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Everything posted by serenityrick

  1. I don't have as much of a problem with the zoom in that instance as I believe it's suppose to simulate focusing in with your eyes in a particular area. You're sacrificing periphery in order to focus in on a specific spot.
  2. Why was a KoS thread merged with a 3rd person/1st person camera thread?
  3. serenityrick

    Ruined Ammo

    As far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong) but the pristine versus ruined (and everything in between) means very little at the moment I think. I appear to still be able to eat "ruined" food or drink from my "ruined" canteen.. and use my "ruined" compass. It would be nice to get a more in depth explanation as to what "ruined" actually means or will mean in the future. Can ruined ammo not be loaded into a mag? can you not drink from a ruined canteen? can you not eat ruined food or does it simply not fill you up as much? Or does it increase the risk of food poisoning or something? As of right now, I believe it's just cosmetic.
  4. I honestly have no problem with it... While jogging, hit your hotkey for it, hit space, look down at it, adjust accordingly, hit space again and hit your hotkey again and continue sprinting. You don't even have to stop moving. It's not particularly hard to get used to.
  5. serenityrick

    Ideas For Ghillie Suits

    Please no ghillie suits. Please.
  6. I'm face_palming pretty hard right now.. Our positioning has no bearing on the reality of the situation.. I'm aiming at a fucking door, I should have the upper hand 100% of the time. There is no way, had both me and my attacker been in 1st person, would he have any way of knowing I was in there without peering in. Certainly someone playing in fpv wouldn't have blindly started strafe firing into a building EVEN if he heard my friend munching on beans. The fact I have to alter my playstyle because people can peer around corners without any downside whatsoever sucks dick.
  7. Except as a player in that field approaching that building, I'd EASILY be able to see some jagoff peering his head over the lip of that chimney. Again.. no risk for that player. ALL reward. It's cheap. Plain and simple. How is this even debatable?
  8. serenityrick

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    I love the fact that loot doesn't respawn though. Picking a direction to go and stopping by every house on the way is the best way to play the game.. and seeing doors already open and houses picked clean makes it more authentic. Because then I have to look at a map and go "okay.. someone has clearly been up this way... most likely they followed the road to [insert town here] so I'll cut through the woods and check out this other town.." In the mod I could, rather cheaply I might add, walk 30m away and come back to any given location and the loot would be completely different whether it was looted or not. You never had to keep moving if you didn't want to. I agree that the meta is what's forcing these lame players to play the way they do but I don't think the answer is changing the way loot spawns. We just need a way to prevent people from joining X amount of server in Y amount of time. People will still do it probably barring characters being saved to servers but it would be far less rampant
  9. serenityrick

    Funny coincidence

    I don't get it
  10. serenityrick

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    Once it takes a considerable amount of time to gear your player (fixing server hopping, moving military spawns off the coast, reducing military gear across the board), there will be a lot less killing on sight I think. Certainly from fully geared out players anyway. If it took me DAYS to get my camo/military garb and assault rifle, I don't think I would risk opening myself up to death like shooting near cities would.. especially after they buff the hell out of zombies and fix combat logging. It won't be fixed completely but it won't be anywhere near as bad as it is now.
  11. serenityrick

    Generally how many FPS are you guys getting?

    i7 4770 Geforce 560 8gigs ram 1920x1080 res low AA no clouds high everything else (even shadows) around 30-40fps in the wilderness mid 20s in cities
  12. https://twitter.com/rocket2guns/status/414183230300893184
  13. And this doesn't even include the area ABOVE a player (seeing over walls and whatnot) EDIT - Oh wait, the side angle one does :P
  14. They didn't hide the fact at all that they were taking time off for Christmas....... They also were upfront and very vocal about NOT buying this game unless you were interested in testing it. It's nothing at all like the War Z fiasco.
  15. serenityrick

    [SA] A simple suggestion: Walking with your hands up.

    haha yeah.. I think your hands should go down if you start jogging or sprinting though
  16. People keep saying fpv is clunky and now you're saying it's glitchy... I don't understand it. It works completely fine for me. /shrug
  17. serenityrick

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    It's one of those things where that would actually solve the whole logging out inside the building to get free and easy loot but players would simply change their gameplan and logout outside and nearby the building. It would slow them down, no doubt but it certainly wouldn't fix it. It's absolutely a step in the right direction that's for sure though
  18. Rocket talked about having a rifle bag in order to hold a 2nd primary rifle which I wouldn't mind. I imagine this would replace your large melee weapon though. Personally I'd rather keep my axe than have both a shotgun and an M4 or something
  19. serenityrick

    Equipment damage

    How can you come to that conclusion? A lot of the item degradation doesn't effect items right now. a "ruined" compass still works. "ruined" bags and pants still hold items perfectly. You can still eat "ruined" food and drink "ruined" water from canteens. People are KoSing right now because that's mostly all there is to do in the game at the moment. EDIT - I cannot say that it will change once everything is implemented and the game goes gold but there is hardly any deterrant from killing people at the moment. Once people start playing the game for real and spray bullets into their victims and find out they couldn't salvage any of their gear because of their reckless abandon, maybe then they'll change their ways. Right now people are just fucking around since, again, not much to do yet.
  20. serenityrick

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    A logout timer is the correct way to combat ghosting, not server hopping for loot
  21. serenityrick

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    Honestly, I'd rather risk that stuff (bad connections or downed servers) in order to stop or mitigate server hopping for gear.. especially since Rocket has confirmed that some of the best/most rare equipment will be limited to maybe 50 total across every server. If that's the case you'll have people booking it to the nearest military base and server hopping to the least populated ones over and over and over and over again in order to try and get some NVGs or a military grade sniper rifle or some shit. Perhaps limiting characters to specific servers isn't the answer but there has to be SOME sort of answer. Perhaps you can't join more than 2 servers in any given amount of time? say 24 hours? maybe even more. That way you'll have a backup server if your primary goes down but it at least stops it so someone can join 50 different servers over the course of an hour. /shrug There's gotta be a good way to combat this.
  22. I liked having a straight forward GUI on the screen telling me when I was getting low on blood. Why remove it? Because it wasn't realistic.
  23. The discussion of removing 3rd person view isn't anyone trying to force someone to play a certain way.. it's about making this game the best survival/zombie game possible. A lot of it doesn't even necessarily have to do PvP either.. once the zombies are numerous and dangerous, it becomes a lot less stressful to move through houses or streets if you can see where they all are without any drawback whatsoever. So it should be discussed as that.. not about what people enjoy playing more but how to make this game as hardcore as Rocket as said he wants to make it. And fpv is the best way for that. Not only does it add tension of not being able to see all the way around your character or over walls or around walls at any given time, it puts every single player on the same playing field. As I mentioned a few posts up... everyone using 3rd person does NOT put everyone on the same playing field. Me using 3rd person in doors guarding a door vs another player scoping me out from the outside using 3rd person puts the advantage into HIS hands.. not mine. Whereas in 1st person view I would clearly have the advantage (as it should be). In my opinion it's broken as fuck for this type of game.
  24. I'll give you a prime example of just that happening to me last night (thus why I was all worked up earlier in the thread.. and now I guess, haha) I was in the police building covering my friend who was eating. I was actually IN 1st person looking at the front door so that if anyone came around the corner I could kill them. Now.. the fact that I can use 3rd person in this situation doesn't help me at all. not one iota. On the other hand, someone came by and para-scoped the room we were in without ever exposing himself. He knew exactly where I was (peeking around a corner aiming at the door) and knew exactly where my friend was (right behind me eating).. so what does he do? Despite the fact that I should have ALL OF THE ADVANTAGE in this situation, he puts his M4 on full auto and turns the corner firing exactly where my head is. I didn't even have enough time to float my iron sight anywhere near him before I was just dead. That. Is. Cheap. As. Fuck. Period.
  25. This is the crux of the argument for me... In a game where you have to figure out your fucking BLOODTYPE in order to give yourself a safe transfusion.. in a game where you have to take vitamins to help stave off disease.. it honestly baffles me that third person view isn't simply nixed completely as an option. You have this ultra realistic/authentic survival experience and then you're also auto-magically able to see over walls and around corners.. It honestly sucks. I have pretty much lost any faith that the devs will nix it completely at this point.. I'm just really hoping that a great community of first player only players will develop so that we can get at least a few full servers that we can join in order to experience the game it was meant to be experienced (in my opinion of course)