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About Greenshift

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    On the Coast
  1. I agree, I ran into a town that had next to NO ground cover, even prone zombies will see you from a bit of a distance away, without grass around they will lock on you quick. I ran into a house that had no back door and a friend had one rather loud gun and I had an AK Kobra and OMG did the zombies keep coming, I ran out of ammo as the last one came through the door, my friend logged out so that pretty much saved us. Is it just me or does gun fire actually spawn zombies not just attract them? If so STOP IT!!! I think you should be able to run into a town wipe out all zombies and have at least 3 minutes or even 2 minutes before zombies begin spawning. My group saw me raid a deer stand where one zombie had gotten stuck under the deer stand, I shot him in the head and 6 zombies exploded out of him, it was crazy. Get a handle on the spawn rates I know this is a hard game of survival but either make that hatchet a side arm weapon or CHILL with the crazy zombie spawn.
  2. Greenshift

    Barracks Suggestion and Small Town Suggestion

    From what I read some items spawn SPECIFICALLY in the barracks such as night vision and a few other items. I am just going by what I have read on forums or third party sites but I have never found night vision or range finder or even a cyote back pack in deer stands fire houses or control towers and I loot the hell out of those daily. I have only been to the barracks at the NW airfields a couple of times and there seems to be always players either barracading with tank traps barb wire and sand bags or just flat sitting in the shower to shoot someone who comes up. I think I have even known that people watch the area to spawn zombies call their friend who logged out of the barracks to log in and kill whoever spawned the zombies. I think there should be reason to hit all areas of the map and to make it so that if people want to camp they won't be doing it in large groups due to so many areas needing to be watched and limited space on the server. There are people who just want to play the game and not kill everything that wears a backpack. But I have come to expect that from everyone I see except a new spawn whom i've taken to chasing while having a lit flare in my hand.
  3. Greenshift

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    I agree they should be totally removed. I am not a fan of them and at times i'm frustrated with vehicles but I have been using two of them so to have non glitchy storage since our tents seem to either not work or be stuck on the contents they have had since the owner died.
  4. I get that some loot should be rare but I find it ridiculous that it seems everyone makes a rush for the NW airfield to camp and dump loot to find the gear they want. Legit players who dont' have access to hidden, locked, or private servers can't get decent loot without being killed by server hoppers or campers just sitting around. There will always be campers but this game is seemingly encouraging that sort of behavior instead of the behavior it should be which is to keep moving. Can we please add other barracks type locations that spawn gear, either by adding barracks to all air fields (at least one barrack type building or spawn). I'm not against the NW airfield having more than one barracks and being larger and therefore more chances for good loot, but i'm sick of campers and no one moving around to any other location. It would also be nice to have maybe a random spawn location similar to helicoptor crashes, such as a major military spawn tent cite that appears randomly on server restarts. I think there needs to be more moving around this map. Everytown should have a good loot spawn, every town should have a water spigget or pond to use. I think there needs to be more reason to spread people thin so that all the good loot isn't being covered by the same 5 people that lurk on a server. If you want a safe haven head to the woods.
  5. Greenshift

    Hand Axe Suggestion

    I would really like to see the hand axe as a side arm and NOT a primary rifle weapon. Especially now that pistols are pretty much worthless for killing zombies. Frankly i'd rather have it that way to begin with, I much rather kill zombies in silence iwth a hatchet than use noisy weapons. This is further reinforced by never really being able to hit barracks or military tents without someone sniping me. So please can someone look into changing the hand axe and crowbar into a sidearm weapon?
  6. I don't mind sniper weapons in a game but I agree there are too many, there should be only a very small chance of finding a rifle and/or ammo for it. Since this game is not really about working together (probably indicative of what would actually happen in any major crisis) close combat weapons should be the prominate feature. Red/Green dot scopes should be about all the sniping this games needs, at least people could potential have a chance to raid a town such as cherno/elektro. Zombies need to stop running 5 feet after getting killed. This game is lethal enough as it is with glitches and campers/clanners/admins without having a zombie get head shotted but still run at you several feet and still get a hit on you before dropping to the ground. Killing a zombie should be instant, head shot should man drop straight down, not run a few steps then fall over. I personally would like to see the crowbar be of use. like I saw another player post, put the canteen on the tool belt, put the crow bar on the tool belt. Can someone please find a way to allow a player to switch from rifle to side arm to item in the tool belt without unequiping a weapon. Doors should be able to get nailed shut or even locked if a tool kit is used and unlocked by someone with a tool kit. If a tool kit is not availabe then a crowbar could be used to pry the door open. Maybe even do the same with vehicles. I'm all for barbwire and tank traps, but again will someone make it so they keep zombies out too? I know zombies are not phased by razor cuts but having them walk through obsticles players can't at all is just garbage. Again its bad enough to find these things blocking my way only to discover a zombie is unhindered by either obstacle. Perhaps adding the ability to tear them down (zombies attacking objects til they are destroyed would work). Then maybe adding obstacles to a house would be useful to create a safe haven at least temporarily. I'd personally like to see it possible to barricade a house and windows with wood (another crowbar use to take down). Zombies could then attack those areas to destroy them to get in? I'm guessing that this option has HIGH capacity for abuse but something that sounds like it should be in the game. Imagine how much noise it would be to break into a boarded up house? Once zombies see players trying to break in some zombies might stick around and try beating on a house and break in too. If tank traps, bear traps, and barbwire are only going to affect players I personally think they should be taken out of the game. I am very sick of seeing barbwire abuse by server hopping ghosters. This is not a suggestion other than to fix a problem, but I like the idea of getting a vehicle. I know that there are only a certain number of vehicles on a server but its really annoying that people take them and hoard them away. Doing a grid by grid search can net a treasure trove but there has got to be a better way, my thought maybe each player id can have a key to ONE vehicle, sure maybe it needs repairs, maybe it can be broken into but only one player can have a specific vehicle so at least those who are willing to be dedicated to a server or several can still have a chance at a vehicle, even if its just a bicycle. Speaking of bicycles, I love them, but seriously they should NOT be doing 40 - 70 miles an hour (sorry kilometers). They should be faster than running and being able to travel overland at a good speed silently is awesome but seriously they go crazy fast right now. Can someone also find a way to change the player skins, i'd at least like to look different from others in our group. Along with that, can nametags get totally eliminated from Dayz altogether, there is NO reason for those being on. And while i'm on the subject, bring back bandit skins. The heart beat is annoying AND useless. Killing bandits should not be murder and frankly i'd like to start grouping with true bandit hunters, i'm tired of co-oping only to get killed by some jackass who thinks a guy running with a hatchet needs to be shot. That is probably all for now, hope someone reads this :)