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Everything posted by TheMedic

  1. TheMedic

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    I like the new post explaining how client/server interactions are going to work!! If it works like you, Rocket, say it will by Gump I'll buy a copy faster than you can say "poop." No more hacker worries, or script kiddies spawning weapons and vehicles (or so the post seems to read).
  2. TheMedic

    Admin, kill me please

    ARGH!! Once again I'll explain for all you CLUESS n0bz how to commit suicide in game so sit down, shut up, and PAY ATTENTION!! 1. Load into game and wait for "Setup complete blah blah blah" 2. The millisecond you see "Setup complete blah blah blah" hit ESC as this will bypass the anti-respawn ... thingy Rocket programmed in. 3. When fully loaded in to the game (your character is playable) hit "Respawn" and there you go! This can be used for non-emergency situations (respawning until you get a better respawn spot) as well.
  3. TheMedic

    Castle De Steak

    Chernogorsk Hooch: Water from a bunch of water bottles, cans of soda, some chemlight fuild, a touch of battery acid and let ferment. When finished hold on tight cuz the world will start spinning quick!
  4. Some people lack the capacity to understand and appreciate teamwork and that's why there's the public hive along with numerous other private hives, and for those than can understand and appreciate teamwork there is Happy Isle. P.S. There is a contest on this server right now to win a copy of Left 4 Dead 2 by racking up the most zombie kills in a single life. Leader right now is Blighty with 2313 zeds dead at his merciless hands!
  5. How about a "Most Zombie Kills get you a free copy of L4D2" contest? I'll give the standard is "+1" to this; I really was concerned that the "no bandits" tag was just a lure for pathetic KoS kiddies trying to make their e-peen feel bigger. Darkman85 and Flawzel Williams (both active and awesome admins) proved my suspicions COMPLETELY wrong when time after time, back to the wall and stuck in a corner, another survivor comes to my aid, either another gun or a ride out of Dodge. My one and only gripe with the server: not enough slots, which oddly enough makes me want to play on this server more and more. If you do decide to join this server keep an eye out for Mr. Nice Guy, your friendly supply buddy; I tend to carry large quantities of rations and medical supplies.
  6. What are you map choices (top three please)? Interested in what people think as I've only played Chernarus.
  7. I'd PERSONALLY call it a dick move on your behalf however I can be a bit of a carebear at times.
  8. TheMedic

    DayZ Maps Preference

    Namalsk has been ... well, interesting to say the least so far. I really do need to put some more time in on Lingor and Panthera before setting my server up. Any reasons why a map is preferred over another would be appreciated and helpful.
  9. Please do! The lack of proper spelling and grammar is causing me to suffer massive headaches.
  10. TheMedic

    Anyone in California?

    I'll represent for the SGV SoCal if no one has taken that territory.
  11. TheMedic

    Namalsk Me vs Chopper

    How much good loot did you get of their stinking carcasses?
  12. Looks good! Please don't flame me for this but at 0:53 it appears the zombie glitches and stops moving.
  13. *insert sarcasm* Yeah that takes SO much skill to do, if you can do that you're Alpha man! Actually hunting someone and then killing for their gear without pissing off all the zeds below and alerting other players takes skill and I would definitely call that person THE Alpha Bandit.
  14. OP isn't a bandit, he's an @$$clown. I hope karma f***s him over in return.
  15. whoops double post, please delete
  16. So much for the target date, but there's always:
  17. TheMedic

    Huge Lingor Ramp Jump! Helicopter Jump!

    U r dead in massive epic phail!! U win NOTHING!!
  18. TheMedic

    NEW Map Namalsk : Craziest/Funniest Moment EVER!

    yer facked up Penguin ... MOAR!! LOL! "He's British! He has to be right!" EPIC!
  19. TheMedic

    Hatchet battle between two hostages.

    Wow, suprising ghey!! A minute and 14 seconds of absolute NOTHING and three seconds of ACTUAL fighting; make a better video next time.
  20. TheMedic

    How do I Escape the Zombies?

    If you're running like a retard on crack through a big city take notice of houses and fences; try leading them into a yard and use "V" to "Step Over" the fence and leave them behind in another yard. That's my technique and I'm sticking to it!
  21. Requesting to try out your server.
  22. How does one get their servervset up with automatic restarts? Sorry for the noobish question.
  23. TheMedic

    Automatic Server Restarting?

    Thanks much! Will add these to my server after.class.