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7 Neutral

About Godparties

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Robins AFB, Georgia
  • Interests
    Yes, this picture is me BEFORE the military. Football, Baseball, Tennis, the gym, movies, drinking, partying, bars, clubbing, video games(Obviously), hunting, fishing, raves, swimming. I'll try anything once.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    I game a bit. But, i'm not huge on it. I prefer drinking, goin out with the guys and partying and shit. I text a lot. I'm pretty simple. In the Air Force. Stationed in Robins, Georgia. Hit me up.

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About Me

Server Admin of server US 1385. If you can't find it, message me. Veteran. Running newest patch, choppers spawning. Not locking or kicking random players. All Combat loggers are reported, and logs are gone through daily by three separate admins. Hosted by Wisegamy. Message myself for any questions, complaints ect. I'm always on the forums and will try to reply as swiftly as possible. Almost 22. In the military. I love playing different games, and so far I really enjoy DayZ. I do like to stay pretty active, between work, gym, sports, and hitting up clubs, raves and just getting drunk all the time. Haha. Anyway, I run with a group of 3-4 of us. We're pretty laxed, just havin fun. If you're looking for someone to run with, by all means, get a hold of me on here and we'll take you in.
