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Everything posted by Paeyvn

  1. Paeyvn

    Lack of night time?

    The server I play on recently was like this for a long time, then we started restarting it more and the host (HFB) really pulled things together. Loading on the server is 10x faster than it used to be, it's far more stable, and we actually get to experience the full panoply of day times. As someone who loves night time, I approve strongly of this. M4A3 CCO and G17 are some of my favorite weapons consequently.
  2. Paeyvn

    Next day performance drop

    My performance seemed to spontaneously lower by a few frames today as well, like 5 or so. Considering I only got like 20 in cities before, this is big.
  3. Paeyvn

    Is this a fair kill?

    Quite fair, in fact, it's far more bandit-y than most bandits will ever be. And no, the M14 is not an instant kill unless it's a headshot, does 8000 damage though, so 2 will do it.
  4. Paeyvn

    Fencing in every entrance?

    It's people being generally dicks. I like to go around liberating the town when possible with my toolbox.
  5. Alt F4...every sniper in existence seems to do it, I've killed dozens of them and not one of them has stayed around to take their death or at least let me loot them after they were beat. It gets old. Tonight, after having pot shots taken at our group by a guy on a roof in Cherno, flanking him and knocking him unconscious, we decided enough was enough and loaded up the handy dandy gametracker after his "convenient" connection loss. Tracked him through 3 servers waiting at his load in spot, shooting him from a different angle on each one as he tries to server hop to safety(one of which I was quite proud of when I hit him with my MK48 from 460m away when he was lying prone on a roof even with me...was visible as like a single pixel on my screen). Finally on the 3rd server hop and alt + f4 of his, he went down, didn't have a delayed laggy hp registration and died before he could abort off. Cowardly server hopping alt f4 snipers will not be swayed by this, but for once we tasted victory and it was good.
  6. Enjoyed that video quite a lot. The music just made it perfect. My only other comments are: nametags (as everyone else has mentioned), lots of crosshair fire that confused me when you could have ADS instead (one scene in particular you engage someone almost 100m away with your crosshairs on your M14, confused me, but it worked), some of those people can't aim (I facepalmed at once guy who fired like 5x while you were standing still with no hits, not a comment on your play at all, still dang impressive) and finally I commend your lack of third person useage to peek around. You have my beans.
  7. CZ would kill in two hits, if you hit all in the legs it might take 3, don't know exactly what damage mod those shots have, but I'm pretty sure they do less as I've seen people live through .50 CAL hits and it's the only thing I can think of.
  8. Yeah, I honestly hadn't really thought of this application for Gametracker much until last night. It's quite the powerful tool. I'm normally very against server hopping and combat logging, but thankfully it gives you an option to fight back.
  9. Paeyvn

    What a h**king joke...

    Hit escape, click abort. I did it really fast, maybe about 1 second passed after the teleport before I was out. Tried alt + f4 first, but for some reason that doesn't seem to work for me ever, so I have to do it the less direct way. My character didn't have time to synch to the hive, so loaded in where I was before the teleport. Friend who took a little longer was on the coast when he logged back in. Nothing could really be done now, unfortunately, your character is synched to the hive out there right now.
  10. Paeyvn

    Did I kill an admin/hacker?

    Eh, I wouldn't jump to hacker conclusion. Had this happen once when my friend logged out next to me. He went offline and an NPC was standing there in his place wearing his gear for hours after he was off the server. Killing it popped another up somewhere. After a little while it went away. It could very well just be a bug. Though with him we couldn't loot anything off of him, but we COULD open up the backpack while the NPC was still alive.
  11. Yeah, what happened to the chemlights...if you have a radio on your character and you're near green mountain you can hear things. The mountain itself is alive and evil. It ate them, they sank into the ground when they disappeared, and if you'd had a radio, you would have heard the mountain itself laughing at you. That place is messed up.
  12. Paeyvn

    What a h**king joke...

    I've played for 3 weeks now. I've been teleported by a hacker once, which I just aborted off the server and logged back in where I was before the teleport. Seen evidence of them only one other time outside of that where he teleported into our camp and started launching m203 grenades everywhere. He killed no one, but did blow up vehicles.
  13. He's right behind you, he's got an axe!
  14. Paeyvn

    What gear do you rock?

    Ghillie + MK 48 are my general weapons. I'm the bush hiding in the forest covering my sniper. I also give him ranges. I've found that crouching next to a tree, facing it and having your character look down = people walk right past you, but you can still look around with free look. I've actually lost some people by dropping LoS for a second and assuming this position, they just pass right by and wonder wtf is going on.
  15. Paeyvn

    Loot respawn

    Throw it on the ground ...then wait.
  16. Paeyvn

    Bag space

    Fixed that for you. The rest is true though.
  17. Paeyvn

    Green mountain...

    I went to Green Mountain once. Saw Candlejack up there and nothing speci
  18. Paeyvn

    What's your fastest murder?

    If you're referring to me it's the same as here, Paeyvn. Though back when this happened I still had my IGN as Matt because I still hadn't made a profile and was using my default computer name.
  19. Paeyvn

    What's your fastest murder?

    My character glitched at Komarovo industrial complex due to lag or something when i was trying to morphine myself from breaking my leg by proning in a bush. Guy runs up at me with a hatchet, I try firing, can't fire, can't move, can't cancel anything, and he just starts wacking at me with the hatchet. Needless to say he kills me. I spawn at Balota on the coast, hatchet inside the hangar there. I grab it and sprint down the beach towards where I was killed. Halfway to Komarovo i run into the guy who killed me and he goes "Friendly friendly, don't attack man!" I proceeded to call him a lying sack of sh*t and axe him a question. Justice was great that day.
  20. The server sometimes just decides to screw you. Had something similar happen a few days ago, blasted a guy with at least 15 rounds from a MK48 and he didn't register a single one hitting him, he was even stationary. He turned and hit me once in the leg with a low powered gun and I died. I was upset.
  21. Paeyvn

    Bug with M107/As50

    Are you trying to insult people telling you the honest answer? In your original post you said there were TWO people, one with a CZ550, one with a .50 CAL. When you say two murders, we go "oh, he shot the CZ550 guy and the .50 CAL guy. We read your post, understood it as it was placed forward, and you respond with hostility. I have had people disappear on me right after shooting them as well, and he had an M107. Snuck up behind him at NWAF and put a shot point blank into his head, was able to loot him for about 2 seconds before he sank into the ground. Opened up the players tab and he was no longer on server. He had alt f4d at the first sign of anything hitting near him, but he was already dead. This is what happened to you, he tried to run, you got the kill on him, and his body sank into the ground because once a player leaves a server, THEIR BODIES DISAPPEAR OFF THE SERVER. This is the reason why I stay on a server after being shot so the person who shot me gets their chance to loot my body. Only other explanation is bug, but it's likely the former.
  22. Lol, that video was good, watched the whole thing. Apologizing while hacking them to death was one of the best things I've seen. But yeah, you know, you could have ASKED them if they had any food? I would have handed food over to a starving newbie, however if you approach me with that hatchet then I'd shoot you.
  23. Paeyvn

    Ever feel guilty (firstkill)

    My first kill was on the victor of a 3 way (little did they know it was 4 way) FFA over a truck. I felt no guilt whatsoever, but I did feel nervous about looting the site since I'm sure the sounds of gunfire drew every person's attention for miles around Elektro. Truck was damaged in the fight and lost tires, had to leave it, but I made off with some much needed tools and a new backpack.
  24. Paeyvn

    Russian Forum section, why?

    If gamePopulation.percentage >= 50 then forumSection.language = gamePopulation.language; And yes, stereotypes aren't helpful. No idea why people always think sinister ulterior motives when people talk in another language...it's like they think it's a cult. TBH i'd love to learn Russian, the language fascinates me, but I've never had the time to try to pick it up, and I'm generally terrible with language...learning spanish/italian was a huge headache and I've forgotten most of it these days. Also, the same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!
  25. Paeyvn

    Bug with M107/As50

    You answered your own question without knowing it. The guy with the CZ didn't try to alt f4 to avoid a death, the guys with the M107/AS50 are all trying to combat log to avoid dying to save their gear. If they do it too slow and you kill them, however, and they still try to abort, their body sinks into the ground and disappears when they leave the server. For this reason I generally try to refrain from quitting a server too shortly after dying, anyone who shoots me deserves their chance to loot me.