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Everything posted by JarethJams

  1. JarethJams

    old bandit skin

    He took it out for a reason which was people killing for for the skin itself and he didnt want that. If you want the old sking back go play on lingor they still have it.
  2. JarethJams

    Tweak the inevitable - Zombies in buildings

    Never noticed that I always seem to lose them with LoS. I know they get an initial boost just like survivors but i always lose them.
  3. JarethJams

    Limited Zombie Spawns in City per player

    Yeah that's what makes zombies amazing.
  4. JarethJams

    Tweak the inevitable - Zombies in buildings

    Zombies seem normal to me. They arent running any faster than I am. Old patches they were running like crazy but now theyre good to go.
  5. JarethJams

    Limited Zombie Spawns in City per player

    Zombies are everywhere. They will continue coming no matter what.
  6. JarethJams

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    No. Defeats the purpose of realism
  7. JarethJams

    Ищу напарника

  8. JarethJams

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Lee enfield 3 Valleys
  9. JarethJams

    Awesome Loot

    Tws's, Tws's everywhere!
  10. JarethJams

    Fun sniper attack

    1. It's against the rules.... 2. It's a game 3. Sore losers 4. It's DayZ you will die 5. That's abusing admin powers for personal gain
  11. JarethJams

    Post your humanity!

    -182k +Humanity is so easy to get.
  12. This is liek the 200th topic about hackers am I going crazy!?
  13. JarethJams

    Death and the destruction of gear

  14. JarethJams

    Takistan Map.. Question

    You will have a seperate characters for each map. Takistan and Lingor also have non hive servers
  15. JarethJams

    Are these good specs?

  16. JarethJams

    [[Gaming PC]]

    Concentrate on a decent cpu atleast 3.0ghz or more. Make sure you have more than 4g of ram ( I suggest 8gigs its cheap) Video card i would get anything better than an Nvidia gtx 550 ti
  17. JarethJams

    How to get into the same server of a friend?

    DayZ Commander. Just save eachothers names and bam they pop up!
  18. JarethJams

    Ages to load????

    It's funny cuz I load into Takistan Life 70 slot servers Instantly. Go to a dayz 30 slot server and basically I can wash my ass and cook dinner before it loads.
  19. JarethJams

    [[Gaming PC]]

    Newegg.com is your friend
  20. JarethJams


    They usaully always spawn for me on hospital roofs
  21. JarethJams

    [LFM] CTH wants you!

    I'll be on later today!
  22. clearing houses with that shit is cake!
  23. JarethJams

    My adventurous weekend

    Every day live in DayZ
  24. JarethJams

    Advice for a gaming pc

    No less than $650
  25. JarethJams

    How To Get The Best Out Of DayZ?

    You are correct sir. For gameplay to be fair everyone is limited to the same view distance.