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About hollowpoint

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  2. hollowpoint

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Just get the graphical glitches fixed on them.... they are usefull to create camps seen as how sandbags are rare as rocking horse shit.. plus you can easily vault over sandbags. Either find the way in or find a toolbox to bypass them.
  3. hollowpoint

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    Managed to find some Pretty good loot at that camp and get my self set up to survive
  4. Just filled out the application.. Hope you find me to be suitable :)
  5. hollowpoint

    stuck on loading forever

    I'm getting the Loading screen with the bar after the tank loading screen. It just sits there....is this a normal occurence or is it only been happening today?
  6. hollowpoint

    A few Issues im having

    Im guessing the red X's are just servers using previous versions they like better, yea I'm going to try a few different servers make sure its not the servers and it definately is something to do with my install. EDIT: Also whats the best way to run the game, I have steam version so do i right click ARMA:OA and run Arma:Combinedops?
  7. hollowpoint

    A few Issues im having

    Hi i'm Brand new to Arma and DayZ and like many I'm having a few problems 1 Most of the servers in my list have Red X's and are running a different version... is this normal? 2 All other servers have a yellow question mark and when i click them, the version number changes from 1.60 to 1.61.(insert many different numbers here) 3 When I actually do manage to find a server which will allow me to join... I get stuck at the loading screen with the yellow bar and Loading above it. (one server got past this point but then said my code was a different version to the servers, the server had a previous code.v) I have attempted a restart of my pc/steam, Re install of Battleeye, and re downloading the mod files, I have the most upto date beta patch and used the mod auto updater software to update the mod. I'd be appreciative if anyone has any insight or help they can give, as i'm unsure of how the update process works with this and maybe I decided to try this game/mod at a time of update. Really looking forward to playing. thanks
  8. hollowpoint

    Trouble joining any server

    Yea im in the same boat i get stuck at the screen that just says loading with a yellow bar.