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About rowo

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  1. servername: DE 905 time: 15:52 GMT+2 where: novy sobor at the filling station what happened: a friend and me fueled our GAZ when we noticed a red car with 3 players in it. we shoot all 3 of them. 10-15 seconds later the server "shut down" and we get "session lost" message. one of them had a clan tag. i think its obivious that the admin freaked out and shut the server down... please investigate! edit: the server didnt shut down, the admins LOCKED the fucking server. clan tags are [MGO]
  2. a friend and i were looting in cherno when we see TWO hueys flying above us with guys from a squad\clan called "[sQUAD]". one guy ghosted us, seemed so too me because they hovered above us for 10 sec and landed outside of cherno, and was killed by me. his name was [sQUAD] Tonigop please investigate this case! Time was 16:07 with GMT+2 (german summertime) I want to add this: the server runs with and 95248 so there can't be a helicopter, due to the removement since the patch or?
  3. rowo

    Elite skills in Cherno part 1

    1: #yolo hashtag 2: #swag hastag 3: dubstep background music whats wrong with this generation?
  4. the vehicles stayed were they was left. status unchanged (fuel etc.)
  5. acording to my expierence: after a server restart\crash, tents will be fully fucked up. all gear was gone only the stuff inside the vehicles will last some time - but not sure HOW long. better find a place "on" the map ;).
  6. that sucks mate. my team is sorry for this! but our cars are gone or?
  7. i've seen multiple servers that shutting down after the 95054 or the 94945 patch. for example: NL 21 from swayer, NL 22 from vilayer and many more. i named the two NL's because we lost most of our vehicles and some tents on them, due to some "auto server restarts". anyone whats going on out there in chernaurus?
  8. rowo


    do you have a M16 with acog sight? can trade m249 saw, FAL (withough sight). shitload of medical suplies needed - we got plenty!
  9. rowo

    All gear is gone....

    some servers use an alternate playersafe setting. happens to me very often...scared the shit out of me :D
  10. rowo

    [GERMAN NEWS] DayZ Patch

    nach dem 2.2 update mit six launcher (update das selbe wie ihr wisst), kann ich nicht einem spiel beitreten. hänge im ladebildschirm mit dem ladebalken. wie siehts mit vehiclewipe aus? stehen sie noch wenn man vorher auf nem 1.7.2 server welche hatte?
  11. dayz FTPs offering only the update, sixlauncher says i'm running 1.7.2(0), what is going on? char is endangered to be killed with these updates? (see post above)
  12. i know that this is possible but the was to dark for this kind of "tweak" ;-) DE61 is a german server with russian MOTD and russian admins...weird.
  13. Server: DE 61 \ 1.7.2 with 94700 beta patch. time: today, around 18:40, GMT +1 what happened: we looted together (2 players) the baracks at the NW airfield and found a helicrash in the middle of the field. headed towards it and got shoot by an AS50 at night. i know that the DMR is the only sniperrifle which is compatible with the NVG but the AS50? i'm sure that someone used a little "help"...dont know how but it happened. btw: i wrote a "insulting" comment via sidechat and got kicked of the server. cant stand these people (maybe the admin was the shooter?!) how misuse their posibilities...