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About [email protected]

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I was the pilot...this was all my fault... May the burned out shell of the heli forever mark the graves of these poor souls (Till Reboot...)
  2. Seeing as your convinced I'm 15 care to explain sending me this PM? Basically this is what is going to happen, im going to ddos you to hell and back, and im going to find your in real life adress and come visit you. You need to learn some manners you fucking faggot.. This can all end here and now all you have to do is walkaway, what have you got to gain really. Should you choose not to well...I'll persue IRL legal avenues
  3. If this were true I would be reporting you to the relevant authorities for harrassing a minor on the internet. I hope for your sake that your actually full of shit
  4. Please do not post public IP's - Moderator Notice Actually your information is -snip- d2f8462f8060adc5af00675dba8c69fa Andromancis Oddly this also matched the Jaegerbombniggah GUID.........Hows that for anonymous This is turning into a pissing contest anyway and I'm fairly sure your about 14 years old so I'm gonna ask a mod to close this as you evidently have zero proof and are just one of the "disgruntled youths" trying to feel important on the internet. As for me I have work tomorrow so I'm going to have to leave you to bang your head against a wall hoping someone can hear you.....Good Luck
  5. Oh and here is proof that I killed the guy fairly on his return to his body http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xnXYHvgauw
  6. Whoops nearly forgot to address this very informative/fictional post. Here is my (also fictional "Evidence") 1.1st of all I was on ......THE MOON not 200m away 2.Of course I spotted you, I Was on the moon 3.I have a nice video of your guid see below: (This part is real and this went on for 10 minutes...I'm sure he said something earlier about raging kids.......) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8pRra2FP0c He kept logging in with racist/offensive names I certify that this is all true as I wrote it myself here...with a keyboard...on the internet.......... (Apologies for those uninvolved for you reading this nonsense. This is simply my attempt to demonstrate that evidence cannot be considered true simply because this guy said so.) Reference: Definition --- Evidence -- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
  7. Of course, Currently when a heli crashes the occupants are kicked for triggering BIS_AirEffects (Heli Explosion) they are kicked before the server registers the death. This is well documented. Yes I killed you again. Are you suprised? I mean you return to an area you know to be hostile after a sorry attempt amongst a gang of friends to demonise an admin because he also plays on the server and killed you? I mean I had hoped you would all return but sadly no..... Anyway I've said my side of the story, the burden of proof is on you, i'm happy to provide logs to DayZ Devs should it be nesseccary Nighty Night Children..youv'e all had a long and stressful evening
  8. I once claimed to be the messiah no one believed me either.
  9. Might I also add....Your all still playing happily on the server. If you thought I was "Cheating" I'm sure you can leave....
  10. OK let me get this straight... I fly a heli over offer a free ride as I see 5 people standing on the coast fully geared so assume youv'e been hacked to the sea or something??? I start to land, One of you fires a makarov/m1911 (which did make me bleed your right) I landed about 200m away then gun you down with an m240 and now your bitching about an invisible helicopter (that you friend said he could see.....therefore ruining the point of being invisible) I then checked the logs on the server and found a guy called Pennywise was generating m107 ammo at the rate of 1 mag per second so shut down the server so I could ban. Lesson of the day: dont stand huddled together when your facing a man with an as50 stood behind a chopper.....its not wise
  11. Join us this Friday 16th at 2200 {GMT} on UK 381 for the Helicopter giveaway You will receive a helo with full fuel (maybe partially damaged depending on the availability of windscreen glass)
  12. Update: Server now as Hacker free as can be due to the usage of custom script detection files. I have personally removed most of the hacked in weapons too so overall this should be a much more fun server to play on and I am nearly always active ingame ([JB]An Affected Man)
  13. Had a look at the logs. Unfortunately they dont help me identify the hacker (or even a hack taking place) (As usual) I'm afraid at this point I'm at a loss as to how to combat hacking. I do my best to use up-to-date script detection files but the truth of it is that Battleye and DayZ just aren't up to the task. As much as I would like to help you all and provide a good server for you all to play on it has gotten to the point where I will be closing the server down until the standalone has been released. In short The Hackers have Won.....Seeing as the only weapon we were allowed to use was half a bag of Maltesers :(
  14. Server is now back as UK123 as the server that stole my name has gone.