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Everything posted by Abreax

  1. What does the red chain even mean? It was happening quite a lot to me yesterday, but not at all today.
  2. I was doing some exploring today, and had my happiest moment ever in this game. Off in the distance, I spotted a glorious helicopter crash site. As I ran towards this amazing site, I began wondering what I would find in it. A FN FAL? A ghillie Suit? I was sorely disappointed however. Upon reaching it I was set upon by about 7 zombies, which I dealt with easily. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I ran down the hill, only to find an empty soda can, a M203 flash grenade, and an AKM mag. And then more zombies spawned and ate me. I have not had a good day. Anyone else find terrible loot in a helicopter?
  3. Because they're infected with a zombie virus. Wasn't that obvious?
  4. Abreax

    world record?

    Stop whining about things like this. Stuff happens. Expect to get killed, or get your beans stolen. That's just the way things work.
  5. The thing I find odd about crash sites is that the loot wont respawn, yet the zombies will. There should be some sort of indication that it is empty, or a new one should spawn when one is emptied.
  6. I recommend playing the arma 2 basic training, just so you know some simple controls. To open doors, pick up items, get in cars, reload, and pretty much any other command, use the middle mouse button. G opens your inventory. Also, text chat only carries about 40 meters, and voice chat for 80 meters. either that, or they were using vehicle chat instead of the normal chat.
  7. Don't you think that if they did hack things in, that they would have the most powerful items, with a massive supply supply of ammo, rather than a pistol and one clip of ammo? The only reason that they had Ridgedog acting as a sniper, was so that they don't die constantly.
  8. Okay, several problems with this entire thread. First off, of course they made a private server. If they didn't then people like the OP would go on and start spaming about how they are "bad players" or "deserve to be banned". In addition, unless I missed something, how were they "bashing" DayZ? Everything I've seen from the videos has been very positive. Also, the only reason that they spawned in things was so that they didn't have to spend an hour finding supplies, which no one would want to watch. Finally, how do you know that they hacked in anything? More likely, they simply spent some time beforehand to collect supplies, so that they don't spend the entire time dead.
  9. Abreax

    Trouble joining any server

    I've had the same problem all morning. Running the game through six launcher. Any time I connect, the game gets stuck on "waiting for character to create", "receiving data", or a blank loading screen after "waiting for character to create". Backdating does NOT fix the problem, at least not for me.This happens on any server, no matter what version they are running.