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Everything posted by strangere

  1. strangere

    The sad thing about this game...

    Ok i try explain my point and actually make sense this time. I could be wrong but this is my understanding of the problem. Everybody always say things like "engine is clunky" ( a lot of times because of controls) or "engine is crappy", but i think they usually refer to game mechanics. Yes i know engine and game mechanics are related. But you can have awesome engine like idk. Cryengine and still have crappy game mechanic. That's the problem with Arma. Engine is good, but game mechanics needs to "iron out" because they are clunky. That's not engine fault. As i said i could be wrong.
  2. strangere

    The sad thing about this game...

    Hey man i wrote that in like 1 min. so it sound pretty weird. My main point is that a lot of problems with the game is not engine fault. There just need be some changes with game mechanics, engine is good enough.
  3. strangere

    The sad thing about this game...

    People again talking about how crappy is Arma engine and then talking about game mechanics that can be easily changed like controls. The engine did not reach its limit the mod reached limit because you mod the game and don't adjust the engine.Then there are lot of bugs because you need changes in engine. It did not reached limit as they don't do anything with engine. You could do RTS whit that engine or whatever. Yeah because that's engine fault that there are lot of controls sure. And bad inventory is totally engine fault doesn't matter that you can easily changed it.
  4. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    There were alot of topic on hacking so if you want to talk about that you be better there, but as far as i know hacking is too easy in Arma because it's very open game to mods that's why it can be easily hacked or you can using scripts in multiplayer. It's ironic, Rocket made Dayz because Arma is easily modded but hackers thank to that can easily hack in the game. It never really was an issue before dayz as nobody hacked in normal Arma multiplayer. I'm not going to write in detail about that but BI makes mil. sim games over 11 years and i'm glad they do as they are one of the last one. Yes theyr games so far looks like they need little bit of work but what i seen from Arma 3 looks like it going to be really polished and they added lot of feature that were missing from arma like physic. About the people who want to work for bohemia i wrote something about that before in this topic. Man f*ck my english!
  5. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    I agree, i never said that they are doing amazing job fixing all problems that's not even possible. But i know that they are finishing two games plus one DLC right now and that they are small studio so i think they do decent job...
  6. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    Why did you make it black? oh well. They could write what fixes are for dayz but personally i don't see the point as beta patches before dayz stop coming because BI were finishing Arma 3 and after Dayz they started making beta patches agian for it so i imagine that most of the stuff that they fix is for dayz. I cant help you with "Fixed: terrainIntersect reverted to ATL". And partnership between Rocket and Bohemia? can't help you with that either we all know he's their employee thats all.
  7. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    You really think there going to write in their log thing like This fix is for Dayz ? No they are fixing multiplayer ( netcode) and that benefit dayz it benefit Arma multiplayer to a certain extend but the reason is Dayz. And if you are listening to interviews with Rocket you know that he want to add underground and i can tell you that they have to make big changes in Arma engine for that. Did you even read what i wrote earlier? Things like you don't wait 30 min to join server, bad players id, global chat.. there were more changes but thats what i can think right now. There were huge problem with dayz because of Amra netcode a lot of them were fix thanks to beta patches .And many Days patches came right after Beta patches. Why?Because without changes that are making beta patches a lot of things that are in dayz patches couldn't work..
  8. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    Oh in the last like two beta patches there were some other fixes because they going to release new DLC so they fixing some things but still there were a lot of patches with multiplayer fixes. And whitout dayz there wouldn't be because normal Arma multiplayer worked fine and was fixed before. A lot of new problems occurred with dayz....
  9. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    Omg do i really need to explain it. Ok i dont know how long you play Dayz but in the early days of dayz if you wanted to join a server you waited like 30 min before you could play lot of issues were because of Arma netcode.And that's what they are fixing Arma netcode. Dayz is still just Arma multiplayer that works on Arma netcode so if they fixing that they are fixing dayz. Another example are players ID some players couldn't play dayz because bad player ID that also fix Beta. Or Rocket wanted global chat out again beat. Only thin i know about weapon fixin are issues in Dayz like if you log out with almost empty clip and log back again you would have full clip and another similar stuff. I don't know what else could they they fix on weapons as normal arma multiplayer were fix long time ago.
  10. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    Maybe you should look on the logs again because the fixes for multiplayer are there just for Dayz and there are no fixies for singleplayer. Before Dayz beta patches didn't came as frequently as they are now and that's because of Dayz. As i said most issues that bata patches fixing are there just for dayz or for overall multiplayer and that also help Dayz.
  11. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    You dont hear about Bohemia's involvement??And what about all the beta patches? They pull of some people from development of Arma 3 to help Rocket with Dayz...
  12. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    You make it sound easy to find people who would make this. BI is studio in Czech Republic, they cant just hire random people. People who have experienc in makeing games in CZ are in some other studios and peope from outside? Yes, but to work effectively you need them move to their HQ in CZ as Rocket moved there just recently and that's not that easy. They need time for this. Rocket communicate with Dayz community as he's the one who will be making (or lead the development) of Dayz. As for BI they are open and communicative studio. They have close to the community, they even hire people from community that are making mods. And i'm not talking mods that are making them money. Just go to BI forums
  13. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    No, BI support Rocket full time. Rocket himself said that he first want to test game mechanics that are going to be in standalone and he also said that this year he will announce (or release?) something (standalone?). You must understand that BI cant just give Rocket people, as they are small studio and currently finishing Arma 3 and CC..
  14. strangere

    Shutup and take my money

    Wrong, Rocket never approached Bohemia with this but some different people and they told him it could never be profitable.Rocket started working for BI sometime in january on multiplayer for Arma 3 and made Dayz in his spare time just to test some things for Arma. But after success of Dayz they told him to work on Dayz full time...
  15. strangere


    Really? I probably played on older version that's why i didn't notice
  16. strangere


    What are you talking about there was fog in the game from the beginig.If it rain it gets foggy so visibility go down. If there's no rain and visibility is low it's because of server. Visibility on most servers in around 1800m but some servers change it to some lower number. Arma 2 support visibility up to 10km you can try it out in single player..
  17. strangere

    The Unarmed Social Experiment.

    In some countries there are no age restriction on games so even 12 year old kid can buy M rated game...
  18. You probably don't know what engine means. I dont see why he wouldn't be able add more complex game mechanics. He cant add them now because he can't tweak(adjust) the engine itself but just mode the game. But if he going to make standalone he will be tweaking the engine that they use, probably Arma 3 engine (VR4) as it better in all ways, just for Dayz.Its the same as if he used Cry engine. There are no big restriction in arma engine as people think.
  19. strangere

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase only no free to play or micro transactions no monthly fee Studio Developed Both community and studio servers