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Everything posted by SLASH-7

  1. SLASH-7


    Solution to a few of those problems is to play on a veteran server. Name plates and 3rd person are turned off. The disconnect will most likely never stop though.
  2. Nicely done. I would really like to see S58's reasoning for this.
  3. SLASH-7

    Don't bring back starter weapons

    I agree as well. It gave back the atmosphere of being helpless, like when I first logged on. Knowing that I can't just run into a building and calmly dispatch zombies with my Makarov and I have to actually put in an effort to get a gun.
  4. SLASH-7

    Mental Health

    This would be so damn scary. Alone in the woods at night hearing footsteps or zombies, i'd end up too stressed out to play haha.
  5. I love your ideas and the fact you actually sat down and quite obviously put some effort into putting it on paper. I've read through it all now, and while I really do like your ideas, I feel it would be straying too far from the mod that brought us all here. Most of us came for the feeling of helplessness in an unforgiving zombie apocalypse. I believe traits would take away quite a bit from this. Maybe a more passive, almost non-existent choice of traits or customization to add that extra feeling of attachment to your character would be alright. The ammo crate idea falls in this category as well. Having such a large amount of ammo and not really having to ration it, or making the decision to take that mag or the can of beans will take away from the feeling I came for. Good ideas nonetheless, keep up the good work.
  6. SLASH-7

    Please read and give feedback!

    Should just bump your thread in the future instead of creating a new one
  7. Unfortunate. It's going to be a long crawl to the next time you come across morphine most likely.
  8. SLASH-7

    1st/3rd person not working

    Switching to 3rd person is disabled on some servers, i've not yet played, but are you on a server with it enabled?
  9. Sorry. EDIT: I use them constructively, not to be a total cunt as stated below.
  10. I just play like this: everyone is bad until proven good. Doesn't mean you have to shoot everyone, but stay away from them if you would like to keep your stuff.
  11. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11949
  12. The fact of the matter is they are abusing the "bug" for personal gain, this would be considered an exploit.
  13. Yeah, i'm using the exact same method now and I used to be very into being stealthy and cautious. I guess this is way less time consuming though.
  14. Yeah, definitely frusterating. This is actually how I just lost my 10 day or so character. I was dealing with a small horde I had acquired and as I walked by the door all of a sudden dead. I guess it's my fault for walking out in the open, but I really didn't see it coming. Well, guess I get to finally check out how spawning without a weapon is.
  15. Such a tragic tale... I wish you best in your future endeavours, life is going to be harsh with this mentality.
  16. I lost my stuff as well, your best bet is to go get it back. It was necessary due to the server crashes I believe.
  17. Sounds like you are spawning in debug, if you see other players there do not kill them. (it is a bannable offence.) Really the only advice I can give, good luck.
  18. SLASH-7


    Since I just replied to a thread with the exact same content as this I will use my same post. We should go forward, not backward. Instead of going back to a pervious version, try to think of ways to improve the version we are currently on. I know it's frusterating at times, but we will get past these bugs, and shape this game into something awesome.
  19. I've changed my game style for sure, since the update I went to not firing off my gun once to almost 300 zombies killed. I've given up on crawling everywhere and will usually just crouch walk and hope for the best. The best is usually only pulling 10 zombies into a building and putting them down. I love it.
  20. We should go forward, not backward. Instead of going back to a pervious version, try to think of ways to improve the version we are currently on. I know it's frusterating at times, but we will get past these bugs, and shape this game into something awesome.
  21. SLASH-7 Bleeding

    Yeah, this is a really good update. Especially when you are on the run or in a firefight and have no time to bandage.