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Everything posted by Bear8u

  1. Bear8u

    Should they bring it back?

    I like the Idea.
  2. Bear8u

    Should they bring it back?

    That's it. The real Bad Ass skin.
  3. Bear8u

    Should they bring it back?

    I agree 100% as well. I think the original bandit skin looked awesome. The current bandit skin just has a rag over your head and that is all. Doesn't feel awesome IMO.
  4. Bear8u

    Who is a hero?

    ^This I have the hero skin and due to humanity just continually generating and always giving bloodbags to teammates I am at 40k maybe more humanity. But I play the way I normally play. Depends on what mood I'm in, at times I just want to kill everyone and other times I will just try to help who ever I come across. Either way you'r going to run into the people who shoot on sight and I tend to wait for them to make a mistake or just wait them out with my patience and kill them straight out.
  5. Bear8u

    Server Restart???

    No, You keep everything you had on you. If you have a vehicle make sure to save it before hand if they give a warning in advance.
  6. Bear8u

    Server kills you upon spawn *FIX*

    Thanks for the tip. This same thing has happened to me a good amount of times but I just roll with the punch's. Only thing that makes it more challenging is after I spawn I tend to spawn on the coast with nothing at all. But in this game I make everything a challenge, so I at times enjoy the fresh start. Even though I tend to have good gear when this happens lmao. Again thanks for the tip, If I can remember I will try to do this.
  7. Yea I played on here for atleast half an hour and they have upped the amount of Zeds and it was fun. Will be coming back to this server.
  8. Bear8u

    Hero Skin

    If you notice, when you change servers you log in with the regular starter outfit but within seconds of logging in you get changed into the Hero skin. Everytime you change to the Hero skin it shows up as 0 Humanity. If you were to say put on a Camo suit or ghilie and log off. Once you come back on the server turn on the debug and you will see your total humanity. It's not simple but they removed the debug so you would learn to not use it since it is not going to be there for much longer.
  9. I absolutely agree. I love to use both the .50 cal' that are currently in game. I am proud to say that i am rather good with them to. I also get killed tons of times and we all rage and say shit, but some people just decide to take it to the forums and change the game rather than change the way they play, in which i mean possibly more stealthily or cautious. As some of the guys above me have said, this game was never meant to be a fair. It was an experiment and we are the lab rats. Rocket made this as wide open as he could so that everyone could do what they want and how. That's what makes the game that much more fun. One second you are hunting boar the next you are killing zeds and after that you might have attracted a few bandits. Leave all the military grade weapons but if needed make them rarer. I'll be playing this mod no matter what changes come next.
  10. Bear8u

    Confession: I'm a hacker.

    I lol'd You can have my beans
  11. Bear8u

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    I would also like to see more difficult Zeds along with Zombies being able to run, without bugging through walls and shit, in house's and being able to damage vehicles. Since I find myself jumping into cars to lose zombies. The high end gear I can live with and it adds to the game. PvP is something that makes this game that much more exciting so for all of you guys that whine about the PvP, go play on low pop servers were there is a lower chance of running into another person. One thing that I have been doing myself that I find enjoyable is not carrying a backpack at all. Just the food, drinks, and ammo that I can carry and nothing else. It adds a small touch. But I am one of those people that once dead either run or get picked up and taken to base camp and just get restocked. I tend to go one solo mission to Elektro and just try to run into people. Even if it means me getting shot I enjoy not knowing how someone will react to me. I am in a Hero skin and I love the skin but if I feel you are a threat to me I will shoot first. I'm not attached or think that I NEED the hero skin. Just how I play and my feel for the game. :)
  12. Bear8u

    TRADE: M107, Mk48, FN FAL

    I have both the FN-Fal and the MK48, so either one you want. I want the M4A1 holo. Send me a PM
  13. Bear8u

    Trading M4A1 Holo and other guns

    Depending on what time you would want to do the trade I could trade either, the AS50 or the DMR, just depends if you want more ammo or more power. Have good ammo for the DMR but the AS50 would give you maybe 2 clips and a few M107 clips.
  14. Bear8u

    Traders and Traitors

    Had a good trade with amaROenuZ. Ended up teaming up with him as well. Was fun. +1 amaROenuZ
  15. Just looking for a clean trade, had this and the SAW but my bag ate my SAW and I miss it very much. If anyone is willing to trade a SAW for an M24 let me know but if not I'll either take the sooner offer or the best offer. Send me a PM
  16. Bear8u

    Need a cab from Noby Sobor

    hey dude you still need a ride ?
  17. Bear8u

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    I'm not 100% but I remember somewhere hearing that bandits take less recoil and probably some other small things as well.
  18. Bear8u

    How to get rid of a noob in your clan...

    Dude if you know him IRL then tell him that he is acting like a fucking idiot and if he doesn't stop that he can go find another group of noobs to join. If he is just an internet gaming friend tell the guy str8 up, he's a fucking idiot and is an immature little COD kid.
  19. Bear8u

    Traders and Traitors

    Just had a nice clean trade with Kysung. M107 for M4 SD +1 Kysung
  20. As title says I have an M107 with 2 mags, its too loud and don't expect to live long if I run around with this shit on my back. Would rather have an M14 aim since its real nice with the common DMR mags and I love the aim scope. If you don't have an M14 name something you have that are willing to trade that's somewhat good. Steam name: Bear8u (bear pic) just shoot me a message
  21. Ok gun has been traded to Kysung. thnx again man.
  22. yea check the Bug Report section, many peopel have alrdy come out saying they have had the same issue. No worries though just leave it at Default unless you want to find out exact blood in which you can toggle it to check it then switch back to default. I'm sure they'll fix this since its a small problem and actually not even needed. Maybe if they could make the blood drop a bit more distinctive so that one could know how much blood they have without the debug. Like a Blood drop that drains. just an idea idk.
  23. the M107 is still up for grabs but I am on the bottom east of the map... I don't want another sniper would rather an AR. Sorry but I don't care for the MP5's.
  24. Kysung is currently too far so if anyone is anywhere on the bottom east of the map and wants to trade its still up for grabs.
  25. Ok so M107 still available for trade. M14 isn't the only thing I'll trade for, so name what you got and I'll let you know as soon as I can whether or not I will trade you.