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Everything posted by serenityrick

  1. Not much else to say really, haha. Simply change it so when you press F2 to put your hands up, you can *walk* with your hands up. It's mostly for cosmetic reasons rather than actual gameplay reasons. Would be nice to yell "come out with your hands up!" and have them walk out of a room with.. well.. their hands up.
  2. serenityrick

    Well this is cute..........

    Threads like this make me wish that they'd make this game 24/7 night time just to piss people like the OP off. Please stop playing this game forever.
  3. Sadly this. It's a weird line to draw where everything else in the game is so hardcore. At this point I wish they'd be honest about it and say "probably less people would be interested in the game as first person only game and we want more people to buy it.. "
  4. serenityrick

    HARDCORE - 3PP:OFF server/tactics/general

    Wait.. why wouldn't you want free look to work in 1st person? Being able to run a straight line and glance over your shoulder is amazing.
  5. serenityrick

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    This may have been mentioned here already, not sure.. But I read a good idea over on reddit about a "fix" for 3rd person.. Only make 3rd person available if your weapon is holstered. It doesn't necessarily fix anything.. but it would be nice that if you are looking over or around walls, that you be at SOME sort of disadvantage.. that being that you can't strafe fire from the hip around a corner at someone you see or pop up, take some pot shots at someone then duck down and see exactly where they went without first putting your weapon away.
  6. serenityrick

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    Yeah until combat logging is fixed (and to another extent, more items are added to the game + harder zombies and also item degradation mattering), Robbing people will continue to remain more of an RP element in the alpha. I fully expect as more things are added that robbing people will be more prevalent. With that said, many people will probably take what they need then execute their prisoner.. but if you're surrounded and you want the best chance of getting out alive, you'll probably have to go with the whole robbing encounter and hope/beg/plead that they don't execute you after.. But you'll also still find people who would rather rambo it 5 v 1 rather than be taken prisoner. Those types of player will probably die quickly and often
  7. serenityrick

    I just don't find item decay fun...

    How is that a fair criticism? 90% of the item damage doesn't even work... not only that, there are still about 900+ items that aren't even in the game yet. At the moment, I don't feel bad when I shoot up someone at the NWAF because there is literally no way he has something I want or need. Nothing related to crafting, hunting or medical supplies because at the moment, no one in the game actually needs that stuff (or it's not implemented yet).
  8. serenityrick

    I just don't find item decay fun...

    Wait until it actually starts to matter. Right now the item decay doesn't mean anything in terms of gameplay (with the exception of magazines I think?) With that said, I completely disagree. It means that even if you find a can opener, you'll still be excited when you find another one that says "Pristine".. When you find a bunch of military gear, you may still want to risk life and limb to check out high risk areas to swap out your "badly damaged" buttstock for a perfect one. Then you have the killing on sight mentality.. once the damage system is perfected and the degradation of items actually matter, we may see less of "Hey what's that moving over there?" - "who cares? shoot it." Honestly, the item decay mechanic is one of the best, if not THE best feature they have implemented into the game. Kudos to whoever thought of it!
  9. serenityrick

    Dean The Lying Salesman

    You know that box you have to click every time you start up the game? yeah? Try reading it. Christ almighty.
  10. serenityrick

    I Proclaim a Humble Opinion

    Great read and great points. I'm really excited for more zombies and generally tougher PvE in general. Right now we got it pretty easy. Water is disease free. Can't get infected. Food is plentiful. It's easy to sweep an entire village in like 15 minutes.. Once it takes like an hour to scavenge a small village by crawling around in fear of aggro-ing the entire "undead" populous, having to worry about boiling water to not get sick.. stock piling anti-biotics and vaccines to stop from dying from horrible infections, I think this game will really come into it's own even moreso than it already is even in it's alpha state. The key really is the zombies though. If they are just as inconsequential as in the mod then I'll be pretty disappointed. I invision getting cornered and swarmed by dozens of them if I'm not being careful. unloading my handgun and desparately trying to reload bullets into spent magazines while they keep piling into a building I'm in would be hectic and awesome. In the mod you could easily outrun them and lose them. To make them dangerous and feared I think the first thing they need to do is limit your sprinting/running.. And then make a Zed's top speed somewhere between a player's Jog and Running.. so that if you can't lose them when you get tired of sprinting, you have to fight them off or die. It would force people to be much more careful around towns and more importantly promote co-operative gameplay for more than just co-op banditry. Finding a can of beans and soda would be much more meaningful if you have spend much of your night sneaking around and shitting your pants when a zombie turns to face you. Coming up with an escape route incase you do aggro them will also be key. Not to mention that if they were that dangerous in numbers, people might be less likely to shoot on sight as shooting your firearm would alert a mass of zombies to your location.
  11. serenityrick

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    You can see what you're wearing every time you hit TAB though.. Is everyone really so vain that they have to constantly see what their character looks like at all times when performing animations? That seems weird to me, haha. In my opinion when you stack up that vanity versus being able to spot people over and around walls... I'd lose the vanity every day of the week and twice on Sundays. I agree with Bad_Mojo about the WoT comparison.. if you were running along and saw a player or vehicle popping in and out of existence, it would draw the eye a lot easier than if you were in 1st person all the time.. so it's arguable that even that 'solution' might still be a problem. With that said, it's still better than what we have. It really sucks that that if I want to play on a populated server, I have to completely change the way I play in cities or indoors because I have to assume people are able to easily see me while I cannot see them. That sucks, plain and simple. EDIT - And if you treat the game like an action game where you run all over the place then maybe that's not a big deal for you. Personally, I like strategy when entering a village or city.. covering flanks and slowly clearing out buildings. That type of play style is more or less completely negated on 3PP servers
  12. serenityrick

    Playing this game as an FPS is the worst.

    /shrug I have absolutely no problem playing in first person. It's pretty damn easy to get used to.. Ultimately, the change in the feel of the game and knowing someone can't be 3rd person wall hacking (for lack of a better term) makes it soooooooooo much better.
  13. serenityrick

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Except that's a poor solution as it fractures the player base. The best solution is from that video where you cannot see players unless your character can actually see it. It would obviously add development time but it's worth it. Then there would be no need for "hardcore" servers or separate hives.
  14. What the hell are you talking about?
  15. serenityrick

    Alpha... Still,This is ridicilous

    Oh Jesus Christ. You didn't buy a game.. you bought a very early work in progress alpha. Not to mention the DayZ servers and Steam was hit with a DDoS (and may still be getting hit with them). I hate entitled people. Go find something else to do.
  16. That's a massive pile of bullshit you got there. How do I use 3rd person correctly when I'm covering a door in a building and someone else 3rd person ghosts the corner of it to see exactly where I am in the room and then strafe fires around the corner killing me instantly before I even have a chance to react? Please teach me. Apparently I have no idea what I'm doing.
  17. I'm not going to repeat myself for a 5th or 6th time. Stop with that shitty canned response.
  18. serenityrick

    Item suggestion) Handheld Mirrors

    It's actually a great suggestion. But yeah.. it's ruined by the community who thinks it's perfectly fine to be able to see over and around walls without risk. Too bad.
  19. serenityrick

    A simple idea for future Communication

    I guess I'm the fag that is saying this is too unrealistic. Nice try, OP but my vote is no. Completely goes against what this game is about.
  20. serenityrick

    Cant change gender and clothes anymore

    Do you have the nosplash and world=empty in your steam startup? I noticed I wasn't able to change anything about my character after I put that in. If so, delete that stuff and restart the game.
  21. serenityrick

    Spawn "balancing"

    OP, please stop playing this game and never come back. Thanks.
  22. Because this is a forum for a video game that boasts realism and at the moment, playing in 3rd person completely contradicts that. The fact that people enjoy it is irrelevant. I'm sure tons of people enjoyed the UI health/thirst/hunger meters and stealth meter.. but again, those contradict what Rocket says he's trying to do with this game so he removed them. As usual it comes back to removing the ability to see what your character cannot see. If we could get any idea that they are or will be working on something like that I'd totally back off. As it stands, I see it as a massive failure in design. Despite however many people enjoy it.