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Mado (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mado (DayZ)

  1. Real end game is to start a fresh character with only a crowbar and a crossbow, and trying to be a successful bandit.
  2. Mado (DayZ)

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Man and here I was ready to see some decent sniper kills in day z. Then I see you kill a guy you don't even see, because its on a server that displays tags. *moving along*
  3. Mado (DayZ)

    Dayz - Mod - Weapon Teaser Why Do They Do That

    Best part is when you spawn near there and have no weapon yet, run into the tent and go "Oh boy I'm saved!" Yeah right... And those four deer stands never have anything in them either = /
  4. Mado (DayZ)

    How well geared are you?

    Yeah good thing for all of those day z databases that show you where each name tag plays on each server with which skin and et cetera.
  5. Mado (DayZ)

    Rocket's overall plan.

    Yeah...stopped reading at "zombies are running in an unrealistic way". I didn't realize there was a realistic way zombies had to run in.
  6. Mado (DayZ)

    SVD "type" sniper rifles only please

    Nothing takes skill in the game as far as killing goes. It is how you do it and positioning of your shot that takes skill, in any shooting game. Yes that includes everything from the crowbar to the sniper rifles.
  7. Mado (DayZ)

    Profiles....and switching

    Sure it is, it will fly you another $30 though.
  8. Mado (DayZ)

    SVD "type" sniper rifles only please

    You seem to be completely ignorant on how range finding works on mil-dot scopes. You should read up on that. On topic though, I think the reason most people seem to use the .50 cal snipers is because most enemies will alt+f4 or abort upon getting shot. At least from any sniper video i've seen, 90% of their targets have done so. Even after getting killed, to deny the loot. Hell people do this to me in the coast cities when they don't even have any loot and wouldn't lose anything from dying.