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Everything posted by JarethJams

  1. press / for chat then escape and your character should stop running!
  2. JarethJams

    I need help :(

    Low ram, low computing power. Might as well play some minecraft.
  3. JarethJams

    players are dropping real low

    Just wait for the standalone. This game will stay this way.
  4. JarethJams

    A static skill system.

    But why have players concentrate on one skill when they can do it all. I mean I'm a cook, a mechanic, a pilot, a medic, a scout etc etc there's no point in putting skills in. And for the player killing. It's going to happen either way. People like to pvp. When you get the gear you already have theres really nothing else to do but kill players or just survive and to survive you have to kill.
  5. JarethJams


    You have aids Also you cought a cold from being at that temperature for to long. I know when you get infected you cough and lose blood. Find some antibiotics. Usually on hospital rooftops.
  6. Oh hey it's the guy that dupes!
  7. JarethJams

    Soldier Clothing

    Got mines from a crate
  8. JarethJams

    A static skill system.

    They do have value because they carry the supplies with them so theyre considered to be valued same goes for the pilot you want him alive to operate the heli.
  9. JarethJams


    Translation: I'm bad.
  10. Lol you think you're safe on low pop servers also? You're going to run into dupers/ server hoppers/ scripters/ and hackers there's no escaping it.... I still play I don't mind the hackers, scipters etc. I just go to elektro on any low pop servers and find snipers on the hills and bam im fully geared in 10 mins.
  11. JarethJams

    A static skill system.

    Want to be a doctor? Just have a backpack full of meds with a hero skin. Want to be a pilot? Shit tell your buddies you know how to fly. Want to be a mechanic? carry all of the parts and fix the car, van etc. The skills are already in the game.
  12. JarethJams

    FN FAL or AKM?

    FN Fal 8k AKM 4.5K Theyre both loud and they'll attract zombies either way so i would go with the FN FAL. If you're low on ammo just use it till you find an AKM or you can always do the naughty thing...
  13. JarethJams

    Bandits, Heroes and Survivors in Ghillie Suits.

    1. You can hear a bandits heartbeat no matter what they wear 2. Defeats the whole purpose of bandits/heroes/survivors hiding their status
  14. JarethJams

    Ammo troubles.

    Elektro hill. You will always find a sniper with mad shit. Any 20+ server. Have fun.
  15. JarethJams

    Fun times in Elektro.

    never loot a body after a kill /facepalm
  16. JarethJams

    Wipe the hive please.

    I'm all for a wipe.
  17. JarethJams

    I killed my friend - DayZ

    I love the people crying hacker. He could of easily picked up those items from a tent or dead player.
  18. JarethJams

    Hero Suit

    i shoot em