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Posts posted by strangere

  1. I hold VERY little hope it will become populated with people other than all the CoD/ARMA/CS/BF kiddies and griefing nobs.

    ARMA kiddies lol. Kids and griefing noobs came with dayz. You would know that if you played Dayz before it blew up in casual. Almost no PvP, all serious gamers. Watch Chkilroy

    and tell me how much Kids you see...

  2. But what concerned me was the mentioning of a console programmer (Operation Flashpoint) being brought across perhaps confirming Hall's intention to bring DayZ to consoles. If this is the case, it is more concerning to me than DLC costs. It severely limits what DayZ could become graphically and gameplay-wise.

    It's not console programer . They talk about first operation flashpoint cold war crisis (PC) that came out 2001 now it's called arma cold war crisis.The people they talked about made engine for that.

    Btw. Arma 3 will be moddable (as all BI games) i wonder if somebody will make similar mod to Dayz on that.

  3. I really like much of the interview content, some great ideas and i am really excited for the future all except one thing.....

    arma 2.5 engine.

    arma 3 engine, especially the lighting, were really a big draw for the standalone dayz.

    now standalone won't be worth nearly as much cash. seriously i would have paid £30 for standalone dayz on arma 3 engine.

    very very unhappy at this decision. the lighting in arma 2 engine IS JUST BROKEN

    Just because they use engine from Arma 2 (VR3) doesn't mean they can't implement lighting like in Arma 3(VR4) because VR4 is basically VR3 enhanced

    • Like 2

  4. Cause I'm pretty sure the decisions are made by the guy upstairs (CEO's. , VPs etc.) counting their money at the end of the quarter, not the devs.

    I doubt that it was because of BIS as they are mainly PC devs. Btw BIS CEO helps rocket with development he and Rocket recorded some animations for Dayz. ;)

    Operation flashpoint & red river worked well on the xbox. Dont these games use the Arma 2 engine or something similar?

    no they do not use same engine

  5. He is developing it with a large corporation (BIS)

    So, if you think this one man is actually in control of everything and that Bohemia interactive are giving Rocket a blank cheque to do this project...

    BIS large corporation? BIS have around eighty people total divided into 3 teams.

    From my experience with BIS i think Rocket has pretty big freedom (he's the lead developer of dayz afterall) and they won't talk how it should be made and i doubt it was them who suggested make dayz on consoles as they have almost no experience with that.

  6. Nobody created hacks for ArmA because nobody played ArmA. It was reported back in May that ArmA has had a 500% increase in sales

    You mean literally nobody played it? Btw. 500% increase at the moment not total sales. And yeah scripts will be solved in standalone

  7. Other than general issues with common bugs. Like not being able to pick up an Alice pack because here are items surrounding it.

    The only thing i hate about the engine is it's feeling of unresponsiveness. Like pulling out my pistol whilst on the run from Zombies... You know the ridiculous amounts of blood + bandages i would've saved if i didn't have to pause to take out my M1911??

    Oh and i also agree with the vault thing... The cleanest vault i've ever seen remains in BF3 thus far. Whilst this one (animation wise) makes sense; it feels as if your characters a bit too.. paranoid, or cautious for his own good. Which makes him slow... and unresponsive.

    These thing are not limited by engine. About vault and other animations check

    its a animation mod.

  8. The engine used in ARMA is not perfect for a game like Day Z by any means. However, saying it's an outdated, "crappy" engine is extremely harsh, if not ignorant IMO.

    People often think that RV engine was designed only for Arma and can't run any other type of game.That in not true. I wrote this before and i write it again go check Carrier command: gaea mission its strategy game based on VR2 ( Arma1 engine). Its even older version of the engine.

  9. long-standing engine limitations and bugs are a huge detractor.

    Most people complain about engine when talking about things that can be easily changed or fixed when you have access to engine code. Dayz isn't limited because of engine limitation. Dayz is limited just because they don't adjust the engine but just mod the game. Yes there are clunky game mechanics but that doesn't mean that the engine is bad you can have great engine with bad game mechanics.They just need to be polished that didn't happen with some game mechanic in Arma 2. Most problems will be fixed in standalone. Btw standalone is going to be VR engine.

    Again Arma2 =/= engine. Just look up Carrier Command: Gaea Mission its strategy game build on VR2 (Arma1 engine)

  10. For just being a mod Day Z is actually pretty good, it has you here...

    I don't know if that's intended for me but as i said i think that dayz is good mod.. My point was for people who thinks popular game = must be good game. Saying "mod x is more popular than mod y that means it's better" is just wrong.

  11. Your process of deduction is faulty, mi amigo. Nearly everything is unnecessarily tedious, including opening doors, managing inventory, jumping over things, placing barriers, climbing things, etc.

    That being said, it's astounding to me how steadfast y'all are to defend the clunky engine.

    Bad opening door -Not engine fault it was just done lazy in Arma 2 because you almost never used it.

    Clunky inventory - Not engine fault, people made mods that makes inventory better

    jumping over things- Not engine fault, again people made mods that makes jumping better you can climb etc.

    placing barriers- there is better mechanic in Arma 2 it's just not used in Dayz

    Again Arma2=/=engine

  12. I'm not merely talking about the keybindings. Can you honestly tell me that RV3 isn't clunky?

    I don't think that a lot of problems that people have is because of engine. But because of Arma 2 needed more polish (work).It's not engine fault that doors breaks your legs etc. Arma2 =/= engine

    Wtf is command mode? I sure as hell have never used/heard of it

    Did he meant

  13. You mean like button mapping? No, he means like spacebar jump, shift sprint, etc. Just easily accessible keys, with basic modern functions.

    I don't think that would be hard to do and i don't think it's because of VR engine. They can use Frostbite 2 engine i dont care but complain about engine while talking about inventory and controls just isn't right.
