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Everything posted by knar33

  1. knar33

    Why DayZ standalone is becoming shit (new youtube video)

    You missed the first shot by a bit. Get over it and try harder next time.
  2. knar33

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    You are welcome to try ;)
  3. You should add medic - I play to help people but don't do anything to rid chernarus of bandits.
  4. knar33

    Go to the forest of trees

    They have actually hired an entire new team devoted to this. Some of them previously worked on hunting games and are working specifically on the animal AI to make it realistic. Just because it isn't ready just yet doesn't mean they aren't hard at work on it. You have to keep in mind that hiring new staff and training them to program using the RV engine takes time.
  5. knar33

    Go to the forest of trees

    This is the focus of the next patch, and will continue to be worked on after that. This is what I'm most looking forward to...being able to escape into the woods and survive off the land with as little gear as possible.
  6. knar33

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Please read patch notes: "epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack"
  7. knar33

    How often does the Epi-Pen work?

    Epi-pen is still useless in the current patch.
  8. knar33

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Epinephrine pen still does not work on unconscious people. We tested this by making the subject bleed until unconscious, bandage then applying epi. He was not healthy or healing, and not starving or losing blood in any other way. Please fix this or remove it from the patch notes.
  9. knar33

    (Inventory item placement save)

    It's not random, everything tries to go as far up and left as possible. Simply put the shotgun in the top slots, then any protector cases as far top-left as you can.
  10. knar33

    How many honorable KoSers are there?

    Why does it matter if you talked to him before murdering killing him? Shooting someone is shooting someone no matter how you choose to do it. If anything, talking to them is more honorable because it at least gives them a chance to run away (the guy in that video had a clear chance to get away).
  11. knar33

    Question/bug with combat logging

    Sounds like your buddy decided to combat log, and suffered the fate the developers intended. He died.
  12. As a player who has survived 10 weeks on my current character, it would be nice if I got some perks for being alive so long. At the moment, there is no incentive to survive past the first day. I would like it if there was some external incentive to keep my character alive besides my type O- blood type. That being said, any perks for survival should be very subtle and not affect general gameplay heavily. This would be things like being able to repair items better, quickly/proficiently repair vehicles when they are implemented, or learn things from books you find in the world and gain skills from them.
  13. knar33


    Feel free to join our teamspeak at ts.tmwdayz.com and one of our medics can assist you as soon as possible :D
  14. Epi Pens still don't work on people below 500 blood.
  15. Double click items on the inventory screen to pick them up, or look at an object on the ground and either scroll and choose "pick up x" or press f when given the option to pick up.
  16. If you click the icon in your task bar, and nothing comes up but you still hear sound, what you do to fix it is hold left shift and press the minus (-) key on your num pad, then type the word "flush" (can't remember if you have to press enter, haven't done it for a while). There won't be any visible text box, you just type the word flush and it reloads your graphics. It's worth giving this a try even if you don't hear any sound.
  17. knar33

    Was this Desync or?..

    Another player saw you on his screen, in a different location than you actually were on your screen. The place he saw/shot you was probably on the field where your body was. The player who shot you was desyncing badly.
  18. There are already broken arms implemented, which makes your crosshair wobble around. Also, rocket said there is going to be "advanced medical" stuff implemented, so using a splint or morphine would just let you walk around until you find something to permanently fix it with. I don't have a source for that but I believe it was a pre-launch devblog.
  19. knar33

    Bandits Beware!

    How exactly will you decide who is a bandit and who isn't? When you see someone shooting at someone else, you can't assume they were the one who shot first. Or if you see someone being handcuffed, who's to say they are not just testing features (we did this frequently to Merino). If you hunt bandits, you will end up killing innocent people as well, which in effect makes you a bandit.
  20. knar33

    Actually died to zeds last night

    Why didn't you just pull out a melee or even fists and kill it instead of running? Only takes 10 punches or so to kill a zombie, definitely less time than it takes to bleed out.
  21. knar33

    Tip: Never go into one of these buildings

    A general tip for all buildings: Never climb stairs, and never climb ladders. If you absolutely have to go upstairs, double-tap shift and walk. Take it from someone with a 9 week old character :D
  22. Maybe next you want will all players to spawn in front of your camping spot and stand still?
  23. With the new physics system, and the baseball bat animation shown in the latest dev blog, I would like to get the ball rolling on the Official DayZ League of Baseball [DLB]. The rules will be the same as regular baseball, except the balls will be rotten kiwis and everyone playing MUST wear a baseball cap. Interested parties can either register a team of nine (or more), submit their interest and join a draft pool with teams being picked when the league play begins, or request to join an existing team. After a short practice season, there will be playoff season to find the true champions of Dayz Baseball! All Official DLB games will be protected by armed guards to ensure nobody causes problems. Format to register an Official DLB team Team Name: Hometown: Team colors: Mascot: Region: Player Roster: Format to register for the draft Name: Region + times most played: __________________________________________________________________________ Teams Team Name: The Berezino Bloodbags (sponsored by TMW) Hometown: Berezino Team Colors: Red and White Mascot: Giant talking O- bloodbag Region: International Player Roster: Knar, Goose, TwitchyTrigger, Marijke, Rondango, ProDispatch, Matty, Gunnysack Man, Jasher
  24. I'm really hoping the physics works out for this, otherwise this will have to turn into a handball league :o Then we could play on the couple football fields around the map.
  25. Might see about adding this to the team roster :D