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About Solaris-Raiden

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    Australia WA
  1. Solaris-Raiden

    Arma2 OA Error

    i had the same error when i first downloaded Arma 2 & Arma 2 OA, what i did to fix it run steam as admin then verify integrity of game cache on both games start arma 2 up to the menu then close it and do the same to arma 2 OA
  2. Solaris-Raiden


    i got -39k but i haven't killed any survivors or bandits....
  3. Solaris-Raiden

    Why is a high ping so BAD?

    it's really hard to kill people when there lagging as eld said above
  4. Solaris-Raiden

    Is this my fault or the glitches?

    well that really sucks
  5. Solaris-Raiden

    What is this?

    yer every time i log on i have it for about 10 minutes then it go's back to the default character. i got 0 murders 0 bandit kills.
  6. its a scheduled restart just bad luck get over it.
  7. Solaris-Raiden

    DayZ UFOs at Elektro!

    haha Beartraps
  8. Solaris-Raiden

    GPS Survivor Range

    you can't see other people on your GPS?? if you can i have learnt something new.
  9. yer same problem updated today logged in and im at the coast with my gear. Every time i log back on same thing
  10. Solaris-Raiden

    Zombies knock you out to easy

    WOW same thing happened to me yesterday, just found a ghillie suit in elektro ran out of the building to the hill and as i was running a zombie hit me from the side and knocked me out on 9k blood i was so pissed that was my first ghillie suit LOL
  11. Solaris-Raiden

    Rocket please i want Investegation

    hahahahahaha Funniest topic i have seen for awhile.
  12. LOL i killed u at the Airfield near stary like an hour or so ago xD.
  13. Solaris-Raiden

    ANZ 1 - What just happened?

    wow glad i wasn't on that server today
  14. I have had the unconscious timer before i dont no what causes it. but as for the frame-rate issue i haven't had any frame-rate drops from this new patch.
  15. Solaris-Raiden

    I would like to thank the Devs...

    Very creepy post.