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Everything posted by Kar98

  1. Kar98

    Night servers gone?

    Unless you're playing on australian/nz servers were its high pop all the time >_>. 11pm last night every server was full and it was pitch black
  2. I'm not too fussed about losing my m16 m203 because I know that a winchester or enfield are just as good but not as cool looking (or with a nice grenade launcher on the end)
  3. Kar98

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    I love the blood donor and bus challenge. Might need a buddy in an ATV to chase down the bus incase someone shoots you out of it and steals it
  4. Loving the mod. I haven't had cravings for games in years this is just so unique and thilling My only criticisms are getting knocked unconcious below 9000 blood, I feel it would be a bit better at around 6-7000 blood And perhaps a bit more consistancy in the running of the zombies. Currently I wait for them to approach me, wait for them to stop I take a step back watch them swing then shoot them which feels a bit odd. Perhaps if they ran a bit more consistant but if they reached you they would hit while running giving the player an incentive to shoot them before the zombie reaches them The no gun I didnt' like at the start but once I understood the zombie mechanics a bit more I think it's good to stick with it As for the new viewing distance, I'm not too fazed by it, it just means I have to crouch run a bit longer instead of stand up running