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Everything posted by pumbas

  1. I am sory but i have been playing for like 5 hours and I can not find a single gun the only thing I can find are axes and ammo sometimes food and drinks.Zombies are bugged that I have to hit them like 3 times to kill them with the axe, all houses that I face are locked, no exception, all of them, I try to follow the powerlines but I just face with more trees, I really need some help!Thank you!
  2. pumbas

    Mountain Dew

    Hey I got an Mountain Dew, what is it for, anyone want to trade it or something.
  3. Sometimes when I get hit for zombies I just bleed forever, like i have USED about 7 bandages about 3 pain killers and tried a blood transfusion and I am still bleeding, what is this, is this a new power of the zombie or what.Thank you
  4. Sorry do not have time for this like you just refreshed the page just to see how people were flaming here, actually the worst come back is yours ( stopped reading at that ), if you really would like to talk more you send me a pm or whatever because this is pointless so your choice i know your kind, lets just say who is WINNING! PS.For normal people that are reading this do not worry I do not post like this WINNING shit, just did it because I know this fat kind. So big boy, feel free to pm me this ends here.I do not even know if it started because pointless comments = to...
  5. You amaze me with this sir!Do you really think about your opinion,and it is not about being scary it is about reality right!So are you saying that in a city like cherno there are only 20 zombies, so that means only 20 people used to live in there, if you want to talk about real life I can get a list comparring what DayZ does not have and will never be like real life, you seem to be those idiots that might shot a whole school and just kill yourself after you are done.Have fun with your life, and apparently you can see everything,you know the future and probably you can do much more! -.-
  6. pumbas

    The sad thing about this game...

    Let the fight begin!Someone is pissed!
  7. pumbas

    The sad thing about this game...

    Are you quagmire, because it looks like you are, the same stupid affirmations as him, maybe!
  8. pumbas

    The sad thing about this game...

    LOOK!Another idiot TRYING to troll!
  9. I just love to see the idiots lovers of DayZ trying to protect it, just dumb, very dumb who does that.Well I am also leaving the game because of bugs and YES!I am going to left 4 dead 2 because in there you are scared of zombies and not scared of 10 years old trying to kill to think they are cool or whatever.
  10. pumbas


    Every post you make are about research or troll, annoying posts...
  11. And apparently they will never fix those bugs
  12. Finally found another ghillie suit and it dissapeared!I logged out with the ghillie suit and I just spawned with the civilian clothing on and on the ghillie suit package there is only a civilian clthing...This game is FULL of weird bugs.
  13. pumbas

    Ghillie Suit bugged

    And I am pretty sure I will not get my ghillie suit back, nice!Another lost 2 ghillies lost to 2 different bugs
  14. So I got this Ghillie Suit and I can not wear because it says civilian cloth...really why would I want a civilian cloth...
  15. pumbas

    Ghillie Suits

    Yeah every patch they release does not fix the watch tower bug so...This bug is out for more than 1 month and still!
  16. pumbas

    Ghillie Suits

    Yep lost the damn suit because of a damn bug
  17. pumbas

    Ghillie Suits

    Sorry british i think you can not read well
  18. pumbas

    Ghillie Suits

    There was supposed to be no civilian suit, the ghillie suit was on my body and because of this bug I died and I can not loot my ghillie suit, since I died because of the game, actually this game makes no sense because the watch tower of the airfield near balota is fucking bugged I throw stuff on the ground it dissapears,I fall of the tower because of an invisible hole,etc. And this...I have to say what a waste of time doing this, very funny actually. =)
  19. Hey, I have I think about 700 blood, I really need a blood transfusion,I can give something in exchange, I have an m19 and some watter bottles,I alsot have blood bags, I am at the medical station at cherno.Thank you!If you could send me your skype, it would be great!
  20. I have the latest patch, my friends also have it and I can not join their servers because of this error.Thank you!
  21. pumbas

    New patch

    Is there a new patch out because I see this server US 883 and I can not join my friends server becuase it says the server version is 1.62 and it says my version is alslo 1.62, any new patch out or what, thank you!
  22. pumbas

    New patch

    Thank you for trying to help me again, I really hope I can join =)
  23. pumbas

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    This is actually true no one would shot people right away when they see them on a real zombie apocalypse and for me most of the people are actually just retarted,selfish,jealous about killing for fun.
  24. Thank you but I need and help like right now, haha