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About venom110

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Bio
    I'm a bit new to the whole DayZ world, but I'm really getting into it.
    I'm on the forums to do my best to help people get the game installed and working, as I spent an easy three or four hours researching and working on mine.

    In-game name: Brendon
  1. Did this many people really not read any articles? They weren't even researching for their game! They were on an actual vacation, visiting the place their game is based on. They were paying their respects, if anything. LET THEM GO! Edit: Also, what could Greece possibly have that they need to keep secret? I mean... cmon. -_-
  2. I hate to join in on this game, but I almost have to agree. But the thing is, it is NOT just this mod. It is always everything with guns and a cool aspect to it. CoD kiddies are like the plague for games, they hear about it and swarm. All over BF3 for a while, until it was set so teamwork and support could get someone a much better score with 0k 5d than a 66k and 3d player. Now, DayZ. They come over ready to destroy you and treat it like a real life DM. Let it be what it is, people ARE like that. But when I started playing (a month or so after release), everyone yelled friendly. Now, everyone yells snipers in Cherno.
  3. venom110

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I completely agree! This is in GTAIV, and I loved it. Not many games use this as a way to produce realistic physics. I love it. Great idea!
  4. Inb4 angry/butthurt admin bans you
  5. venom110

    KO'd my First bandit

    Instant cred! And I'm impressed you got NVG and a M249 before killing a single bandit. That's wild. I off anyone I see just for having a primary and looking in my general direction.
  6. venom110

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

  7. venom110

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    You're telling me if there was a zombie outbreak in Russia, they wouldn't sent out all they had?
  8. venom110

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    I agree. Silencers are fun. Also, to all people who say "Ew, noooooo. I'm tired of getting sniped," remember the first rule of Dayz. Do NOT get attached to your gear. Unless it's mountain dew. Defend your mountain dew with your life.
  9. venom110

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    I kind of agree. My idea is that gun's need attachments. As in, you can find laser sights, silencers, scopes (acog, red-dot, zoom optics, etc), muzzles (anti-flash?), and maybe a few other things that I can't think of. The attachments must work on specific weapons/weapon types. This way every gun can be silenced, scoped, or nothing if preferred. Adding a slight weapon customization aspect to the game. I truly enjoy the thrill of finding a gun; so why not enjoy the thrill of making it bad ass, according to my tastes and terms? I understand this would take a bit of modeling and coding, but it's just an idea. Also, (I've seen this in other places over the forum), but I wouldn't mind seeing a weapon degradation system being implemented. This way not only do you find a gun, customize it, but also take care of it like it's your own baby. Forcing you to take some time to clean the gun and work on it as you must in real life. Also, silencers should make bullet drop a bigger aspect.
  10. venom110

    Loot respawn after 1 item taken

    Did that. Well... because of lack of water and soda. But hey, it happens.
  11. venom110

    Loot respawn after 1 item taken

    Ever see a good zombie movie? They expect a paradise somewhere.. only to find it was a lie and everything worthwhile was taken and all is lost and pointless. But, something else is (almost) always found. It's a part of life, and I do get what you are saying. But the matter of fact is... it's a part of the game. Either sit there and wait for a server restart, or go find bigger and better things then come back. Or just leave it. Your choice!
  12. So I have a new problem, now I connect to the server (US106 (NJ3)) and I get the whole DayZ deleted files error. Whatdo? -EDIT: I got it all working. Turns out there was a problem with the @DayZ folder. Not sure why, but a beta was installed there. Oh well, fixed it!
  13. I will try this later.. Thank you!
  14. I already installed everything manually. Six launcher is a troll, I guess..