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BoomBoom (DayZ)

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Everything posted by BoomBoom (DayZ)

  1. Quit kidding yourself. People are buying Arma 2 for Day-Z and only Day-Z. Most of these people will never touch Arma 2 itself. I only did to fly a huey to get used to it incase I randomly found one in game.
  2. Is he by chance Shane from The Waking Dead?
  3. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    How 90% of Day Z live streamers play.

    Hell, that's how 90% of people play to begin with.
  4. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    A solution to the "bandit" problem

    Why is there no possible better solution than what is in place? Why CAN'T we try to fix spawncamping? Why CAN'T we try to fix disconnecting combatants? Why does it HAVE to stay this way?
  5. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    That's exactly what they should but don't do. That is exactly what I mean by testing patches. If I could have a second character that only plays in those servers I would be happy and play in those servers with the mindset to boot. However, when you wreck a perfectly good patch, which wrecks my perfectly good character due to no testing, I'm gonna be angry owlfuh or not.
  6. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    Servers update. You have to if you want to play.
  7. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Make zombies a player option

    We should only have one option. That is a great idea.
  8. > Sits around doing nothing waiting for a free kill. > Better What?
  9. Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now. No other game could provide the same thrill this did. Sadly it's become too broken to enjoy... Decided to show a new person how to play the game (because I like to inroduce people to things I enjoy) so we go to a 3 person server and he's in Cherno. I give him a gun and then another friend wants to play but can't get on this particular server. Fine, let's go to a more populated one. Right as I'm telling him what to do I hear three gun shots. and I see smoke from his character. I assumed he fired his gun because he's not dead. Then some guy pops in and shoots me once which knocks me unconscious then I'm killed. My friend then tells me he's also dead. I'm a three-time bandit so I'm not mad about getting killed fair and square... but it doesn't seem like it was that way... I run back to Cherno to see if he's still looting my body. Well, he took off with my M4A3 CCO and mags and left me (my corpse) with a Lee Enfield. Turns out my friend died fucking standing up and the game didn't bother to put in the death notification until after I was also dead. Fucking fantastic. Yes, he's dead standing right the fuck up like he has a pistol in his hand. No wonder I didn't realize what exactly happened until it was too late. Strike 1. Whatever. I have a Lee Enfield and nothing to lose so I head to the most dense server I can to go get my kills back. I eventually get killed again inspecting a factory roof. I know he's going to still be there so I check the roof when I respawn. I think I see him proned and not paying attention (tunnel vision while watching over the town) so I prone up and loot his alice pack for a hand grenade. I crawl back and toss it. Boom nothing. Turns out that was my body. How did it get so far away from where I actually died? How did it get proned? I will never know Strike 2. Even still I really don't care because this guy is about to get destroyed as I noticed him on an adjacent roof camping and confused about the grenade that has gone off. All I need to do is take my Lee Enfield and end him. TOO BAD I CAN'T TAKE THE GUN OFF MY BODY. I can loot another grenade but he's too far for that. FINE IT'S OKAY STILL I can just log off and on to fix that problem. I couldn't loot my other dead body at first either. Re-join, I fall over and pass out. This is the slowest recovering passing out I've ever done. I'm talking at least like 3-5 minutes. Maybe he'll still be camping there when I wake up. I think I'll go get some water. I come back to be greeted by YOU HAVE DIED Strike 3 I'm done. I was recommending this to new people (especially because Arma 2 is on sale) but now until I see some sort of fix coming for this I am going to have to tell people to steer clear and put their money elsewhere.
  10. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    I remember that now, I closed an outhouse door and tried to get a low silhouette inside of it and hit prone instead of crouch. I broke my legs somehow and had to use my last morphine on it.
  11. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Tent duration after death

    Doesn't the tent poof if the server resets anyways? I just put them up in dumb places for that reason and never use them for anything.
  12. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    How to use a water pump?

    You cannot fill your canteen on the beach though. Also don't accidentally swim when refilling your canteen in the ponds.
  13. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    That's what every mod ever does.
  14. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    idea for a starting weapon

    And then you get spawnkilled.
  15. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Friend's Alienware

    The AMD APUs are actually pretty good price/performance. For $400 you can get an entry level gaming laptop.
  16. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    The amount of people who don't think this game is popular only for Day-Z is astounding. Furthermore they believe that The Arma people aren't actually profiting from this. They are profiting heavily. The mod should have been left at (which was actually fun and that if they reverted back to I would probably go back and play) and the rest of the work put into the actual standalone. It's quite obvious it would outsell Arma II because again, Day-Z is why it's popular in the first place. Considering this is paid developer work I should be expecting paid developer quality. Someone told me the standing death bug has always been here(even though that had NEVER happened until now). Why is it NOT fixed? Alpha isn't an excuse to drink martinis and watch bugs go unfixed.
  17. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Awesome, I'm getting hosed. FWIW, minecraft isn't horribly buggy to the point of being aggravating.
  18. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    How much "alpha testing" does this need? Now we get to pay more to keep testing? That's fun and not completely retarded in any way. Getting killed because of bugs is "ownt" now?
  19. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    The natural progression (I *think*) would be survive > gear > kill zombies > more gear > kill players > get killed > re-survive > re-gear > re-kill zombies > re-more gear > re-kill players > re-get killed etc etc etc. They just keep messing this up Yes, the last few patches have been more bad then good.I didn't mind randomly losing servers, random frame skips, gear vanishing when dropped, etc etc. Most of it didn't flat-out waste my time like these new actually game-breaking bugs are.
  20. Ignore Quagmire. Why not get a gun that has 1 magazine? Pros: Stand some sort of a chance against spawnkillers, able to fend off a few zombies if you get caught in their sniper vision. Cons: Being able to kill other people who randomly spawn near you might get chaotic, initial survival factor drops ten-fold. Edit: No. We're not lucky. We actually paid to test this. There is no waiting list Anybody can pay to test it provided they fork over the Arma 2 fee of $25-$30. It's not a survival simulation, it's a game.
  21. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Friend's Alienware

    What kind of Alienware laptop has an HD3000? Are you sure he doesn't have a dedicated GPU that can be switched on and off?
  22. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Rules of Engagement. I am an Operator, Not a Bandit

    Even if you don't want to kill... you do- because if they see you, you're dead.
  23. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Not sure why you clicked on thi if you already knew what it was going to be about. I was told about it but didn't pull the trigger until I saw it advertised by Steam. I feel like I was kind-of decieved.
  24. BoomBoom (DayZ)

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Cool, so it's being used to get me to buy the game.