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About panque

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. panque

    Tired of KOS players

    What were you doing in the coast after hours playing? =P (I assume it's the coast, because seeing a guy with an axe up north is rather uncommon) If I was a bandit with an axe I'd certainly kill you too if you gave me the chance. Didn't you had a weapon to defend yourself with btw?
  2. panque

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    Here we go again. Even if it was "better" (I don't know your definition of better) 5 months ago, when there were fewer players and all that, I doubt it'll ever be like that again. Only way we can find out is by waiting. Tell me whats not realistic about the game. What I can think of right now: You respawn (I hardly think anyone would buy ArmA to play ~30 min of DayZ) Zombies exist and respawn (By the time I got here everyone would already be playing Second Life with guns if that was not the case) You can't fill an empty whiskey bottle with water, you can't use your hands to drink from a lake, you can't do a cartwheel... (I'm sure if the devs didn't have more important features to add, those would be added) Game limitations =/= unrealistic features Unfortunately, the comeback of the bandit skin is a further step away the game takes from this: http://dayzmod.com/f...__440#entry6898
  3. panque

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    It only dumbs the game down. See that guy over there? Instead of observing him and carefully approaching to find out if you can trust him, just take a look at his clothes! Bandits will still be bandits, people with camo will still be killed on sight, There will still be bandits disguised as common survivors/heroes... Unrealistic and pointless. I guess it'll stop all the QQ on the forums at least.
  4. panque

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Mac: It does the same your PC does, for double the price! Also, I'd easily get an alienware or thinkpad over a MBP anyday.
  5. panque

    How can you tell who is a bandit?

    On the most recent update the skin is kind of back
  6. panque

    "If this was real life"

    Zombies on DayZ don't follow the rules zombies follow on other games and movies. There is no such thing as a "real life" zombie.
  7. panque

    Full release - Map discussion

    My input: - Add more big cities (On a different area perhaps) - Add larger cities - Add an endgame place with tons of zombies and supplies (A refuge camp gone wrong makes sense to me) - Lots of blood and dead bodies on the streets
  8. panque

    Standalone: what will it change?

    i don't think you know what you are talking about. Sorry. ArmA 2 is not Armed Assault 2 either. I can't get why people say stuff like that pretending they are 100% sure of it. Infuriates me. Don't take it personally, My ma and grandma do it all the time.
  9. There should be an option to give him a shot to the leg instead of my beans.
  10. panque

    Standalone: what will it change?

    Actually, since ArmA 3 is around the corner, I believe we can expect for a new engine, adjusted to better fit DayZ. - Larger servers: Requires a bigger map and every building to be enterable (The later should come with ArmA 3, on the default map at least) - Elimination of duping and hacking: Continuous work should be done. I think the most ridiculous stuff won't be present on realease and more complex hacks should be removed in the future. - Logoff timers: Only reason we don't have a 5 sec logoff timer right now is because recent ArmA 2 OA patches makes the game automatically clean player models when they log out. I heard the mod had this sometime ago - Anti-ghosting measures: I think this can be worked on the current mod situation, but the new engine should probably have improvements on the matter
  11. The following seems legit:
  12. Without zombies DayZ would be The Sims with guns. You would be buying stuff from Cherno's general store instead of looting. Buying a burguer insted of hunting animals. They are not supposed to be realistic, they set the environment of the game. The rest is supposed to be as realistic as it gets. - Maybe after the apocalypse started people went after guns and tried to protect themselves inside their houses, local churches and etc? It's not like everyone just disappeared at the same time. Also, since item spawn is based on chance, you might see very few weapons on a server and tons on another. It's really not that unrealistic. - In real life there wouldn't be zombies. It's up to the devs to decide what zombies are capable of. If they want them to be mutating ponies that decapitate you with one hit you still can't claim that to be unrealistic. But I bet the last zombie that hit you irl didn't made you bleed to death. Lucky you! - Because it's the only way a game like this could work. If this wasn't so, there wouldn't be any zombies anymore by the time I got ArmA 2 CO on steam. No, there is a huge difference between zombies being eradicated (Which might even be added in someway, but new spawns will still be present) and people magically holding a sign saying "Hey, look at me, I'm a bandit!" I don't think bandit skin ever improved gameplay. It just dumbed the game down.
  13. Heard something about 24h spawn delay, can't confirm tho. About refueling, you have to wait for the animation. 3 (or more) people can refuel simultaneously tho
  14. panque

    Soldier Camo?

    I think he means this: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xdgbs/found_a_soldier_suit/ Not sure if legit.