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Everything posted by ZogVarnoka

  1. ZogVarnoka

    In game map scale???

    Spot on correct here. Also, Arma2 characters travel at 1km per 3 min flat ground, open terrain running.
  2. ZogVarnoka

    M4a1 m202

    Both are legit.
  3. ZogVarnoka

    DMR Kills (Short Range)

    Streamsniping? Yea real hard there. Distance was shit as well. Targets standing still the whole time is easy mode. Nothing to see here really. Get some skills then try bragging.
  4. ZogVarnoka

    Why did you shoot me.

    I've been playing the game for about 8 weeks I think. At first I was playing solo and having a ton of fun just trying to survive in the DayZ world. Everything was new and fresh. Going North/inland was a major rush not knowing what was there and learning to survive as a lone wolf. Avoid others when possible, be cautious and aware at all times, and if confronted by another player try and have the upper hand. About 2 weeks into playing I teamed up with some great guys. Our collective experience and varied playstyles allowed us to thrive easily. Equipment became easy to get and other players were something to be hunted for what they had instead of avoided. Now though getting gear isn't even a problem anymore. Even without tents/vehicles, inside of 3-4 hours, we can have what most people consider high-end gear just because of our experience in knowing where to find the gear or how to hunt people that have it. None of this involves exploits, cheats, or hacks. It all comes down to teamwork and experience. At this point what is there for us to do really? We usually run 3-8 deep in a group. Not many players/groups can take us when we play tryhard mode unless it is a large, organized clan or hacker. Lately, we have taken to hunting snipers around the coast that are killing newbies, though admittedly there is collateral damage sometimes as we have a couple trigger happy folks. Some of our group have taken to just playing recklessly and not caring about surviving as they find starting without gear to be more of a challenge than actually trying to survive. Once geared, they go back to the coast looking for the newbie killers not caring if they die in the process. My point is that the only real challenge in Dayz for us is other players. The infected never even factor into anything we do anymore unless it is as an indication there are other players about. Sure we could set-up a reinforced area and defend it, but server hopping totally negates any defenses we could create so why bother. Hunting other players is the only challenge left in the game.
  5. ZogVarnoka

    L85 A2 AWS

    While scoped in on the L85, the scope is defaulted to nightvision. If you hit "N" while in nightvision mode it switches to thermal. Hit "N" again and back to nightvision. Nightvision usless during day, obviously, but thermal works fine during the day.
  6. ZogVarnoka

    Hacking going on right now

    Should Move this to the Cheating section under "Server"
  7. ZogVarnoka

    Counter-Intuitive Looting

    When I'm playing solo I tend to watch the NW airfield quite a bit. Just laying low and seeing what people do there to learn player habits. I've observed both day and night, low and high pop servers for around 50 hours total so far. Night, low pop servers (Is there any other kind now?) have far more single player traffic at the NWA. Vast majority of this is server hoppers who login inside the barracks and only stick around for 1-2 minutes before moving to another server. These make for easy kills while camping the main open doorway from outside and looking down the hallway inside. Screw you server hopping loot goblins. :P The solo players who come from outside the airfield and move towards the barracks are usually cautious and move with efficiency once looting begins. Surprisingly, the majority of these do not have nvgs as evidenced by the use of chemlights. Throwing bottles and cans near their location can lead to hilarity. These lone wolves do not usually alt-f4 out of combat as opposed to the server hopping loot goblins who usually do. Daytime, I have found, is a different matter. On low pop servers, the most common visitors to the NW airfield are groups ranging from 2-4. Very few are organized or respond to incoming fire with any type coordination. Solo players I've watched tend to just hit up one of the barracks and then gtfo. There is the occasional solo newbie though who runs right in guns blazing not caring who hears them. These can be funny as hell to watch. XD High pop daytime servers are mostly ghost towns at the NW airfield. The occasional lone wolf will show up taking their time and being cautious. The only groups I've seen visit NW airfield on high pop servers tend to be well organized and most likely clans. But usually I can sit and watch for 2 or so hours before anyone even comes by similar to the OPs findings. Edit: Forgot about the NE airfield. Its great for "observing" folks coming there. Usually single or duo teams. Most players have mid to high grade loot on them. (as evidenced from their dead bodies) Probably visiting that airfield to look for ammo or hoping for a quick, uninterrupted smash and grab. Friend and I used to sit and snipe people coming to visit the NE airfield as it is so open. Not a high amount of traffic when compared to NW airfield though.
  8. AK Kobra is a nice weapon. A bit loud for my taste, but I prefer it over the others. The M4 CCOs are better imo, but I'm biased as I'm used to using them irl. Edit: the OP is actually below me. Forums being f'ed up currently put me as posting ahead of him lol.
  9. ZogVarnoka

    Knocking unconscious?

    "Out of date"= incorrect= wrong Hence why I said take it with a grain of salt.
  10. ZogVarnoka


    Helis are only enabled on a small amount of servers that originally had them from way back. Far less than 60 at this point as servers that had them enabled later on have since had them disabled due to helis causing a massive load on the server and having sever desynching problems for passengers.
  11. ZogVarnoka

    Knocking unconscious?

    Just a fyi, the wiki is often wrong about specific things I have found. Though it is good as a general guide. Take what you read there with a grain of salt. Not saying I'm 100% dead on about the 10k, but its what sticks in my mind as having read that number from rocket somewhere iirc.
  12. ZogVarnoka

    General Advice for Noobs- Don't get frustrated!

    Usually if you have less than a half a clip when you relog you will lose the clip. If the clip is more than half full it will refill. This is how it works for SD ammo anyway. Been a while since I've used regular ammo though.
  13. ZogVarnoka

    Knocking unconscious?

    From about 10k blood down the chance of zeds knocking you out increases dramatically.
  14. ZogVarnoka

    Some newbie questions

    Default to sit is apostrophe ' . Tents spawn more in stores than other places, though I have found a couple in the two story barns. Car parts are universal. To see what a vehicle needs fixed scrollwheel to enter the vehicle as driver and look at the upper left. If something is yellow-red you need the corresponding parts to fix it. (engine "eng" is red= you need 2-3 engine parts to get it green) But if something is orange-yellow it will work, but recommended you fix it asap. To fix a vehicle you must have the car part in your inventory, not backpack. Scroll wheel on the vehicle till it shows something like "repair engine" or "repair lft frnt wheel". Then scroll wheel down to that option and click it. The item to be fixe should show up as red/orange/yellow. Green means the part is fixed already.
  15. Good advice and tips. Keep up the work. Really liked that you told new players alternate routes to find gear.
  16. ZogVarnoka

    couple questions, ghillie and green bars

    You have to have the newest Arma2 beta patch installed which is completely different from the DayZ patches. Goto http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and download the patch from the top BIG GREEN SECTION.
  17. ZogVarnoka

    Zombie spawns inconsistent?

    Zed respawn timer is a bit fast right now and is being tweaked in upcoming patches. Keep an eye in the announcements section for patch logs.
  18. ZogVarnoka

    Kill question

    Killing blow determines who kill is awarded too. To answer your question, the zed would be awarded the kill.
  19. ZogVarnoka

    Just to clarify (logging off)

    If you get the murder he died, but by completely logging off the server he denied you his loot. This is a bug that sometimes happens. It can also occur if the person respawns and then suicides for a better spawn point before you get to the body. Doesn't always happen though.
  20. ZogVarnoka

    Thermal Weapons

    Rocket stated in an interview a while back that the dayz "zombies" were actualy infected by a virus. So yea they are more like 28 Days Later zeds than typical undead zeds.
  21. ZogVarnoka

    Hello DayZ Taem

    Only certain old servers have helicopters enabled on them and the number is very few. They have to be enabled by the dev team and modifying the mission code to enable them otherwise will likely get you in trouble. Heli's cause extreme desynch for passengers in them. They also put a heavy strain on the server itself.
  22. Side channel will likely not be back. Group chat can be used during logon only for talking to others in lobby. In game it has no function currently. Direct chat is the only method available on most up to date servers for communicating in game with other players. Voip direct chat is hearable by others up to 40m (recent arma2 beta patch) and is directional. Caps-lock is the default activation key. Oh and vehicle comms is for use while in a vehicle only. Obvious but figured I would include it.
  23. ZogVarnoka

    HUD removing?

    no way to remove the hud