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Everything posted by deltasierra25

  1. Yeah they are back up now! thanks
  2. Just an FYI the server had a bad restart and none of the tents or vehicles spawned in. Is there anyway that you can do a manual restart so the gear is there again?
  3. I am going with the bike had a shield attached to it. LOL
  4. I will have to discuss it with my people tomorrow but I should be able to get you your truck back. I mean it was pretty cold hearted to watch all four of you log off then take it in the night with all your gear :D If you want you can add me on steam I will PM you my steam name.
  5. Well you got super lucky thats for sure lol. I guess we could call a temporary cease fire while I hunt down the chopper again. It would free up all that time I spend hunting your new camp lol. But if its on the tiny mountain Veresnik I would recommend moving it.
  6. I do not know how you survived that dude I put a full clip and a half of M4 rounds into you LOL!! You are crazy ninja to make it away on your bicycle. Points!!
  7. Is your in game name Myles??
  8. I know you moved your camp again we watched some of you moving it we just haven't found it but we will keep looking. Were you the guys with the white off road truck?
  9. I like how just because your shit got stolen and people found your tents they have to be hackers QQ more. We found your tents with a helicopter and then drove your truck over your tents. After we were done stomping out your existence we then drove your truck into the field and proceeded to shoot it with the helos 240s LOLOLOL. Thanks for the enjoyable morning better luck next time. We will be watching 8)
  10. Looking forward to hearing from you guys and rollin some zombs!!! Delta
  11. Hey Ghost I put in an App yesterday I was just wondering how long it usually takes to get a response? Delta
  12. deltasierra25

    Current Beta - 94945 - Issues (Post here please?)

    Nevermind I figured it out. Basically you just need the nest to last Beta Patch and you can just run it and it will auto overwrite the beta files to the old patch and now it works like a charm. Thanks everyone for the help.
  13. deltasierra25

    Current Beta - 94945 - Issues (Post here please?)

    I don't have a beta folder this is how it installed it when I ran the beta updater. LOL
  14. deltasierra25

    Current Beta - 94945 - Issues (Post here please?)

    Can you tell me how you rolled back your beta patch because I tried to launch the 94444 beta patch and it say it is unable to because the one I have now (94945) is more recent.
  15. deltasierra25

    Current Beta - 94945 - Issues (Post here please?)

    Yeah me and my friend are having the same issue with the new Beta Patch (94945). We get stuck on waiting for host and when we attempt to join a server that is stating that its running the new Beta Patch it says we have a battleye initialization failure. Hope this gets fixed soon I feel as if I am being punished for keeping my game up to date I might start lagging a patch behind just incase now since all the servers run different versions anyways whats the point. It would be nice to have some server standard. DeltaSierra25