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About Xinx

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  1. Xinx

    What's the point?

    thats when you run...
  2. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    thats going to be hard with 100m
  3. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

  4. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    now what would be trolling is if you sniped someone with a akm... cause you can zero it up to 800m
  5. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    i've sniped with the einfield before its good if you have painkillers or if you know how to weakshoot
  6. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    are you mental einfield is the best it has a 400m with a good sight
  7. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    sniper formula is (height in meters)*1000/milidots on scope = your zeroing in point, on a map every mini square = 100m
  8. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    all i have to do is just do my sniper formula, or use the map to figure the distance. the zero in on the target...
  9. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    lol i could do it at 400m
  10. Xinx

    how to chat

    kk thanks... i'll be getting a mic soon so hopefuly that will fix my problems.
  11. Xinx

    how to chat

    i've been trying to talk to my team without having to use steam... global chat isn't getting through and neither is direct chat... can some one help
  12. Xinx

    Need a Sniper

    yeah 3 shots if your a noob... i do one shot one kill... aka shoot them in the face its quicker.
  13. im up for travailing in the apocalypse... steam is neeba9
  14. i need someone to walk the apocalypse with... that or a dog... p.m. me
  15. whats going on... i can't enter a game, and if i do it fades in and out black and a text screen pops up saying you are playing with a patch and the current servers are on 1.7.3.................. they are all 1.7.3.................................... all of them.....................