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Everything posted by serenityrick

  1. The whole "I like to see my character move" is a terrible argument for keeping 3rd person... and "I just like it" is also a terrible argument. It not only adds nothing to the realism of a zombie survival game but actually detracts from it in a very serious way. Take out the PvP element altogether. Once zombies are more numerous and more threatening, exactly how scary will they be when you can see all of them from the safety a fucking wall? So far the only arguments I'm seeing for 3rd person is preference.. whereas the arguments for 1st person are numerous and cogent. 3rd person view isn't cheating.. and anyone arguing that is wrong. But it IS exploitative. And that cannot be debated in any way, shape or form.
  2. k but lets put in some jets.. and lets get rid of the medical mechanic because getting sick isn't fun... also what's with not being able to choose where I spawn? so annoying amirite? Why does the realism suddenly END when referring to something as essential as camera view? EDIT - as someone said earlier, this isn't a democracy. Nor should it be one. The devs should do whatever it takes for the good of the game they are making. Frankly a 3rd person view doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Fix the 3rd person view so you can't see anything but static environment? Absolutely. I'm on board. 100%. Doesn't change the fact that 3rd person as it stands (being able to see people around corners) flies in the face of what this game is about.
  3. There is nothing to be "fixed" with 1st person cameras. I don't know how to argue with someone who holds that opinion because there is literally nothing wrong with them unless you're expecting an unrealistic portrayal of first person twitchy-ness that arcade shooters use. If the bobbing makes you sick, turn it off if the blur makes you sick, turn it off If turning around in a house or small space annoys you, learn to use the free look more liberally. To call it clunky is lazy. To call it "broken" is lazy. It's not. haha
  4. People will pass up their preferred server option in order to play with more than 10 people at a time. It sucks. Plain and simple. And a response of "well looks like you're in the minority so deal with it!" is simply unacceptable. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, change human behavior when it comes to the fact that most people choose the path of least resistence.. and once again, once people choose that path it snowballs into choosing "well which server has the most action/most people?" Which servers get left in the dust because of this? the 3PP:OFF servers. With all that said, please, Rocket, for the love of GOD.. fix 3rd person exploiting. If they pull it off (like it apparently has already been pulled off), then I'm officially a happy camper. Until then a response of "well just go play on your empty 1st person servers and deal with being in the minority!" is a shitty one. The reason some of us argue that we can say "you should have to deal with 1st person only!" has at least SOME merit though because of the nature of this, supposedly realistic/authentic survival game. It doesn't make sense to have 3rd person whereas 1st person does. Admittedly, some of our opinion on this subject was rather harsh.
  5. After all the bickering and bullshit.. I think the bolded is what needs to happen to satisfy everyone. It also apparenlty seems to be the only thing most people in this thread can actually agree on. There wouldn't have to be a need for a separate "hive" or first person servers.
  6. That's ironic given how infantile your response was.
  7. My "agenda" is arguing that 3rd person as it stands currently does not fit in with the concept of this game and wondering why so many people support it. If that 3rd person fix (not being able to see anything you're character can't) goes into the game I'd be ecstatic. Don't get me wrong. Again, my argument is more of being in complete amazement why more people aren't anti-3rd person given the type of game that this is.
  8. serenityrick

    Eating a fireaxe

    If true then wow. hahahahah
  9. serenityrick

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    That's a stupid comparison, dude. Just because things can be implemented doesn't mean they should. Fully customizable vehicle plates and clothing "patches" is one of those things. Again, if you come across some needle and thread and find a cool patch, you should be able to put it on yourself. Or maybe some stensils + spray paint means you can customize a vehicle.. At least that FITS IN WITH THE GAME WORLD. arbitrarily being able to "set" stickers makes no sense. The fact that it would "be cool" is not a good reason for implementation.
  10. It's impossible to tell if I'm in the minority to be honest. So many people have admitted that they enjoy 1st person more but play on 3rd person servers because that's where the action is. The controls don't suck dude. It works absolutely fine. The fact that other people are dealing with the mouse acceleration and slower movements put EVERYONE on the same playing field. Everyone. Frankly, hearing the same shit over and over again about 1st person controls lead me to believe we're just getting a lot of biased parroting in here. "yeah yeah! it's clunky! yeah! What he said!" *rolls eyes* Whatever, I'm done arguing with you. Hopefully Rocket implements that whole not being able to see players/vehicles around corners thing in 3rd person. If that's being worked on then all of this is moot.
  11. Would you post this if the discussion were about even softer softcore servers that showed gps location, 3rd person and all the UI elements (food, hunger, thirst, bullets, RoF)? No.. the prevailing opinion would be that that shouldn't be an option in the first place as it completely flies in the face of the type of game these guys are trying to make. That's the argument some of us are making right now about 3PP:ON servers. 3rd person view is a crutch. Plain and simple. You may not use it to 'cheat' but plenty of people do. It makes sneaking around bases and buildings completely worthless if there's someone on a rooftop or around a corner completely hidden watching your every move. And considering this is supposed to be a super hardcore "anti-game", being able to do that makes absolutely NO SENSE. It has NOTHING to do with forcing people to play "my way" so I get to have more people on "MY" servers. It has everything to do with the direction of the game in general. Honestly arguing this kind of hurts my brain because in real life I'm a libertarian, pro-freedom guy.. So the fact that I'm coming off as trying to force people to do what I like really REALLY hurts my soul right now. But it honestly has to do with what is consistent with the game they are trying to create. And right now 3PP:ON servers flies in the face of it.
  12. serenityrick

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    IF the devs want to implement different patches you can find to sew on your clothing then fine. Hell, that would be a great idea actually. The problem is customizable stuff that you put on outside of the game. I don't really want to run around and see a car drive by me with a giant pink dick painted on it. EDIT - that's the reason why Rocket is hesitant about adding spray paint to the game by the way.
  13. The controls are only "clunky" if you're trying to play it like an arcade shooter. As I've already said... I do play on 1st person only servers.. but here's the problem: Have someone mod in hundreds of working vehicles and aircraft and starter kits and you'll see the same exact thing versus legacy servers. The ones who suffer are people who enjoy both 1st person and playing with a lot of people. Although apparently this is only an issue with US servers. *shakes head*
  14. serenityrick

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    Not a fan. We're supposed to be survivors... not XTREME CoD kiddies trying to show off.
  15. The problem with that theory (that it makes up for situational awareness) is that everyone is on the same playing field.. I move my head and body at the same speed you do in the SA. Neither one of us can exploit the fact that we're viewing the world in 1st person view even if our overall FOV is less. That argument only works if you're playing in 1st person on a 3rd person server. Playing in 1st person on a 3PP:ON server is SEVERELY handicapping yourself. And it's not because 1st person is underpowered.. it's because 3rd person is so very much OVERpowered. with third person, even though we both may be using 3rd person, we are not necessarily on the same playing field. Being in 3rd person does me no good if I'm sitting inside a building and you're sitting outside of it watching every single move I make with ZERO risk because you're not exposing yourself.
  16. serenityrick

    Carrying People/Corpses

    I like it. They should add two options: the fireman's lift as you suggested and the simple dragging. The fireman's lift would take longer to set up initially (picking up the dead weight and hoisting him/her over your shoulder) BUT you'd be able to move faster than dragging someone. Dragging, you'd move a lot slower but the benefit of dragging would be nearly instantaneous so you can move a buddy out of harms way almost immediately. So you'd use the former if you knew you had some time initially and the latter for when the shit was currently hitting the fan and you just needed to get him/her OUTTA there.
  17. serenityrick

    The value of a character

    You make a good point but also, bandits wouldn't necessarily strip you naked of everything. Most bandits would probably have everything they need. They might swipe some ammo.. food and drink. Eventually when more stuff is added they may take your rare campstove or cooking pot. But due to limited inventory space, they wouldn't necessarily leave you completely naked of everything. You just hope that they leave you alive so you can stroke your beard once more. But then again, most bandits just kill on sight.. and the ruthless ones will rob you, then execute you for the lolz. Hopefully the game breeds more robbery type bandits than kos bandits though. We'll see.
  18. serenityrick

    The KOS conundrum, problem/solution.

    The only problem (and it's a big one) with punishing people who player kill like that is that it would be impossible for the game to differentiate between killing on sight... and self defense. If I luck out and happen to kill a bunch of people who are trying to murder me mercilessly, it would suck if I started getting those symptoms... frankly it would piss me off.
  19. I do play on 1st person servers so it doesn't affect me. What does affect me is... well.. look at that screen shot. That sucks massive dick.
  20. Here is ALL the 3PP:OFF servers that I can connect to:
  21. I wouldn't connect to any one of those because of the latency though. I only look at US servers and last night, the most full US server with 3PP:OFF had 17 people in it. EDIT - All I got from that screenshot is that Russia loves 1st person only servers. Probably the only thing I envy of them, lol
  22. Those views "work" because those are arcade games. You can't 360 no scope in DayZ nor should you be able to. Besides, the DayZSA 1st person view works fine if you're playing correctly. You can't side step strafe at 30 mph or bunny hop or spin 180 degrees like you're on ice but nor should you be able to. If you're clearing out buildings or tents or moving up on someone, it's not only fine but works beautifully. Checking your corners, side stepping slowly around corners while you "slice the pie" moving past a room.. that all works. It works fine. Again.. people are way too used to 3rd person ghosting a room or area, seeing someone then walking into it firing from the hip in the exact location of an enemy. That is not good for gameplay and frankly not good for the game.
  23. One "fix" they could implement is having TWO tabs at the server screen at the top and START people on the 3PP:OFF tab.. and in that tab is nothing but 3PP:OFF servers. I mean, it could very well be that people don't even know that first person servers exist in the first place as they are pretty hard to see amongst the sea of 3rd person servers. It won't fix it of course.. but at least it would be a lot easier to see the 1st person servers and people would physically have to switch over to a 3PP:ON tab to see 3PP servers. It might help populate them a bit more until they figure out a way to fix 3rd person.
  24. Like I said.. people choose populated servers over server preference. If the norm becomes "US EAST 200+ VEHICLES MURDER KILLROOM SERVER!!" then you will see those full all the time too. Is that good for the game? No. EDIT - people always choose the path of least resistance. And once that path has been trail blazed.. people will choose the path of popularity. Since 1st person "hardcore" servers are the exact opposite of "path of least resistance", they will never be populated. Then that problem is exaggerated by the fact that the most populated 3PP:OFF servers will be about 15-20 servers down the list when sorted by popularity. It doesn't even get a fair shake.
  25. It's not even close to being that bad. Infact, I would go as far as calling bullshit that you've even played on a first person server. At the moment you can tell when you hear a zombie sound glitch. It's short and it gets cut off. Same with all the other sound glitches like guns reloading and cans popping. It's seriously no different than in a 3PP:ON server. As for character controls.. you honestly just need to learn how to use free look more often. When going into a room, don't turn your entire body to get around, just look around in free look. I can walk into a room, free look and scan it for items within seconds and then simply leave or move on without any sort of trouble or hesitation. It's really not that hard. The problem is people are barreling into houses and trying to twitch move their way around it in 1st person as they would in a game like BF4 or CoD. Stop comparing that kind of 1st person to DayZSA 1st person.