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About RapturJesus

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    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Eating babies, punishing sinners, trLOLing, DayZ
  1. RapturJesus

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    "Is.. is it wor- FUCK YES ITS FINALLY WORKING YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!" And then I went to bed.
  2. RapturJesus

    Tell us about your most recent kills!

    Namalsk Sebjan Air Base I just finished looting the place and as I was leaving I saw a horde of zombies chasing someone over the horizon. At first I thought it was only one person. I thought, "That poor bastard. I'll leave him be", but he had a buddy right behind him. They were decently geared. Both had Enfields and ALICE packs. Decent gear and better than my start pack and 4 shots of Winchester. I was laying in a tree when the first past. After a couple of seconds his friend followed close behind. It only took one shot. He must of been pretty low on blood. I wasn't sure where his buddy was. So I decided to play the waiting game and change my position a little. A few minutes go by and a UAZ and white truck pull up at the airstrip at opposite ends of one another. One person jumped out of each vehicle.Intrigued, I watched close by hoping I wasn't spotted and was hoping that other survivor would show his head as well. He didn't. But the firefight between the two individuals was a good watch. Both had M4s but the man in the UAZ had a GL attachment on his. You can guess who won that battle. Both vehicles were destroyed and a dead body lay near the steps of the tower. The "victor" approached and was met with a shot in the back of the head. Instantly dead. I figured, "That other guy must have logged" but did my stealth climb up the side ladder anyway and slowly crouched around the top tower. I aimed my sights down the steps.. waited for no longer than 5 secs when a survivor's head suddenly spawned right below me, right on my sights. He died before he could really do anything about it. Pretty good returning experience if you ask me lol. I'm glad my hiatus is over.
  3. RapturJesus

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    I dont really have to if those stats are correct. The average of the month is only 14 players. Dont get me wrong. Its not like there is absolutely no life there. Whenever I check it there is 8ish people. But its not exactly a lot of people.
  4. RapturJesus

    what do you guy think a bandit is?

    A bandit is someone who kills to take the loot for a corpse. I think people have this misconception that snipers and people who randomly kill are bandits. They aren't. They are just murderers.
  5. RapturJesus

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    I totally would but the server isnt exactly full of life. EDIT: Ill still probably try though lol. So do we signup? I think I found the server but it requires a password.
  6. RapturJesus

    Weapon Class of Choice?

    Winchester. No doubt about it.
  7. RapturJesus

    Long term survival advice

    Most pics you see with people having 64 days survived are faked. If you simply log in. Then wait for X amount of days. Your ingame survivor days will go up.
  8. RapturJesus

    Combat log.

    Did you even fucking read the OP?
  9. RapturJesus

    Day 60: Tips and Tricks (with my survival path)

    Honestly all you have to do to get a higher day count is to just log on, log off and repeat that cycle every day. Its not hard. I stopped playing for 2 days. When I last logged off I was at Day 1. After those two days, my character was at day 3.
  10. RapturJesus

    This story beats all. Most UNFORTUNATE bandit story ever!

    So the somewhat fresh spawn had a grenade? Seems legit.
  11. RapturJesus

    Why I host a non-hive server

    Private hives are the only way to play. I finally decided to start playing on one the other day. A lot less lag. No hackers. No glitchiness. Its amazing. If public admins had a lot more power to ban people I would still play on the public servers. Nearly everyone I see running around on a public server has an ASfifty or some other bullshit. Oh and forget playing on a server with more than 30 people. Youll either get killed by a guy with a wallhack silenced thermal one shot one kill sniper or get spawned into the middle of the ocean.
  12. So Ive always launched DayZ from 6launcher. But recently I wanted to actually play ARMA:CO but since there was a direct x 9 whatever problem I had to reinstall. Well it fixed the problem but I want to also play DayZ from launching the game off of steam. When I use 6launcher. The most up to date patches is shown. arma beta expansion and @DayZ are shown in the top right. When I launch the game from steam. Patch 1.62.95248 and Dayz shows up and beta and expansion dont show up in the right hand side. How do i fix this? I tried redownload the newest arma and dayz patches but it didnt work.
  13. RapturJesus

    Buy now or wait for stand alone?

    Wait. Save money and avoid the annoyance of losing 15hrs of work to a hacker or a door.
  14. RapturJesus

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    Thats a run-on sentence I believe. Also thank you for telling us why you are butthurt. No one cares. Shut the fuck up