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About ninjaontour

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    Belfast, Ireland

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  1. ninjaontour

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Lovat Scouts, a Scottish Highland regiment formed by the British Army during the Second Boer War, is the first known military unit to use ghillie suits.[3] In 1916, Lovat Scouts went on to become the British Army's first sniper unit.[4] Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghillie_suit
  2. ninjaontour

    Any Medics Near Berezino

  3. ninjaontour


    My point exactly, my friend. ^This guy... he gets it.
  4. ninjaontour


    Nobody said it did. www.learntotakeajoke.net
  5. ninjaontour


    Hours on Steam =/= Skill /thread
  6. ninjaontour

    thermal scope

    People who complain about this masterful piece of art either didn't play the mod, or are horrible at this game and need something to excuse why they're constantly looking at "YOU ARE DEAD". As said previously, this gun was never the problem, it was hackers spawning them that was. This rifle was a fantastic piece of squad equipment, and absolutely invaluable to any lone-wolf lucky enough to have one.
  7. ninjaontour

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    You will NEVER get a refund. You didn't buy the game on the condition that you'd get a refund if it wasn't up to your standards. That's why it never gets old, entitled people always think they'll get their money back, because they don't seem to comprehend the EULA. Feel like you wasted your money? Tough shit, basically. Not from BI, not from Valve. No refunds.
  8. @Lone - Honestly mate, I'd ignore anyone doubting the event and attempting to troll. Run it how you want to, and ignore the idiots in this thread who have nothing better to do than try to talk you down. @People complaining; Either be quiet, or fuck off and run your own event, because you're contributing nothing here and just being asssholes.
  9. ninjaontour

    Rain makeing you bleed

    OP says he was lagging, then insists nobody could have shot him. MUST BE THE RAIN.
  10. ninjaontour

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    That old chestnut just never gets old. I laugh every single time.
  11. ninjaontour

    you know you played to much DayZ when......

    No, grown ups realise that lies aren't the same as stories. You'll understand one day.
  12. ninjaontour

    The ACOG needs a 2nd optics mode.

    Not really a valid point, of course there needs to be balance, what a silly thing to say.
  13. ninjaontour

    the zombie thing

    Read first paragraph, scrolled the rest and thought "Nope". Sorry OP, you failed to captivate me.
  14. ninjaontour

    Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

    If it's not a glitch, and is genuinely an admin troll, that's hilarious.