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Posts posted by robciviccrx

  1. Pretty sure thats the error you get when launching oa not as combined ops, the content deleted.chernarus.

    Copy the arma 2/Addons folder and merge it with arma 2 operation arrowhead/Addons.

    Also to launch using the beta executable you can just copy and paste it from expansions/beta to the main operation arrowhead directory.

  2. Console peasants do not deserve the greatness that is dayz. In pure speculation Rocket has been pretty steadfast in not increasing accessability to increase sales so would he be willing to jump through all the hoops Microsoft and Sony make developers jump through, pushing to make one or the other an exclusive release first, skins as DLC etc etc I dont see it happening.

    To the guy who mentioned "hardcore analog stick users", I nearly spat my drink all over my monitor you made me laugh so hard, do some research on when they let PC users with mice and keyboards play against controller users. On that note I would be all for letting consoles share our servers, so many easy kills.

    • Like 1

  3. Damn dude have a little more faith :) I am excited that its going through steam they do a fantastic job.

    I would like to but past experiences of VAC's ability to provide cheat free gaming dont bode well. Hopefully the standalone just wont be as easy to mess with.

    So glad you quoted me as my post seems to of magically been deleted.

  4. Update looks good, the only problem I have is that you need to implement the kill on combat dc all these people "I have third world internet" or "my PC is a piece of shit and arma crashes all the time" need to stfu and either get better internet/a pc or just deal with it. It will stop all the cowardly little cunts who combat dc and even worse the ghosters, ghost when your dead bitches. I would gladly take deaths if my internet went out as long as it does stop combat dc's, better than getting killed by a rock/tree/zed through a wall. 600 hours or so in Arma II and OA, crashed once and I was doing a tonne of crap at the time.

    Great to see the mod being updated even though I dont really play "vanilla" DayZ anymore or on public it can only be a good thing.

  5. I didnt read the whole thread so if im going over something already mentioned just ignore me.

    I loved the thermals and nvg's when playing on public and private hives with vanilla dayz but for the last fortnight orso I have been playing nothing but survivedayz mod and it really benefits from not having any night vision or thermals, it actually really benefits from not having any .50cal snipers either but thats another matter.

    The removal of thermals leads to some good firefights where target aquisition becomes important, not just point at the glowy orange thing and click(or laser pointing for your sniper mate).

    Now if the L85 and nvg's were as rare as they are supposed to be I guess they wouldnt be so bad but as soon as 1 person of a group gets some they get duped like crazy and are everywhere.

    SurviveDayZ plays so much better with the items they have removed, hopefully the standalone of DayZ can learn from it.

  6. Since Vilayers code update like 4-5 days ago I have no ftp access to my "VilayerFallujah" folder all I get is 500 access denied, every other folder works fine.

    I want to back up our ban list, edit the filters etc and the easiest and only way to edit the filters is through ftp.

    I have sent a ticket to which the first repsonse was "use bercon to retrieve your ban list", well that was a shit reply. Then I raged a little and was told my permissions would return to as the were...well thats still not happened.

    Im posting this to see if anyone else has this problem or its just us and our server because if it is and they still dont fix it today then we wont be carrying on to pay vilayer.

  7. Going to drop into repetition here, but the longer this thing drags on, the less I think this is a good idea.

    In 2 months time, DayZ lost 75% of its active player base. From 200k online in the past 24h during early August, to 50k online at the end of September.

    The bugs, hackers, glitches and negative experiences with the current state of the mod are at an all-time high, while development seems to be at an all-time low. You're losing fans left and right and up and down while you shift focus to the standalone game and appearances at expos and tradeshows.

    I doubt this game will ever get big again, not as a mod nor as a standalone game.

    Your not accounting for private hives, I know we switched from the public hive a little while ago and alot of people are doing the same, our Fallujah server has been 35+ players most nights since it went up. When it was public and on chernarus it struggled to get over 10 players at times.

    Im pretty sure the amount of players connecting to a hive that isnt the main public one wont show up so really you can take nothing from the number.

    Yes the "hacking" is bad but its a testament to the mod that so many still play it when "skiddies" go all out to ruin your DayZ experience pretty much constantly.

    Looking forward to changes the standalone brings and this dam eurogamer expo vid whenever it gets uploaded!

  8. how long until its on dayz commander for dlc? my mates server is running it but we cant play it (i am computer illiterate).

    Get this message - You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.fallujah_v1_0

    You cannot play/edit this ,ission it is dependent on dlc content that os deleted fallujah.

    Download the .rar unrar the mod files to the same directory as @DayZ and @DayZTakistan etc in a folder called @DayZFallujah. You might of already done that by your post but ill say it anyway.

    -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZFallujah;ca -nosplash < Use these launch option in steam, well thats what I do and it works.

    • Like 1

  9. It certainly isn't. Looks like another boring map if you ask me, I'll be sticking to the original, the best.

    Everyone who has played for more than a week knows Chernarus backwards, I was definatly getting sick of the same old same old. Variety is the spice of life.

  10. Well when our server was on the public hive we started warning with a kick and if they returned with the weapon banning, sure we got over 100 bans in the end and guess what no blacklisting. Also for around a fortnight the MOTD was the warning and they just got banned.

    Removing people who use OP weapons is doing a service for the community and the players on those servers.

    Now we are not on the public hive so none of this matters to me anymore but for people still playing on public I salute and stand by admins banning whiney little kids who think they can run around with OP weapons and not be touched.

  11. You know what would be fun to try? A Neighborhood Gang war. Have like 3-5 different gangs(even more if player count can go higher) and each have their own neighborhood and have each gang try and take over rival gangs hoods all while dealing with zombies too. Just a different spin on a game mode like how Survivor Gamez is doing. Maybe only way to take over a rival hood is to kill all rival gang members in that hood and once you take over that hood you get all your dead homeboys back or even maybe recruit the ones you just crushed. Yeah I'm tired and rambling. lol

    GTA San Andreas ahh what a game.

    Some of our clan members have been asking for large urban maps... guess this is getting installed as soon as we can.

  12. @RobCivicCRX

    Under mods in the acp there is a mod u can install that auto-updates your scripts.txt etc from dayz-community-banlist...

    Basicly it runs & updates your servers scripts.txt etc at each reboot

    Personnal i prefer if un-installed / off, as i run run a custom set of scripts for lingor, that i keep updated myself.

    I did have that installed but honestly none of the files were there, but yea I turned it off now and will just do it manually anyway.

  13. If military installations were abandoned during the infection why would there not be planes and all the things takistan has.

    Russian zeds wandering about the desert not so great give us some ragheads to shoot !

    Honestly takistan has been like a breath of fresh air for me, much more difficult than chernarus thanks to the lack of hospitals and the infinite consumable exploit being gone.

  14. i just got vilayer too but i cant get my new server startet,

    when i try to join it from dayz commander it just puts me on a wait for host screen forever :(

    dunno what to do

    help plz

    You ordered a public hive server ill assume, wait for your instance id.

    On another note we switched from the public hive to vilayers so we could use these mods and are much happier, some new things to explore and no detailed loot map or anything Takistan with its no medical buildings, no forest and also no consumable exploit actually make the game a challenge again.

    I dont know if anyone from vilayer will see this but when we switched over and started up none of the script.txt, createvehicle.txt etc files were installed so none of the .log files actually logged anything and people were free to script and do whatever they wanted. I noticed the problem after going private to see what was going on and uploaded all the files needed myself and now the logs work as they should I dont know if this is a problem with all the server or just ours I guess this is just a heads up to check.
