched, sometimes when you log in with it in your hands instead of your backpack, it will simply disappear.
  9. As someone said, you had people being killed after Katrina, but generally you don't see that happening because you don't have an entire breakdown of civilization during a disaster. It takes quite a while before people realize things aren't going back to the way they used to be, they cling to the rules of society so long as they think there is a society to get back to.I don't know if you noticed in game, but the military is wiped out, there is no government, hell, there isn't even little pockets of civilized people. The only rule that is enforced is at the end of someones gun. I don't think tons of people in this thread are being "tough guys". But you have to realize, that sometimes, the people who survive horrible things are the ones who was willing to do anything to survive.
  10. I think the results are expected in terms of what I am seeing people play like in the game and talk about on the forums, but I think it goes against what Rocket intends with Day Z. He obviously wants a sandbox, but I don't think he wants people to treat it as "just a game", at least not his intention. I think he wants to break that mold.Btw, interesting read Azrael.
  11. That would be interesting *sneaks up behind someone, over voice com* "Turn around and your dead. I'm taking whatever is in your backpack I want, then I'm leaving. If you move, flinch, or thinking about turning around I will blast you, and the sniper on the hill will waste you too." *rifles through the backpack and takes some things* "Thanks for the beans and ammo bro. Come after us and your dead." *slips into the darkness*
  12. As someone who has studied criminal justice I can tell you that a multicultural society (such as the US with varied ethnicities, cultures, races, religion, etc) will have more crime than a society that has one unified language, culture, and language. This is even the case within the US you have most crime occurring within the same communities (ethnicity/culture) rather than between different groups. In either case you can't really compare US crime (including homicide) with that of Norway.In any case, I've read and heard some things that Rocket has mentioned and it seems based on his experiences in life he wanted to make something "authentic" and an "anti-game". While I could be misunderstanding what he meant, to me having those two hand in hand means that when you are in this game, you should feel you are really in this situation. That your choices and actions should be that of yourself in this situation. Not in a game wanting to play death match. The poll was to see how many people treat this as an apocalypse sim and those who treat it as a death match game. If they treat it as just a game, what would it take for them to play it as a simulation (if that was truly rockets attempt).One person did mention some end-game rebuilding type things. Maybe that may change things, I don't know.
  13. Its about immersion. When I'm seeing another person in the game I try to treat them as a real person. I take it somewhat seriously minus bugs or glitches which foil immersion. Do you do the same or do you just see a computer model controlled by another person who you don't care if they live or die bc you don't take it seriously or real. I was talking to an older guy about this game and told him about the rampant murdering. His response? He figures its authentic, that human beings once you remove the force of law and society will turn on each other like feral beasts. I agreed some would be like that, but the numbers are inflated bc some treat it as just a game. I was also curious what could be changed in the game to make people treat more seriously and less like a game.
  14. Cost or the country you are in? I have an Ak47, 30-06, Rem 870, and a XD45 personally.