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Sticky (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Sticky (DayZ)

  1. What a mess. Anyway:

    Im all in for player killing in DayZ and other sandbox games. In fact, I like being killed in DayZ, fresh start is always ... refreshing. But the point that people dont get is that decisions you make, even in games, have consequences and most of the time an impact on someones mood of the mind. Games are made to create emotions. Without different kinds of emotions, games, music, movies, everything would be pointless.

    There are competitive games: The great feel of winning and the disappontment of losing. You can feel good to know if you are better than someone else, or if you are performing better than you did last time.

    There are strong emotional games. Mass Effect series is a good example that comes in mind. It is made to create bigger emotions. Sadness, cheerfulness, excitement... It is the damn main point of the game.

    Horror games to create chills of fear and excitement ... The list goes on forever.

    If you kill someone in DayZ, in a straight-up fight, he will most surely feel the disappointment of losing and a little bit sad for losing all his gear. But not in huge amounts, but still it surely activates some kind of activity in his brain.

    You team up with someone, and have a blast playing DayZ! The other person thinks you are the greatest person to play with and is going to ask for your Steam account name before you both log off and go to sleep so that you can play later. Suddenly you just empty your Makarov clip into his face shouting in the Direct Chat: ''Ha-ha! Good night, sucker! Remember, its a game!'' The victim is surely deceived and feels very bad for your actions. ''He never liked to play with me?'' - he thinks.

    Those are all my viewpoints of course. You can keep your views but I aint losing mine. Actions in games do create emotions. The End.

    Of course we play to get that emotion, the adrenaline rush, the fear, the remorse (to a certain extent) but this thread is not going to sway anyone from banditry and senseless murder, its in the game, and its probably not going anywhere.

  2. Dayz releases your inner demon as there are no laws for the land. If you want to be a dick, you can be a dick.

    Well said, think the OP doesn't fully grasp human nature. If it weren't for laws, I'd have already exterminated a long list of people I fuckin despise, just for fun. Saying that humans would not kill just because they can is the words of someone still living in Mr.Roger's neighborhood. Humans have and will continue for years to come, kill just to kill....do you not watch current events OP? One man walked into the premiere of the new Batman movie and shot 70 people...What makes you think people would think twice about doing that in a VIDEO GAME? Humans have waged war upon each other since the beginning of time, and given the odds of REAL a zombie apocolypse, it would be more rampant than your little carebear mind would think...

  3. Oh wow. How stupid people can be? So few understand the OP's point.

    Please explain his point then? He's asking why shooting people in game has no effect on a players emotions like it does in real life, and the bottom line is its a VIDEO GAME. Its not going to be the same as shooting a person in real life, why are we even discussing the difference between two?

  4. The difference between the two is that the kid with the baseball cap you ganked could call the police and file assault charges and larceny, leading you to a criminal record, resulting in you not being able to get a job due to your criminal background. Situation 2 has no consequence, just reward. I kill you, you get pissed off, and I take your stuff.

  5. Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like that to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought. What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.

    You aint hard son!

  6. I can agree to this post to a certain extent, but being ex-military (1st Cav Division 21B Combat Engineer, Route Clearance and Recon, Camp Falcon Baghdad Iraq 2008-2010 Hooah!) I would more than likely KoS if you point your god damn weapon at me, however, 99% of your post is 100% true. It is difficult to implement that kind of realism into a game without game breaking penalties, but I like the way you think sir!

    • Like 1

  7. Sticker704 has been killed

    Sticker704 has been killed

    Sticker704 has been killed

    Sticker704 has been killed

    Sticker704 has been killed

    That's why.

    So put a 10 min timer on the respawn, not remove it completely.

    Yeah, people will just find zombies and suicide that way, so what does it really fix other than annoying the shit out players and forcing people like the OP to crawl on the ocean floor until reaching the sand or dying of hunger and thirst?

    • Like 1

  8. A little tardy to the party for your crybaby thread. This has been old news for awhile.

    Just because its old news doesn't mean its not just a band-aid fix to cover a severe laceration. Its always a crybaby thread until it happens to you. The problem with you kids now days is you think its cool to troll a forum and spout off ridiculous insults at something that quite obviously doesn't concern you...if you havent experienced the OP's issue, then why not just click the next thread and leave your silly input in your head

    • Like 1

  9. I don't care for WarZ, I don't even think I'm gonna like it. I'm defending it because it's stupid to criticize a game before testing it.

    No need to play the "It's my opinion, respect it!" card, I'll be happy to hear your opinion once you'll have actually played it. ;)

    Good job on using my own words against me, I really got told there. ;)

    You're logic baffles me...If someone wrote a column about buttsecks and all the great feelings that come from it and I said "To hell with buttsecks, its sounds painful and messy!" Then of course you chime in and say "Hey, dont knock it til you try it. By the way, you need to get your facts straight."

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  10. Haha, nobody even said they thought War Z was good or that they wanted to play it or even that they didn't like DayZ. You just got called out for lacking common sense and being immature judging a game that isn't even out yet. Get your facts straight.

    What facts? You got some facts for us about WarZ man? Why you defending it so hard? I dont have to present facts, the goddamn interview on the internet says its going to have quests, special zombies, and a full array or other World Of Warshit mechanics mixed into the zombie genre. My OPINION of the game is that it fuckin sucks, and the facts are in the interview with the developers of WarZ....You just got called out for lacking common sense and assuming my opinion was a fact. Get your facts straight.

  11. How is that "..the...fucking...end.... "? So you thought Fallout 3 was a shitty game?...because IT had quests and not ALL of it "hostiles" were of equal strengths or abilities.

    Oh I'm sorry, I forgot how awesome quests are!! Hey guys, Mrs.Johnson said she will reward us with Makarov ammo if we bring her 10 cans of beans, kill 5 special puking zombies, and bring back their zombie skins!! Get the fuck out bro...

    • Like 3

  12. So I.m not a Bandit or anything more of a lone wolf without a group but I think I've found my purpose in this infected waste I hunt bandit camps which means I find a camp take the gear and proced to destroy the camp of all items. then take my new found gear to the cost and drop it at some new spawns feet I've done so a couple of times my main one was on US35 I belive I destroyed the main groups camp. and have done so on other servers as well I dont server hop for gear or combat log just out to have some fun

    You got my beans bro, you should completely sweep the north and west boarders and run over tents and shoot all their vehicles to pieces too...hoard more fags

    • Like 1

  13. Tell me more about how bad this unreleased game nobody has played yet is.

    Defending DayZ is one thing. Being a moron is another.

    It has quests and special zombies....the...fucking...end....

    He's far from a moron...he's probably just a guy that doesn't like to play WoW + Resident Evil, and doesn't care for people to promote a potential (yet shitty) competitor on this forum...

  14. I might start sever hopping on spawn locations, it's a thing I really dislike, but I also think it's unfair that only a few people hoarde all their vehicles in one place, which may even be off map, effectively preventing me from enjoying the full content of dayz.

    Fucking hoarders, I wanna drive ;_;

    Sometimes you get lucky enough to catch them at spawn points but for the most part people hoarde them up north or to the west near the map borders. If you find a group of them, steal as many as your group can drive and blow the rest of them to hell to teach the hoarders a lesson!

    • Like 1

  15. Really? Where u got thrills on COD??? LOL!!!

    And BTW, i was informed about dayZ, even played it 2weeks on a freinds acc before bought it! But i really could never imagine that:

    1. the game is going to this directions it does actually

    2. it will have the worst community ever been on the www

    And Yes! Ur a one lucky guy counting to point 2! Dude im 29 years old, i have a Job, i have friends and i have regulary sex. I really dont need little WoWkiddies like u, trying to tell me what to do! And this Forum seems to be the place where this ppl seems to live!

    Cool story bro, needs more dragons.

    • Like 2

  16. I was in the military and its possible to give yourself an IV, me and some of my buds that was pretty close with the doc use to get them for hangovers during demobilization lol. But I'm not so certain about a blood transfusion. Granted I'm not a doctor, (combat engineer hooah) but I do know when the body loses a certain amount of blood, your veins and arteries will contract from your limbs to maintain bloodflow to vital organs in the body, this is why it's common to see someone who is suffering from severe blood loss to have blue/purple fingers and toes. This will make it impossible to perform a blood transfusions on yourself because when those veins contract from the limbs, you're not going to find a vein and more than likely the field medic is going to stick you in the jugular. Sorry for the long ass explanation, but I seriously doubt a self blood transfusion would even be possible in the real world.

    Lets not even dive into the fact of matching blood types and all that good shit lol

  17. Kinda suck that i you don't have some one to play with your kinda fucked if some shoots you...

    I was in the military and its possible to give yourself an IV, me and some of my buds that was pretty close with the doc use to get them for hangovers during demobilization lol. But I'm not so certain about a blood transfusion. Granted I'm not a doctor, (combat engineer hooah) but I do know when the body loses a certain amount of blood, your veins and arteries will contract from your limbs to maintain bloodflow to vital organs in the body, this is why it's common to see someone who is suffering from severe blood loss to have blue/purple fingers and toes. This will make it impossible to perform a blood transfusions on yourself because when those veins contract from the limbs, you're not going to find a vein and more than likely the field medic is going to stick you in the jugular. Sorry for the long ass explanation, but I seriously doubt a self blood transfusion would even be possible in the real world.
